Pirates thieves and stowaways part 9

Chapter 9 : Safe harbor

Over the following week days blended together and both Dunkin and klair soon began to better there roles aboard the ghostly maiden. Dunkin spent most of his shifts aloft or at the main halyard. He learned to anticipate the orders before they were called by watching the sea and the sails. And he thought he was beginning to understand how one maneuvers the vessels sails properly, and when it is most advantageous to tak back across the wind.

One day when he was aloft he looked out over the horizon. To the south in the far distance he saw a growing cloud of deep grey. A thick fog gathered over the sea as they approached the ominous gloom “storm on the south horizon!” He called down to the deck below. He heard his call repeated until it got to mr. Thorn. “Strike all topsails” the quartermaster ordered and Dunkin and his crew mates
Spring into action heading the order as they echo mr. Thorns order.

Categorized as Erotica

Pirates thieves and stowaways part 8

(Nudity sex and voyeurism)

Chapter 8: randy dandy oh

The first few days aboard the ghostly maiden passed by quickly. Dunkin and klair both settled into the rhythm of the ship and grew used to there responsibilities. After lunch one day in his unoccupied hours Dunkin sat below decks sewing a patch into the torn seat of his pants. He sat exposed from the waist down in a hammock feathered between the mast and a structural beam. He brushed his shaggy black hair from his face as he focused on not pricking himself with the large needle made for mending the sails.

As he worked at mending his trousers a group of halflings laughed and giggled as they hurried below decks. They quickly started to pull each other’s clothes off of their short curvaceous bodies. the woman tended to have full breasts and thick thighs. The males had small pot bellies on there otherwise muscular frames.
They quickly started fondling each other and kissing passionately. Soon there bodies entwined and they began making love in a pile of halfling flesh.

Pirates thieves and stowaways part 7

apter 7
A romp and new responsibilities.

The celebration of the victory over the OwlBear lasted into the evening. Rum brandy and goat stew were plentiful as the crew laughed and danced to the tunes played on Tobias’ lute his baritone leading the crew in boisterous song.

“🎶🎵one more over the side me boys. one more over the side.🎶🎵
you’re chained to the mast
so speak up fast
or it’s one more over the side me boys
it’s one more over the side.🎶🎵”

Klair sat on a cannon her shirt still torn open but she at some point chose to remove her chest wrapping and replaced them with a blue purple silk scarf tied in a way to support her breast with an X across her torso. She sat with the horned elven woman and a halfling dressed in only a sky blue vest and brown trousers . They shared a long wooden pipe that plumed pink smoke filled with sparkling starlight. Each Taking turns smoking from it exhaling large clouds of hazy fog and laughing hysterically.

Pirates thieves and stowaways part 6

( some nudity no sex)

Chapter 6
A new home and a host of pirates

Dunkin and klair stood With arms full of cargo the only two among the captive sailors who had no loyalty to the Astroci empire. The recruits headed to the pirate vessel Following the others to the cargo hatch where they lowered their booty into the hold. Dunkin looked around as he waited to stow his share. He noticed that many of his new comrades were of many different backgrounds.

Some halflings used long hooked poles to guide heavy loot into place as it was hoisted up by a team of gruff looking elves and halforcs.
One was a buxom lady halforc who labored without a blouse, her amble chest on full display. One of her two tusks missing, and her body scared from labor and battle.

one elf had pail purple skin, a long prehensile tail and a pair of short horns that resembled those of a young goat. One of which was clasped with a gold ring. She had on a maroon silk shirt that fit loosely and tight fitting trousers. A blue green scarf tied around her waist.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Pirates, Thieves and stowaways part 5

( soft core pirate themed erotic fantasy)(TW violent interrogation no sex)

Chapter 5: justices to the Tyrant officers

The pirates gathered the living and corralled them on the main deck the body of an officer who was still twitching lay across a cannon in view. A swarthy man in a teal green headscarf and a reddish brown beard stood off to the right. a scrawny half orc with patchy green and pail pink skin stood to the left. In center was a lady that stood medium tall with purple red curls. From which protruded a pair of knife like pointed ears. Each ornately decorated with fine silver and pearls. Around her waist was draped fine sashes and belts with twin swords sharing a scabbard at her hip.

“ each of m yeu are ‘ere becaue’ of ze decisions of yeur betters. Many out yeu takon away vrom your o’mes. Our fight is agains zhose who o’ppress yeu. We welco’me zhose who wish to join our ra’nks to step forwa’rd now. “ the elf said through a thick accent.
Dunkin stood up and stepped forward. “ I would like to join “ he said calmly. He then recognized the man who stood to the right. Dunkin froze as the man locked eyes with his.

Pirates, thieves and stowaways part 4

( soft core , nsfw. pirate themed erotic fiction) ( TW non consensual advances.)

Chapter 4: clash of ships

Now looking like a scrawny lad with a curly chestnut mop of hair, he took her by the hand and started to lead her to the hatch.
Dunkin took her into the galley and put her to work skinning potatoes. He walked over to the sea cook and explained. “They found a lad shirking his duties and after his lashing they sent him over to us. “ the sea cook looked him over and glanced at the new boy and back to Dunkin. “ he yer responsibility he fucks up and both of ye will get the reprimand. “
Dunkin gulped and went about his business.

That night the two “lads “ went below decks and for the first time since sneaking onboard Klair left the galley hold. Only to find her self in a cramped bilge with a dozen boys in dirty sailors uniforms.
She felt self conscious about her girlish shape. in a room full of young men who had not seen a woman in who knows how long. If even one of them found her out, the situation would quickly become a nightmare.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Pirates, thieves and stowaways part 2&3

Chapters 2&3 ( soft core, nsfw, pirate themed erotic fiction) ( TW slave labor, flogging , public exposure)

Chapter2: Belly of the beast

He woke up dizzy to a wash from a putrid bucket of bilge water and a yell for all galley boys to man there stations by four bells. He got to his feet and started to walk towards the crowd of gathering youth. A barrel chested man stood in a small doorway and the boys lined up to be assigned duties for the day. He thought he would stay to the back and hopefully know one would notice him evade his new job.

He never really felt like a “ team player.” He never had much respect for a work ethic but he tried to do what was right… ish he may be a thief but he’s never killed anyone. “ hey you new blood what you waiting for? Step up or I’ll have you for insubordination. he took a step forward and almost fell over as the ship shifted. He then realized he was in the belly of a ship.
“ ha he ain’t got his see legs let him rot down here and tar up all the leaks. Hahahaha.” He bellowed as he closed the door and locked it behind him.