Learning Curve [MF]

Learning Curve

A long and harsh winter has befallen the kingdom of Serendon. Biting frost and scathing winds sheered the cliffs of the lands castle but no element bears the strength to break the walls of Palebrook Castle. It's princess, Emily Ailgorn, lay restless in her chambers. A dreaded sense of lust coupled with a crippling anxiety has overtaken her. She had asked her chamber maids if they could assist her in coping with her urges but they simply scoffed and jested at her inexperience.

"Eight-teen years and not one of them spent learning about herself. Is she really the heir to our kingdom? Hmph!"

"Poor girl, give her some credit. Who has she to learn from? Oh, that's right, all the men in the kingdom!"

Seeking comfort from the only source she trusts, Emily decides against her best judgement that she must consult her father, King Reignor Ailgorn of Serendon. She carefully walks the halls, making sure not to alert the night guard. As she passes one of the many grandiose windows decorating the castles corridors she notices a strange glimmering. Moonlight cascading off her nightgown adorned with wondrous baubles and accented by her milky white skin had set about a soft glow within the antechamber before her fathers bedroom. Continuing on, she knocks softly at first, then loudly to awake her father. She can hear her father groan as he rolls upright and flings the nearest object at the door, shouting,

Categorized as Erotica