Deck is Finished

First Time Writing. Constructive Comments Please.

It was a beautiful Spring Day, I had finally realized as I was driving down the road. Things had been pretty tough lately. As I pulled into my driveway I was surprised to see a pickup truck sitting there. I then remembered that my buddy Chris promised to come by and finish working on my new deck. The deck was costing me quite a bit of money so I was very happy that he was able to come by and finish the work.

I was anxious to see the progress he had made so I decided to go around to the back of the house and check out his work. From the back lawn the deck looked great, I was pleased. I started to climb the new stairs that he installed and see the top portion, as I slowly climbed the stairs admiring the quality of his work, I started to hear what sounded like low distant moans. I stopped and looked around just in case there was an injured animal. I saw nothing and resumed my way to the top.