She got soooooooo wet !

So i used to work in a european country for the national airline of Japan (JAL).

Obviously alot of the staff were japanese ranging from “interns” (students) upto seasoned pros 40-50 been there for over ten years etc.

I was 23-25 while i worked there, and horny as fuck. If it was pretty and Japanese i was flirting the hell out of it ! Id had quite a few success with the interns, but there was one “vet” lets call her kyoko. She was 45 ablut 4”8’ very pretty and young looking for her age.

We used to repeatedly flirt whenever we were working close to each other, after a few weeks of this i graduated to grabbing her ass and slapping it ( for a japanese girl her ass was phat ! ).

One day after doing this she turned and full on grabbed my dick and nuts, with the thin uniform trousers she had a good long feel with me getting harder the longer she held it. I said “ so we gonna do something about my cock getting harder ? “ she just blushed and giggled running away.