Short story/scenario ๐Ÿ˜‹ tell me your thoughts on it!

I would love to take you out…but there would be one condition…i have to have a remote to control that vibrator you are gonna put inside of you..
Once we arrive at the restaurant i want you to go to the restroom…take off your panties completely and give them to me as proof that you don’t wear anything beneath that dress you decided to wear for this evening

When the waiter comes by..i will turn it on, i love to watch you try to act normally while i am just torturing you, turning it high and low beneath the table, just the look on your face while i do it makes that bulge appear in my pants…and i will take a picture of that while we are there so you can see that i am having fun as well…
We are not gonna leave until i see that chair soaking wet…but you are not gonna cum…you will have to hold it if you want me to fully use you later…but i will tempt you, so many times…up until your breaking point

Categorized as Erotica