Indecent Temperaments [Working Title]

Chapter 1:

Katherine remembered the first time she saw him. A small moment that could have passed so easily if not for their eyes meeting for just long enough to turn her world upside down.

She was standing by the bar at the local pool hall, the one her husband Greg played at every week with his league. She had once loved outings like this, when the bars were exciting, everyone drank too much and mixed various drugs. Everything was new and exciting at nineteen when they met, he was her senior by a little more than a decade and had seemed so worldly and experienced. But after five years the interest was gone, and after ten neither really cared. While her eyes lingered dully on her spouse Katherine betrayed a visible smirk when she remembered wondering at their wedding if she could ever stop learning from Greg. "Allowed to marry but forbidden to drink is a fucked up idea" Katherine thought as she turned back to the bar for her Corona's. Her eyes lingered no more than a second at man at the other end of the bar playing pool. As he stood from shooting he flicked his hair and his green eyes met hers for a split second. Katherine felt as though electricity shot through here belly button and sucked the breath out of her lungs. The shock pulled the strength from her knees and shot up between her legs like a defibrillation of her once passionate sex drive. It lasted all but a second before turning her head in reflexive embarrassment, but it was enough to ignite something in Katherine that she had only ever dreamed of. Something her girlfriends had been describing in increasing frequency from exotic elopements.