Position, Position, Position

The property market had been slow, particularly for apartments. Belle had a beautiful three bedroom apartment she’d had on the books for five weeks, but just could not find a buyer. The apartment was on the 15th floor and it’s big private balcony looked straight out over the ocean. It was all luxury inside and Belle knew if she could get someone up there, they’d buy it. She also really needed the commission.

Belle got a call late in the afternoon which looked promising. An international buyer was flying in from Italy to look at Gold Coast properties. Belle did some research on the potential client. He was the CEO of a maufacturing company, an associate of the Italian elite and, as a bonus, was quite handsome. Belle knew if she played her cards right the outcome could be be very satisfactory, on more than one level.

After a quick shower Belle dried herself, stood in front of the bathroom mirror and though about what she’d wear. Her short blonde hair framed her pretty face and touched her shoulders. She had beautiful breasts and curves. She rubbed her hand over her newly waxed pussy. It felt smooth and dewey. A Brazilian always gave her a little extra confidence. She decided on a classic tailored suit, tight around the breasts and butt to create a professional and, maybe available, package.

Ellie and the New Guy

Ellie was happy with her life. She had a good job as an accountant, working with some great people. She was in her mid-thirties and lived in Mildura, which is like a big country town near the beautiful Murray River. This gave Ellie the chance to become a respected member of her community and profession.

While Ellie led a very full life, she was missing one thing, and that was romance. Her last relationship ended two years before and, while she had the occasional dalliance, prospects were bleak. Things changed however, when Darren began working at Ellie’s company.

Darren was a fifty year old man who had moved to Mildura to take up his new position. He was apparently divorced with grown up children. He was tall and reasonably good looking. Darren had a laid back air about him and Ellie decided she wanted to get to know him a lot better.

On Darren’s first day Ellie introduced herself. They chatted for awhile and she offered to help Darren with anything he needed. She told Darren all the best places in town to eat and a few other tips. Darren appreciated Ellie’s help and she told him to drop by her office whenever he wanted.

Lisa’s Delight

Lisa was very concerned. She’d been sent to the lord’s apartment by Wisham, the lord’s butler. Young Lisa knew that she was in trouble, as there was no other reason that the lord would even speak to her, let alone call her to his apartment. She also knew why.

Lisa knocked on the door. After a short time she heard the lord yell for her to enter. She opened the door and looked at the lord who was sitting behind his desk reading a letter. Lisa moved towards the desk and waited to be addressed.

Lord Argus was a tall man in his early fifties. He generally treated the staff well but with a level of indifference typical for a man of his position. He guarded the reputation of the Argus family fiercely and had no qualms about punishing a kitchen maid for her indescretions.

Lisa knew what was about to come. She had dreaded this moment since a footman had spied her and her dear Albert in a passionate embrace in town on the previous Sunday. Albert had joined the army and was off for what could be months. She couldn’t let him go without a reminder of what was waiting for him when he returned.

The Cable Guy Adventures 3 – Ladies Pleasure

This story is from the late 90s. It didn’t happen to me but to a female colleague. It was way back when, so we weren’t in the internet biz, but installing security systems. 

The colleague in question was a nice, recently divorced young lady in her early thirties. She had a nice face, good figure and shoulder length blonde hair. We’ll call this lady Louise. I’ll try to tell her story to the best of my recollection.

Louise went to a job at an innercity terrace house. She was greeted at the door by an attractive woman in her forties. The woman was casually dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. She had short dark hair, no makeup and was barefoot. To Louise she seemed just like a regular inner city, kind of cool, lady. They exchanged pleasantries and Louise went about her work. After finishing, Louise went to have the job signed off by the client. She found the woman sitting at a table with two plates of lunch prepared and two glasses of wine. The woman’s name was Debbie, she asked Louise if she’d like to join her for lunch. As lunch was already made it would have been rude of Louise to say no.The two ladies chatted over lunch and got to know each other.

The Cable Guy Adventures 2

I should start by saying that this sort of thing doesn’t happen too often. I’ve just been in the business that long I’ve managed to accumulate some stories.
It started the usual way, I got a work order to fix an ongoing connection problem. I rang the doorbell of a nice, but not out of the ordinary house. A lady answered and I was immediately attracted to her. She was dressed like she stepped out of the 1940s, dark hair and a floral dress. Her makeup was pale and her look was demure. The dress buttoned down the front and showed her porcelain like cleavage. Her waist and hips were perfectly proportioned and the dress highlighted those features. She asked me to follow her and I got to take in her hips and stockings from the perfect angle, her low heels accentuating stockinged calves which glided her access the room.
The job was pretty simple in the end. It only took half an hour to do. I asked her to turn on whatever device she used to access the net. She picked up an iPad, which looked a bit out of place among all the retro decor. A couple taps on the screen and she’d bought up a porn site. Nothing graphic, just fetish stuff, stockings and the like. It was a little awkward, but after 20 seconds or so she asked if I liked that sort of thing. I nodded and smiled. She then told me that she made videos like the one she’d just played. It was pretty clear to her that my interest has been piqued. She then suggested a private show. I nodded again like a bashful schoolboy and she told me to come with her.
The bedroom decor was like the rest of the house. It had a big old bed with slatted wooden ends. It was covered in a satin bedspread which set off the 40s theme. She told me she loved the era and asked if I could dress up. She handed me a crisp, white, collarless shirt – the ones that had the button for a starched collar, and gestured to the ensuite. I headed in as quick as I could.
I picked up that she wanted me to clean up, so I jumped in the shower and scrubbed up. I dried myself off and put on the shirt and headed back into the bedroom. She gave me a sweet little smile as she looked at my cock, which was starting to get very interested.
I lay on the bed and she held up some satin ribbon. I took that she intended tie me up so I gave her a nod. She tied my wrists and ankles to the bed, spreading my legs slightly.
When I was sufficiently secured she stepped back from the bed where I could get a clear view. She gave me a nice smile and began to slowly hitch up her dress. She put a leg on a chair and I could see her stocking tops which were attached with ribbon. The stockings were held up by a garter belt, the big old fashioned kind. I could see her thighs, which were smooth and white. Just the sight of her running her fingers up her leg and holding up her dress nearly tipped me over the edge.

The Cable Guy Adventures

I’m an installer for an ISP in Australia. Not the most interesting job in the world, but very occasionally I have encounters with customers that put a smile on my face.

I can usually pick them. Large house, fancy neighbourhood and a woman who has a little too much time on her hands.

I get sent to fix problems that have been going on for awhile. This usually means two things; I’ll be there for a fair amount of time and the customers are cranky.

On this particular day I was sent to solve an ongoing problem. I rang the doorbell of a large, expensive looking home. The door opened and I was greeted curtly by an attractive, mid-forties lady. She was dressed casually in a loose top and shorts, conservative and smart, with her hair pulled back in a tight bun. She was wearing a bit of makeup which set off her pretty face.

After getting underway I’d heard about how angry her husband was with the internet connection. Once she’d got that off her chest she began to relax and chat. She got me a glass of water and poured herself a glass of wine. We talked about the usual stuff; holidays, kids and so on.