The Multinational

“Thank you all for joining, see you all again next week?” Jake finishes before he clicks the ‘end call’ button on his webconference client. Letting out a deep sigh, he lets go of the frustration of yet another call filled with petty politicking. A company like this sometimes feels a bit too much like a debating club, he thinks to himself. Letting his fingers run through his hair, gray as if the pigment of the hair on his temple has eroded by a repeat of this movement, he lets himself refocus on the task at hand.

Locking his laptop, he pushes his chair back before rising and moving towards the shuttered windows to check on the state of his outfit. After adjusting his white shirt and red tie, he buttons up the upper 2 on his gray suit. His next meeting is on the seventh floor, that leaves him with precious little time to grab some water and take the elevator.

Categorized as Erotica