First time to see the doctor without my parents [mm]

Patrick was at the table in his parent’s kitchen, studying his calculus homework, when he winced and tugged at his crotch. The pain was there, burning. The head of his cock was red and itchy when he went into the bathroom to pee, the fact made his heart dropped. He had no idea what it could be… Nothing like anything that had happened before.
After several hours, he fear that something could be seriously wrong with his dick got to Patrick, so he snuck out of bed after his parents had gone to sleep, swiped the keys, went to an urgent care, late at night, minutes before closing. He was the last patient of the night, the secretary had gone home after she checked him in. Only the doctor and a nurse at the central nursing station, working on the computer when he made his way back to the exam room.
The doctor was a tall, fair skinned, persian man. He had been an athlete at some point and obviously still took care of himself, but middle age had given him a belly that stuck out ahead of him. He had a kind face with round glasses. The doctor looked tired; he had been up at 6 in the morning to take his son to the special needs school; he had to come in early for a double shift he needed to work because his wife bought something they couldn’t afford again – she didn’t understand that all doctors were not millionaires! There was nothing Dr. Mynx wanted more than to go home, but Patricks’ cock had something wrong with it, and although he had arrived to the urgent care literally as the secretary was locking the door for closing time, in fairnessshe was locking up 8 minutes early, so it would’ve been a dick move to turn him down.
So Doctor Mynx shut the door to the exam room. “Hop on up” he said with a sigh that said ‘ok, you’re my last patient of the day but i still care deeply about your problem so lets just get to it. The patient table in the middle of the small room crinkled as Patrick bounced onto it. “What’s going on?”
“Well, i noticed my dick, um, i mean (sorry) my penis was itchy so then i looked at it and it was like, swollen and red and, i was worried, so…”
“OK. Have you had any recent sexual contact?” Kid had to have been in high school still, so he hoped he hadn’t had too much experience.
“No, i mean, not really.”
The doctor raised one eyebrow. “What does that mean?”
“Well, at school in the showers, my, friend, saw me and ah… he, um, he might have…” The boy got nervous, swallowing quickly. Dr. Mynx knew that his patient was nervous. He knew that the nervousness made him uncomfortable. He knew he should have comforted the kid, telling him that he was a professional, and he knew it was a personal question but he just needed to know the answer to the questions to treat him properly, no judgement, but he was just too dang tired to care much about some high school punk’s itchy penis let alone his feelings, so he didn’t. the boy continued, “..well. You know,” he said with a chuckle that begged for confirmation.
The kid was so embarrassed. He was a very fit looking young man, emphasis on the young. Probably played varsity basketball or something. So he was embarrassed about sex? And being gay (the doctor assumed) must be hard for him to deal with, so why wouldn’t he be embarassed? But something in Dr. Mynx’s mind turned his rational, professional self off. This was one of the prettiest boys he had seen. And yes, he wouldn’t ever take advantage of the sacred doctor/patient relationship, some part of him liked the fact that this kid was uncomfortable. So instead of helping him out, the doctor said, “Son, listen. It’s late, i want to get home to my family. I’m a doctor, I know all about what boys… men your age do with their penises. Just tell me what happened and let’s get this over with.”
“OK.” Patrick swallowed hard, and finished his story with a dry mouth, “he sucked my dick. He um, he gave me a blowjob after soccer practice, 2 days ago. I um, also gave this other friend of mine a hand job last week. Does that count?”
Patrick knew that the doctor was straight, he looked straight, he talked straight, he gave off none of the signals that media told him were things that “gay people” did. Plus, he said he had to “go home to his family.” Patrick knew that the doctor wasn’t interested in him sexually, and in fact would probably be grossed out about the fact that he was a boy. Still, he was fucking hot doctor, a DILF. patrick had only fooled around with a few guys his own age and never anything more than blowjobs. But something about this doctor, a good 20 years older than him, stirred the same feeling he got in his penis and asshole that did when Hector or Jason had their lips around his penis. So, although he tried to be as professional and to the point as possible with what happened, a part of him tried to sound sexy when he described his sex life to the doctor.
The corners of Dr. Mynx’s mouth twitched up when Patrick finished talking. “Hand job? Not likely, oral sex can pass on diseases too. Anything else? Just itchy? red? a little burning when you pee?” Patrick nodded his head after a second of thinking about it. “OK then – lets see it.”
Patrick froze on the exam table, embarrassed. Dr. Mynx could see the redness flush into Patrick’s face. This did soften Dr. Mynx and some comfort came into his voice as he put his hand on the patient’s shoulder. “Hey, Patrick, I understand this is embarrassing for you, but I do this all the time. It is no big deal. But in addition to sending a couple of lab tests, it is very important i take a look at your penis before attempting to make a diagnosis, ok?”
Patrick nodded his head and swallowed. “OK,” he said, his voice with an imperceptible quake in it. “What um, do i do?
With a sigh, dr. Mynx sat back. “Just stand up and pull down your pants, that’s all.” Patrick did as he was told and tugged his pants down to his ankles. He stood for a second in his boxers. Dr. Mynx noticed a bulge in the underwear. the doctor was going to reiterate his “i’m a professional” spiel to Patrick, but the boy caught his eye, smiled a tiny smile, and slid his boxers down as well. When he stood back up, his teenaged cock hung, uncircumcised, white, about 3 inches long, and chubby. This kid has to be at least half-way hard Dr. Mynx thought. He took a minute to just gaze at the the boy’s member. It was as pretty as he was, smooth and white. His balls were virtually non-existent, sucked up against his groin, just the wrinkled sacks pressed behind his penis, like pink raisins. The tip of his foreskin was swollen. The Dr adjusted his stool so that he could sit at eye level to Patricks penis and bring his face close enough to Patrick’s cock to examine it.
Patrick stood in silence while Dr. Mynx inspected the naked cock. Then, the doctor said, with an annoyed tone, “Patrick, can you please pull back your foreskin and expose your glans?”
the patient’s penis twitched as the doctor spoke. “Wha, what?”
The doctor sighed. Of course, why would he know any medical jargon? Kid is probably still in high school. “You need to pull back on your penis so that I can see the,… the head. Cause it sounds like that’s the part you are having a problem with.”
With an understanding nod, the boy pulled back, exposing himself fully to the doctor. “Here,” Patrick said, pointing to a few red patches near the back of the head of his cock, pointing the doctor’s gaze towards the problem area.
“Oh, that’s yeast,” the doctor said flatly. Patrick’s blank expression at the doctor’s statement showed he didn’t know what the doctor meant, so he explained, “you have a yeast infection. It’s like athletes foot but on you penis. When is the last time you washed yourself there?”
“Um, i shower every day…”
“Do you wash well?”
“what do you mean?”
“When you bathe, do you pull back the foreskin like you are now and wash yourself there?”
“Not all of the time.”
“Well, that’s your problem. Wash your penis. There’s a one time pill i can give you to clear that up.” Dr. Mynx looked up at Patrick’s relieved face then back down at the cock. It was definitely bigger than had been moments before. Dr. Mynx pulled back and reached for his prescription pad.
“Are you sure, doctor?” Dr. Mynx turned, annoyed at the boys doubt.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you barely even glanced at it. You didn’t even do a full exam.” Patrick rubbed his fingers around the head of his penis. “The red parts feel different than the rest of the head”
“Look, Patrick, i know what yeast looks like. Believe me, you’ve got it. It isn’t even a disease, not really. It’s just, not cleaning yourself – it’s just gross is all.”
“But what if, what if it isn’t? Shouldn’t you at least…” Patrick protested, pouting his lips and furrowing his brow. His hand curled into fists, but he didn’t make a move to hide his half erect cock that hung in the room like a stripper at a senior home.
Dr. Mynx found a professional excuse to indulge the kid – “Do you check your testicles for lumps? It’s very important to do.”
“No, i’ve never heard of that.”
Dr. Mynx grabbed some gloves and expertly put them on. “OK well, you should do this.” With cold rubber fingers, the doctor showed Patrick how to fondle his balls for medical reasons. The boy’s thighs flexed as he did so, he shuddered with a giggle. Mynx smiled despite himself. “Sorry, didn’t mean to tickle. Here, you do it.” Patrick gently squeezed his balls, his penis now stood out away from his body by at least a 45 degree angle.
“Good, good job. Good, so do that at least once a week and if you ever feel anything new, show it to a doctor.”
The doctor started taking off his gloves. “Wait,” patrick stopped him, “aren’t you going to, check everything else to? I remember from sex ed in school, that the prostate is something the doctor is supposed to check!”
The annoyance of this kid telling him how to do his job cut into his reply, “The AMA recommends prostate checks at the age of 45 and up, how old are you?”
Patrick stood on the exam table, his cock now fully hard, ignored by the mature physician. The white foreskin couldn’t cover the very tip of the erect cock, a deep purple against the pale white of his shaft and the pink of his scrotum. “I’m um, 18,” Patrick said after a pause.
“Is that so….?” The doctor said with an interested tone. He opened up patricks chart and chuckled. “Had a birthday yesterday, huh?”
Patrick smiled and is cock somehow got harder. A small dewdrop of precum formed at the end of his cock and a long, glimmering strand started to slowly fall towards the floor. “Why do you think Hector gave me a blow job?”
The devil on Dr. Mynx’s shoulder was screaming at him, the temptation drowning out his good sense. “You know, I could get in a lot of trouble for this,” started the doctor.
“I won’t say anything, i swear” Patrick said fast and bright. “I just want you to check everything. Since I’m here and everything.”
Mynx smiled, “Well, you’re going to have to turn around if you want me to check your prostate.” The doctor opened a drawer and pulled out a packet of lubrication, was about to open it, but stopped when he saw patrick bending himself over the examination table. “No, not like that, here…” Dr. Mynx dropped the packet to the counter and in a smooth motion, was able to pick Patric up and place him on top of the exam table. “On your hands and knees” he said as he put him down, his hand moved to the back of his neck and started to push down, “no, put your knees closer to your hands, yes, your head down on the table, just like that.”
Patrick’s naked ass was hoisted into the air like a slutty flag, his face against the paper of the exam table, his eager eyes looking at Dr. Mynx. The way the older man had swooped him up and carried him like he was a little doll made blood rush to his stiff cock so fast that he started seeing spots. His asshole felt warm against the cold hair of the room, his cheeks naturally pulled apart as his knees rested far apart from each other, his ass up. Patrick’s nervous, cold fear mixed with the tingling feeling he got as Dr. Mynx ran his hands down Patrick’s muscular back and around the curve of his firm, bubble butt. Dr. Mynx clears his throat, grabs the lube, and smears some onto his gloved finger.
“OK, good, good.” He placed the cold gelled finger on the entrance to the hole. The whole ass flexed as the asshole puckered at the temperature change. Dr. Mynx massaged the soft skin of Patrick’s asshole, rubbing it in small circles. This kid was a teenager, who knew how much experience he had with assplay? The Dr. generously decided to open the boy up gently. Slowly, he made his finger circle the tight hole in bigger, firmer strokes. bigger and firmer. With each sensuous flick of the doctor’s finger, the boy’s tight sphincter opened up a little more. Finally, with a firm push, the doctor entered his patient by a quarter of an inch.
“Oooh, mmmh” patrick moaned. His asshole clenched so much in response to the unexpected violation that the tip fo the doctors finger almost came out of the the hole
“Sssshhhh, sshhhh…” Dr. Mynx cooed, putting his other hand on patricks’ asscheek caressing it, “just relax, just relax i’ll be gentle.” He probed his finger deeper, half inch by half inch. Patrick moaned genuinely. This was the first time anything had ever gone inside of his ass. The pleasure he felt mixed with the thrill of his beating heart and fought against the cool, electric sensation that the doctors intruding finger was filling his ass with. “Almost, there….” the doctor whispered as his probing finger had taken on a steady, gentle in-and-out stroke with each thrust going a tiny bit deeper inside him than the last. Suddenly, after minutes of Dr. Mynx working his way into his teenaged hole, Patric was hit with a jolt of pure ecstasy. It was like pure pleasure was ejaculating out of the doctor’s finger deep in his ass and filling him, up his stomach, up his throat, until his vision turned sparkly. Dr. Mynx twisted his finger around and over the boy’s young prostate, giving the same examination he would give a fat 60 year old who had put off this exam for years, but the exam opened the boy up in ways he didn’t know were possible. Every twitch of the doctors finger introduced patric to a new place in his body he didn’t know existed, a new pleasure making his cock drip sticky precum.
After his routine exam was finished, Dr. Mynx kept his finger in the boy’s asshole, on his hard, rubbery organ. Patrick opened his eyes after a few seconds of the doctor’s finger being motionless – he realized that he had been moaning like a sissy bitch in heat throughout the doctor’s entire examination. Patric arched his back, sliding his tight asshole further down the doctor’s lubed finger, pulling him deeper inside. The doctor responded by smiling and slowly ribbing Patrick’s prostate again, “Well patrick, i think your prostate is fine buddy, so it’s time for me to stop the exam now.”
“Oh, no doctor, no…” Patrick yelped. His tone immediately left to a weak, breath, high pitched “… don’t stop.” He moved his hips with more intention, now, shoving has asshole as far as it would go down on Dr Mynx’s finger.
Precum pooled on the exam table. Mynx smiled, and began to slowly fuck the boys asshole with his finger, hitting the prostate with each stroke. It was a steady rhythm. As soon as Patrick realized the doctor would keep fingering him, he put his head back down, closing his eyes with a “Yes, yes think you doctor…” and stopped moving his hips, allowing the physician to completely control the boy’s hole. Patricks cock hung pointing straight down, hard as stone, a thick strand of clear, sticky fluid hanging from it, connecting patrick to the table’s paper liner. Dr. Mynx amused himself as he finger the patient by watching the boys hanging cock wavee in the air between his slender thighs as his pelvis rocked, the precum rolling out the his tip more liberally; Patrick’s ignored penis like water hose, turned on and left to sway in the wind, laying thin, shiny lines of precum on the table liner below. The doctor began to slide his finger harder, faster, deeper, his taps against the prostate gettin more serious. The boy’s swinging cock twitched as Dr. Mynx touched another, new place inside of him, and a thick gob of precum fell onto the older man’s pants. He smiled and looked at the minor mess, not stopping his work.
“Oooh, fuck. ooooh fuck fuck yes ooooh please please please ooH!” the boy squealed as his ignored cock shot a big, sticky load of cum onto the table. He ejactulated on, long load of cum that shot all over the examination table from the boy’s swinging cock. Patrick, weak from his sissygasm, sighed and collapsed onto the table, belly and chest rolling onto his own cum. The boys hard cock, like a warm, pink rod, pushed down between his legs as the boy collapsed on his belly, his tiny scrotum shrivled, hiding his small testicles, all underneath his violated asshole. The penis twitched as the boys hole involuntarily squeezed the doctor’s finger, a small amount of cum dribbling out of the cock with each twitch.
Dr. Mnyx smiled and pulled his finger out with a soft “pop” as the asshole puckered, kissing the finger goodbye. Patrick gasped as his pleasure stick left him, the emptiness inside his ass making him want to beg for more. The Doctor gave the boy a quick, but hard spank. “OH!” he yelped. The doctor took his glove off and threw it towards the trash. A large smile on his face, he reached down to adjust himself. He wasn’t surprised to find himself hard in his own pants.
Patrick looked at him, rolling over on the exam table, his own cum smearing on his shirt and his hairless bellybutton, his pants still around his ankles, loosely binding his legs together. Dr. Mynx’s smile got wicked. “So, Patrick, since i’m doing extra testing, how will you be paying for todays visits?”
“I, i hadn’t really thought about it…”
“Well, patrick, you’re going to have to compensate me for my time.” the doctor motioned for patrick to get up off the table. The boy hopped down, and once he was on the floor, Mynx lifted up Max’ shirt and threw it in the corner, leaving him with his pants and underwear around his ankles. Patrick had a flat stomach and chest, pale white with freckles along his shoulders. His arms were small, thin but defined. His nipples were almost comically large his areoles the size of a quarter, their dark pink making a sharp contrast with snow white skin. Dr. Minx reached down and firmly tugged at the tiny nub of a nipple that blended into the dark pink. Patrick gasped at the pinch, but remained silent while the older man played with both his nipples at once. Patrick looked at the man’s face, his once professional eyes now burning with lust as he groped the boy’s chest. Patrick fought the urge to kiss him, to feel his day-old stubble rough against his lips, to have this man pick him up and throw him onto his bed and be his little fuck toy, to give everything him. He longed to be this man’s plaything, a house boy who lived in his house, did chores for room and bored, and who was responsible for pleasuring Dr. Mynx in any way he wanted 24/7.
Patrick was lost in this fantasy, looking at the doctor’s lips, when the older man took off his white medical coat and tossed it onto a chair. Dr. Mynx then reached down and undid the belt holding up his dark slacks. He pulled down his zipper with a slow zip. He placed a heavy hand on Patricks naked shoulder and firmly pushed him onto his knees. Once he was eye level with the man’s crotch, Dr. Mynx pulled down on the elastic of his own underwear and his hard cock sprung out into the world. His throbbing erection stood out, a proud 8 inches, dark brown, one large vein standing out on the top of his shaft. He had a dark, purple head that glistened under the exam room lights. It was much bigger than any cock Patrick had ever seen in real life (well, he had only seen Hector and Jason’s dicks before, and they were his age) – it looked just like the cocks he saw on the internet, though. The thick, powerful cocks that made woman jiggle and babble as they were fucked on free video samples. Patrick thought about his favorite video, a 9 minute clip where a college sorority girl comes over to a house and sucks 8 cocks at once for money. Dr. Mynx’s cock could have fit in with those manly cocks.
Patrick looked at this man’s cock in front of him, the first real “man”s cock he’d ever seen, not just some high schooler’s cock. Patrick imagined himself as the girl in his favorite porno, on his knees, 8 naked, muscular men, with jobs and who are at least over 35, waving their sticky, stinky cocks over him, slapping his cheeks, dragging across his forehead, before someone decided to take a turn and grab him by the hair, and force himself down Patrick’s throat – he would moan and reach up, finding a cock for each hand, and stroke as best he could – the remaining men kept slapping his face with cocks while he pleasured as many men as he could with his hands and mouth. Eventually in the video, the girl’s clothes get ripped off and they throw her on a couch and use her other two holes in addition to her mouth. Patricks own cock, still hard, twitched while the fantasy played quickly in his mind; he was bent over the couch, surrounded by dick, getting fucked by this cock, this one here, inches away from his curious lips. The fantasy overcame any nervous apprehension that remained, and Patrick eagerly covered the doctor’s cock with his mouth.
The boy opened his mouth as wide as he could – the first part of the cock he tasted was the head, hitting back of his throat with a salty thud. He closed his lips halfway down the shaft, and tried to force the cock down his throat further, accomplishing some progress but mostly just gagging. drool slid lazily from Patricks mouth, down the rock hard shaft, and onto Dr. Mnyx’s large, sagging ballsack. His testicles hung low and pendulous, their size easily filling the wrinkly scrotum. His balls lightly swung out and tapped Patrick on the chin as nose came closer and closer to the Dr.’s pelvis with each gag. The doctor closed his eyes as patrick developed a smooth rhythm , a smooth, wet in and out of the boy’s mouth. Patrick open his mouth as big as he could, til his jaw hurt from the stretch, trying to squeeze the doctor’s cock tighter andfurther down the his throat. He coughed several times and more of his shaft disappeared into the boys mouth. Between the coughs and the slurps, Patrick took short breaths, like a distance swimmer practicing a difficult stroke. each exhale came with a moan moaned loud onto the Doctors cock. Not only was it the biggest cock he’d ever seen in real life, but maybe it was the biggest he WOULD ever see; certainly bigger than anything that had ever been inside of him! Patrick let himself imagine the fantasy while he used his mouth to pleasure the doctor. He was 18 now, if he wanted to leave his parents house and live with this guy, nobody could stop him. The doctor could take him shopping and make him try on lingerie, make him grab a sheer night, a flimsy stocking, red garter belt, and ask for a dressing room. He would only wear panties while he was in the house; he was really good at chores, so he could wash dishes or vacuum until Dr. Mynx wanted this, and he would give his body for his sugar daddy’s pleasure. And those were the times that he would live for, bliss with daddy’s hard cock in his mouth, and he would be lost in the pleasure like he was now.
After a few more minutes of working the doctor’s cock with his mouth only, patrick grabbed the base of the cock with both of his hands and tried to shove the dick all the way down., but his moth stopped with 2 inches still not making inside of his mouth before he got stuck and was unable to go any further. Patrick’s hand slid up to his lips and he began to stroke the shaft in sync with his mouth. The doctor moaned, a deep sound that came from inside his broad chest. Dr. Mynx absentmindedly tugged at his tie before resting his hands on the boys head. With one hand, the high schooler rubbed his own cock while he repaid the doctor. The rhythm of “slap/slurp, slap/slurp” of Patricks mouth and hand stroking Dr. Mynx got faster as the doctor’s moans got louder.
“Oh fuck if you don’t be careful i’m going to cum.” Patrick was encouraged by the caveat, stroking harder and sucking was all his might, the head of the cock filling up his mouth like a large jawbreaker. He worked the cock as hard as he could, like a good boy trying to earn his keep. Doctor Mynx opened his eyes. Patrick stared up at him, their eyes locked as patrick jacked off the doctor’s shaft with the head of his cock in his mouth, tongue flipping over the head sloppily between his cheeks. This is it, I could really make this happen Patrick thought as he looked up at the man’s face. The doctor looked down at him, pleasure washing over the man’s face. I’m so glad Jason taught me how to do this. And all the practice with Hector – this could really happen! I’ll just make him cum so good that he sees that he needs me in his life. He needs to be my daddy. I will be such a good boy for him, i need to make him feel so good that he can’t live without me. That he wants to keep me with him, to use whenever he wants.
“Shit, you are really going to make me cum,” Dr. Mynx stuttered. Patrick responded by opening his mouth wide, with his tongue stuck out, cradling the doctor’s wet, wide cock on his pink tongue, his fist furiously sliding up and down the sticky, swollen shaft. Patrick looked at his daddy straight in the eye, his eyes bright but begging, his tongue shivering in anticipation for what would some shooting out of the cock.
“Cum for me daddy, give me your cum daddy. I want to taste it I want to swallow you. Please, daddy, please it would make me so happy to taste your sperm.” Dr. Mynx’s vision went fuzzy as a groan started in his belly. A single, thick cum-load shot from his swollen cock. Half of it splattered across patrick’s upper lip and nose, and the other half hit him in the back of his throat. Patrick’s mouth tried to close around the cock, to catch the rest of the cum in his mouth, but not before another spurt shot up to has forehead and over his short blonde hair. patrick moaned as the cock pulsated again and again, send more streams of hot, ropy semen into his mouth. He swallowed the doctors cum happily. After several jerking spurts, the Dr. Mynx’s twitching slowed, and finally stopped. Patrick slurped loudly he pulled the cock out of his mouth, a sharp “pop” sound as the head leaves his hungry, greedy lips. Patrick nuzzles the hard, spent cock with his mouth and smears the head of the cock all over his lips and face.
Dr. Mynx admires the teenagers face on his penis while his senses returned to him. Maybe, maybe he likes me. Maybe he will keep me. “Well, Patrick, i think i’m going to need to see you again, to um, follow up on your…” Patrick didn’t hear anything else, he just kept smiling as pretty as he could while he let a saliva and semen mixed piece of drool dribble out the corner of his mouth and down his cheek. He kept rubbing his daddy’s shrinking cock across his face, across his lips. It tasted just as good as the internet said it would. It smelled like bliss. Nothing else mattered to Patrick – he had found his daddy.