Valerie the Vixen

Valerie could not wait for today to be over. There was little worse than having to wake up early on a Saturday, but to have to entertain her dad’s boring, loser work friends was just the shit cherry on top of the three tier shit cake this weekend was already geared up to be. With a groan, and a stretch that caused each of her vertebrae to click in succession, eliciting an almost rapturous groan from her body as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and made her way blearily to the shower.

She stripped off her loose fitting Grateful Dead t-shirt and pulled off her once white, now merely comfortable panties and stepped onto the cold false ceramic of the shower. The vixen twisted the knob and hopped back out of the way of the unyielding frigid spray to give it time to warm up.Tentatively she reached out with her hand paw to check the temperature, the hot water flowing over her rich, burnt orange red fur. Her paws were cuffed in little black socks, and her tail flexed and straightened in delight, the white dipped bulb on the end bristling.

Huntress [MF]

She had known she wanted him from the very moment she had laid eyes on him, of that she was absolutely certain. Jessica eyed him up in much the same way a lioness might regard a lone wildebeest, and licked her lips. He wasn’t overly attractive at all, he was remarkably average in virtually every respect. He was in his early 40s with a gradual (albeit still noticeable) receding hair line. His slightly too tight jumper and shirt combo betrayed the dad bod that hid underneath that was just shy of a full blown beer gut. His seemingly permanent 5 O’clock shadow on his jaw was peppered with grey, and his face was lacerated with wrinkles and laugh lines. Vague curly plumes of hair poked out from under his sleeves and occasionally through his shirt when he accidentally missed a button in the morning. He was almost old enough to be her father, and was hardly a silver fox in that regard. The mug he kept at the office was a Star Wars one, he laughed too loud at his own bad jokes and at every office party he would sing Don’t Stop Believin’ at the top of his lungs and off key. Dave Ward was hardly an Adonis, and Jessica had claimed much more sought after prizes.

Shadow and Shade [part 1] [mf] [fiction]

The night swept in and wrapped the vagabond in a cool cloak of darkness as he silently wove his way through the city streets. His hood obscured his vision, but his knowledge of the roads and rooftops coupled with his enviable hearing and sense perception guided him expertly as the clatter of the city watch started up. Four whole minutes, that was a new record for them. He was almost proud of the fools, normally they didn’t know he had been there until the following morning. The steady weight of the pouch on his hip brought a smile to his lips. He was going to be so rich after this.