Looking for ANONYMOUS podcast guests willing to discuss porn habits

Hello! I’m looking for anonymous interview subjects for what I hope will be a fascinating dive into a subject we don’t much discuss: PORN! (I suppose you don’t have to be anonymous, but I figured I’d get more honest discussion from people who don’t need to worry about professional or personal blowback.)

These will be judgment-free discussions on what kind of porn you like, as well as your consumption habits, personal history and misgivings about the genre. Hopefully this will be a podcast that sheds light on a subject with which most of us are very familiar, yet one we hardly ever discuss. If you love it, hate it or feel indifferent, I’d like to hear your thoughts.

If you’re interested, contact me any way you like and hopefully from there we can set up a remote interview session. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the project. It’s early days, but I think it could yield some really great material. For more information, reach out:

Insta: neighborsporn

Twitter: [https://twitter.com/neighborsporn](https://twitter.com/neighborsporn)

Gmail: [thyneighborsporn@gmail.com](mailto:thyneighborsporn@gmail.com)

Phone: (785) 251-8314‬

Soundcloud: [https://soundcloud.com/thyneighborsporn](https://soundcloud.com/thyneighborsporn)

Discord: thyneighborsporn

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