The Run: part 1

The Run: Part 1


He was in love with her sun touched, glistening skin, and the smell of her coconut fragrance as she passed by. He ran at the same trail for years at the same time. He was a routine person, never deviated, just how he is. But starting the past Wednesday, there was a new face.

He was pretty much in love the moment he laid eyes on her. She had a beautiful smile, he admired her as she stretched before her run. For days she never had anyone run with her, and he noticed no ring. Well who ran with rings? Hopefully everyone, he didn’t know, he was never married.

He took off at his regular fast pace, made it to mile 6 and turned around. There she was, coming his way, he winked at her smiling. God that smile. She was amazing. He couldn’t help but think of her blonde hair dancing in the wind, like the petals of a sunflower. Her trim but strong body, dripping wet from sweat like the stem of a flower, freshly watered. And her fragrance, her aroma, he wanted her.

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