[Mf and ff] becoming a sugar baby pt 5; meeting Jenny.

The next semester went by without too much incident, which was a welcome change from the hell that was the previous semester. I had talked to daddy extensively on my trip to Italy with him about what major to choose and what direction to take. I wish I could tell you that I picked some altruistic career; that I went into science to cure cancer, or engineering to finally perfect the mousetrap. But in the end my motivation was to never have to be poor again, no matter how hard I had to work. So on daddy’s advice–and with a head for numbers–I went into finance with a minor in philosophy so that I could apply to lawschool if I didn’t like working for those who controlled the flow of money.

Daddy was also super busy and I didn’t see much of him. One of the refining plants that his company owned had an accident and he was working even more overtime to make sure the case got settled without much fuss. So the semester went by without much change.

[Mf] Becoming a sugar baby pt. 4: My first trip with daddy. [Deepthroat] [Handjob] [Cumplay] [Creampie] [Rough] [Sweet] [Oral] [Rimming] [Lingerie]

Hey all. I really appreciate the positive response and upvotes from the last chapters! Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

*Italy*. He took me to fucking Italy. Not some spring break beach, or a resort in Mexico, fucking Italy. I think he had told me that he wanted to go somewhere warm just to throw me off a bit. Still, it was an amazing time, and he did buy me enough clothes that I had to buy a second suitcase to bring everything back in. So I didn’t really get cold, even when we did get to the northern climates.

I was excited and nervous, having never been on a plane before let alone over an entire ocean. That part was scary. Of course, we didn’t just fly, we flew in style. He chartered a plane, so that it was just us. No having to wait in lines, or get your ticket from the attendant. No sitting in terminals waiting for connections, or getting bumped off of a flight. Just walk out onto the runway, get into a private cabin, and take off. Of course, that afforded us some privacy, and as you probably guessed, I joined the mile high club on the eight hour long flight there.

Becoming a sugar baby pt. 3: The first semester. [Rough] [Deepthrat]

Daddy and I developed a routine after that night. He would come visit, mostly on the weekends, and we would fuck like rabbits. He started bringing me gifts; chocolates, flowers, jewelry that he would like to see on me and compliment me on it when I wore it for him. Some of it was not to my taste, but there was no doubt that it was quality; he was never a cheapskate. He would take me out to nice restaurants and always seemed to love the attention that we got. Truth be told I did as well. It was nice getting looks and glances as I walked with such a powerful man. All the jealous husbands and indignant wives were a bit of a treat too. I had never felt wanted, or envied in my life, and the attention was addicting.

I learned a lot more about daddy in those days too. We would sit in a fancy restaurant, the ones with far too many “market price” descriptions next to items on the menu, drinking wine and talking for hours. I had learned early on that part of the appeal of a babygirl and foreplay for him was the chat, and it took a lot to get him to open up. But when he did things changed. He was a really nice man under that busy, rough exterior. Or at least I thought so.

[Mf] Becoming a Sugar Baby pt.2: Getting More Familiar with Daddy. [Cumplay][Creampie][Deepthroat][Rough]

Part two of..? Also, thanks for the positive response from part one!!!

The next week had gone by pretty quickly. There was so much to do to get ready for school and the upcoming semester, and I found myself enjoying my newfound freedom–and new plastic card. I had spent the first day on the couch, recovering from the brief but intense fucking, too sore to do much of anything other than fill out my netflix queue. After that day of recovery though I had stayed busy: furnishing the sparse apartment and realizing I knew nothing about interior decorating: filling out my wardrobe with whatever I wanted for the first time ever: going to the grocery only to realize I don’t know any recipes: and treating myself to a meal out.

It was a bit lonely at times being in that apartment by myself, but I honestly didn’t mind. It had been my first time out in the world alone, having lived with my parents up until then. I had been determined to soak it all up, relish my alone time, and do my best in class. That’s the main reason I was there after all.

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[Mf] Becoming a Sugar Baby [Creampie]

So this is *mostly* a fantasy of mine…

I had grown up in a little coal mining, mountain town that–by the time I was ready to graduate–was dying slowly. You know the place, the one stoplight town with the quiet and hard men who would drink and cough after work, spending their paycheck at was was still functionally the company store. My mom had died young, I don’t remember her, and my dad remarried when I was older to a woman who I thought was the scourge of the earth. It wasn’t that she was just now taking over part of my life, but she was mean.

I spent most of my days at school and then at the only little coffee shop in town, working to help pay the bills since my coal-mining father didn’t make much. The shop was usually slow, and so I had ample time to study which was good, as I was determined to go to school and get out of the dead end town. I knew if I didn’t get a scholarship, I was doomed to marry a coalminer and end up just like all the other women in the town.