spooning centuries

long ago, a woman named Casha, thought to be born in 1882, surfaced in modern time. She used cash app all the time. You see, Casha liked to collect antique forks and knives. Being from 1882, she often ate with her hands. Back then, forks and knives were only for the upper class. In those days, one was lucky if they got even a napkin. Being brought back into modern time, she was reminded of the hardships she experienced. Casha often carried her utensils around, guarding them when asked as to why she was wielding dueling knives in front of the Burger King employees face. She could never answer, for she was too afraid of how people would judge her for her love of silverware. And then she met Yolanda, a renowned silverware polisher. Yolanda and Casha didn’t know it but they were soon to become the best of friends, and eventually, lovers. It all started when they attended a silverware convention together, all brought on by the colorful Yolanda. they gushed over spoons, and later, Yolanda suggested spooning which delighted naive Casha. Casha excitedly got into bed that night, gleaming and ready to be the big spoon that she had so loudly demanded she be. But Yolanda INSISTED that she be little spoon, as she needed to work her way up to big spoon. With a sigh, she seemingly understood and prepared to be spooned. Yolanda and Casha browsed netflix for a little, in search of a good movie to watch. They came up with nothing because in a disappointing turn of events, NETFLIX had nothing silverware themed. That was when Casha suggested they watch videos of forklifts. It was going to be an exciting and extremely sexual night for them. after they clanged (bc silverware clangs, it doesn’t bang), Casha asked if they could get married at a fork in the road.

Categorized as Erotica