Captured by Bigfoot part 2 [mf] [non con]

When Cassie woke up, the Bigfoot was gone. Cassie dragged herself to her feet and looked around the cave – it was still very dark, and she was in a relatively large underground chamber, with a shallow stream meandering near one wall. There were only two apparent tunnels in and out of the chamber, one that slanted upward, and one that slanted down. Cassie picked up the still-lit lantern and walked as quickly as her aching thighs could manage up the slanted corridor. She couldn’t see any light, so either they’re far underground or she’s picked the wrong tunnel, but Cassie kept going. After about 20 minutes of picking her way through the tunnel, she hit a dead end. Fortunately, she could see light so she’d found the surface, but unfortunately, the exit seemed to have been covered by a large slab of rock. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t move the rock or crawl through any of the cracks. She was trapped. “Fuck,” she hissed, eyes hot with tears, before she turned around and went back down the tunnel, aware that she should get back to the large chamber before the Bigfoot returned.

Categorized as Erotica

Captured by Bigfoot [mf][non con]

Cassie set her pack down on a stump and pulled out her map. She’d been hiking the trail for a few days now, and she was making good progress. She should be at the next stop in three days.

Unbeknownst to her, a creature had been following her for the past day or so, waiting for a chance to strike. Cassie’s intense focus on her map provided just such an opportunity. Quietly, the creature snuck up behind her, it’s footsteps muffled by fallen leaves. It balled up a massive fist and struck her head from behind. Cassie immediately collapsed, unconscious. The creature threw her limp body over his shoulder and lumbered off towards the cave where he made his home.

Cassie’s consciousness returned slowly. She gradually became aware that she was lying on cold, uneven stone. Wherever she was, it was dark, and she could hear water dripping somewhere nearby. As Cassie’s eyes came into focus, she realized she was in a cave. Looking around, Cassie saw that her pack was here too (her lantern was, in fact, the only source of light). So, she wasn’t alone. Someone else had brought her here. Cassie’s blood turned to ice at the thought, and she looked around frantically for her captor.