A Heavenly Opportunity

I didn’t understand why I had gotten the invitation, but I was not going to ignore it. It promised “a heavenly opportunity”, whatever that meant. It’s not like I was doing anything else today. As I arrived at the location, I was rather curious. It was a large mansion, with several lingerie clad servant girls walking around. They lead me to a glorious room with four golden sofas. Already there were three of my friends, Sophie, Tina and Lucy. Like me, they had received an invitation to this place. It promised a heavenly opportunity, and so far it was true.

“Hello ladies” announced a voice from behind a wall, “are you feeling good? I know I am”. A man came out from behind the wall. He was tall, handsome and rather cute. He was shirtless, showing off his impressive body. Two of my other friends, Samantha and Holly, were holding on to his arms.

“My name is John” he grinned, “you must be wondering why you’re here”. We all nodded. “Well, I’ve had my eye on the six of you for some time. I’ve found that you six are the prettiest girls alive, and I want you”. We were all flattered, of course.

To All The Rich Men…

The wealth inequality situation has gotten completely out of control. A handful of men own most of the wealth, while the majority of people are poor. And as a poor man myself, I’d just like to say to all the rich men… fine. Keep your billions if it makes you feel like a big man. And in response…

We will fuck your daughters. We will fuck the ever-loving shit out of your daughters.

What? You don’t think we can’t? It’ll be easy. Have you seen us? We look incredible. We’re shredded. We’re so fit and muscular from working hard on your land all day. And you know who loves our jacked bodies? Your daughter.

“But I’ve set her up with my rich friend’s son” I hear you say. That’s not gonna work pal. That guy is a weakling, who gets everything handed to him. He never had to struggle, so he never developed a personality. Your daughter finds him so unappealing. She likes guys who are rough and tough. Guys who have had to fight for everything. Guys like us who have a personality. Ask any girl, she’ll tell you that she wants a guy with personality.