After a show in NYC

Manhattan is full of impressive musical venues. On this particular night I had driven into lower Manhattan to see my friend named Nick. He was to perform a solo set during a night of music hosted by him. Nick’s set was good as usual but as he stepped off the stage and greeted me, he introduced me to Lola (The next act) She was short, tan and had neck length red hair, bright red. She greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek already flirtatious. Nick and I moved into the room and took our seats as Lola and her band setup.

“Don’t get any Ideas”

He said noticing the look I gave her,

“The base player is Jason, Her boyfriend… She is a firecracker though”

As she was ready to start her set, they did a short sound check, for whatever reason our eyes met. I gave her a thumbs up, to tell her everything sounded good. Lola’s set was high energy to say the least. She was wearing a loose-fitting grey dress. Watching her bounce around the stage was quite entertaining. Her body seemed tight, but with large enough ‘features’ so that every bounce and twist created movement. Nick was telling me stories throughout the set about how promiscuous she was. Stories about the times she made out with different girls at clubs, or gave lap dances to friends when she got drunk… Nick was also reminding me to calm myself. I was not calming myself though… I was fantasizing.

Interview with the SG President goes really well. (First Post)

Hello All. I have been a reader for several years, and figured Id give writing a shot. Please let me know what you think!

After high school, I went to a local community college where I made the deans list and became student government President. I may have succeeded in my academic endeavors, but I did not have a clue what I was doing around women. My strategy was to sit next to attractive the girls in class, and hope they somehow noticed my quick wit and studiousness. I was entirely unsuccessful, until one evening towards the end of my term as President of the student union.

As a member of the student government, I got certain perks, a parking spot on campus, access to the student government office. The office had a board room style table, a desk for three of the members. As president, I had my own office, a little offshoot of the main room, with my own desk. I spent many nights in that office, working late.