Ammie and Beryl[MFf, exh, fantasy, Str8, Bi]

I sat by my bed, reading a new book. Well, trying to, at least – I wasn’t able to pay much attention at the moment, considering the young woman cuddled up nearby.

Beryl was lying on her back on my bed, reading a chemistry textbook of all things. Clearly she’d taken well to her new major. A little shorter and squatter than her older sister, she’d always been more academic and not quite as physically active as Amaranthe. As such, she wasn’t nearly as muscled, and had a little bit more weight on her. Not rubenesque, but certainly a bit more curvy then her sister.

Her legs were absolutely gorgeous, though, which was what held my attention at the moment. She was wearing a white overlong t-shirt as a nightgown with slits for her wings, a similar color to her alabaster skin. . . I wasn’t certain she wore anything at all beneath it. I considered the idea that I could ask her to lift up the shirt for a moment and find out, but a combination of discomfort at the request and not wanting to distract her from her reading, I decided not to.