Breaking Spells Part 1: Discovery (Sequel to Secrets in the Room of Requirement)

Hermione woke to the sound of Luna accidentally slamming her drawer shut. She raised her arms over her head and stretched out her entire body as she rolled over to her side. She groaned as her body ached pleasantly. She sat up and looked at Luna, who was getting dressed for breakfast.

“Your hair is an absolute mess!” Luna said, chuckling.

Hermione ran her fingers through her hair and found they couldn’t travel more than a few inches before catching a knot. She pulled a small mirror from her nightstand and looked into it. Her hair stood nearly straight up in some places and was so knotted that it didn’t even reach her shoulders. Luna walked over and pointed her wand at Hermione’s head. She muttered something under her breath and Hermione felt a slight tug on her hair before it all fell flat. Soon after, it regained its natural waves. She climbed out of bed and dressed herself for breakfast.

“Do you think Ginny’s awake yet?” Hermione asked.

“After last night? No, I don’t think so. I’m impressed with myself for waking up this early, honestly. I think we should let her sleep in.” Luna said. “We’ll sneak her some food from the Great Hall and wake her up before classes.”

Secrets in the Room of Requirement Par 3: Two is Company

Looking back at all her years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione remembered that the end of each year was bitter-sweet. On one hand, she was going home to see her family again. On the other hand, she was leaving the most magical and amazing place she had ever been to. These memories ran through her head as she watched Hogwarts Castle fade away in the distance as the Hogwarts Express raced away back to Platform 9 ¾. This time, however, there was no sadness. She was only leaving on a day trip to Diagon Alley so she could purchase the books and equipment she needed for her summer courses.

As she stared out the window, Harry and Ron were going on about what they might expect on their first day as interns at the Ministry of Magic. The door to the train car slid open and Ginny stepped in. Harry and Ron immediately stopped and focused their attention on her.

“Mum is going to drive you insane this summer. Bill has been gone, Fred and George moved out last month and I’ll be at the Ministry most of the time.” Ron said.

Secrets in the Room of Requirement

**Part Two: Once is Never Enough**

Seventh-year finals had come and gone. Hermione was very pleased with her finals, feeling she had done well. There was now only a week or so left in the school year as the lower grades completed their final lessons and exams. On the morning of the exams, it was announced that Hogwarts would offer summer classes for seventh-year graduates as a head start on their advanced courses. The academic in Hermione was thrilled at the idea of staying at Hogwarts over the summer; after all, her first year of advanced courses was at Hogwarts.

Harry and Ron had no such plan to stay at Hogwarts over the summer. With Auror being their chosen careers, they immediately received internships with the Ministry of Magic. They decided that, to “celebrate the thought of maybe passing the exams,” as Ron put it, they would play a game or two of giant Wizard’s Chess. Since Hogwarts’ only game of giant Wizard’s Chess was destroyed during their first year, the only place to play was in the Room of Requirement. When they told Hermione and Ginny this, Hermione felt a little embarrassed. Remembering her night there, and began to blush.

Secrets in the Room of Requirement

**Part One: Hermione’s Late-Night Adventure**

When Hermione Granger first came to Hogwarts, she only knew two people who could tolerate being around her, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. After correcting Ron during Charms Class, she overheard him making fun of her with Harry. To calm herself, she went to the only place where she felt a true sense of serenity, the library. It was there where most of her free time was spent. After she settled her differences with Harry and Ron, they became close friends and she loved spending her time with them. Even still, the library always called her and she would often find herself there well after curfew.

“Miss Granger,” Madame Irma Pince called out to Hermione, “It’s past curfew, you should be in bed. You have your seventh-year finals tomorrow.”

“Y-yes, Madame Pince,” Hermione said, “sorry, I-I was just doing some last-minute studying.”

“Hermione, you’re one of the most dedicated and exceptional students I’ve ever seen come through this library. I have no doubt that you will shine during your exams. Here, let me return that book for you.”

Categorized as Erotica