A [F]riend in need [M]

“Hey Amy, what’s taking so long?” I shout up the stairs. It’s already 7.30 and I don’t want to remind her yet again what time the film is starting. I know the film won’t start exactly at 8pm but I can’t help myself. I get agitated when I’m late for things, even more so when it’s not my doing. Having known Amy since primary school, I’m very used to her ability to make a simple trip to the cinema a whole bother. Back in high school, our friends would always tease us, hypothesising how cute it would be when we ‘finally got together’ but moments like these reminded me why I had buried any crushing feelings I had had for her when we had gone our separate ways for college. Now only 6 months later she was even more disorganised, not that I could blame her. Every time we’ve seen each other since the start of the school year she’s seemed absent minded and jittery. She’s always so kind and we’d been thick as thieves all through our adolescence, but recently she’s been distant. I don’t want to pile more stress on her so I just sit at her kitchen counter, tapping my fingers nervously. I glance at my phone again, hearing a loud thud from upstairs. I’m not sure if it’s concern or boredom that drives me but I head up the carpeted steps, kicking my shoes off as I walk.
“Amy, everything alright?” I ask, leaning against the banister outside her bedroom. The door still has ‘say the passwerd to enter’ scrawled on it from when we used to make pillow forts in her room during sleepovers.
“I’m in here.” Amy’s voice is muffled, and she sounds irritated. I walk down the hall and knock loudly
“Hey hurry up, we’re gonna be late” I nearly shout through the door. It’s slightly ajar now, she must have forgotten to close the door properly
“Yeah just a sec, I’m getting ready” she responds. Had she not been doing this for the last 20 minutes I would have been placated by that response.
“What could possibly take so long?” I ask in a tone that is heading towards anger.
“Can you just be patient, christ it’s like you just met me or something” she throws back, sounding quite aggrieved. I knock again just to annoy her, harder than I mean and the door swings open further.