Making Friends at My New School [M 18] [F18] [F18]

Throughout high school my family moved around a lot for my dad’s job. Some people who move a lot say they don’t make friends. I was just the opposite and took the opportunity to make many friends along the way.

My senior year of high school we landed in a little town in west Virginia. It was an old coal mining town with about a medium sized county high school. Some people had told me the football team was pretty good so that’s what EVERYONE in the town did on Friday nights.

My first day of one of my classes the teacher introduced me and assigned me a seat. He explained they worked in “Learning Groups.” Every one sat at high top tables of three. I took the only vacant seat in the room.

Already seated at the table were two girls. They introduced themselves as Dakota and Paisley.

Desperate Coworker 2nd PMT [M22] [F30] Proposition

After Val’s first “Payment” I was worried that things would get weird around her at work. The following Monday it was business as usual. We were friendly to each other but not over the top. It seemed to just be a business deal on the side to her.

A couple of weeks later she was training at my desk again. She pulled her chair in close and whispered with a smile “Hey, what are you doing Saturday night? I want to make another payment.”. I actually had a real date but I knew this would be so much more fun. I told her I would be home, she said around 8:00 pm.

The rest of that day was difficult to get through. Val was at my desk all day and she would occasionally lean in closer than she needed to to see the computer. At one point she took her shoes off under the desk knowing it would drive me crazy. When she got up to go to the printer she rolled her chair back and spread her legs just enough for me to see the sheer thong she was wearing. Val never made an inappropriate comment all that day but she definitely knew how to tease the shit out of me.

Categorized as Erotica

(M22) (F30) (Proposition) Desperate Coworker

While I was in college I worked for my dads company. I filled in wherever I was needed, especially in the summer. I was working in the scheduling department one summer until they got a backfill for the position. When they finally hired someone they brought her around to my desk to introduce her. Holy shit, she was hot. Her name was Val, she was about 5’10 and around 30 years old. She was well dressed and wearing an appropriate length skirt for the office but it still showed off a lot of her legs. She had a desk but I told her I would train her for a few weeks at mine.

The following Monday Val found me, pulled up a chair and sort of snuggled in. She seemed to have a nice personality and did not appear to be shy. She had the vibe that she was slightly rough around the edges.

After letting her work on a task by herself, she became frustrated when she messed up a couple of times and let out a “Oh Fuck Me !!” Her face turned as pale as I had ever seen. She was already intimidated that I was the owner’s son. She started apologizing. I laughed and said “Don’t worry about what you say around me, but I wouldn’t let anybody else hear you.” That seemed to loosen her up and after that she wasn’t as nervous.