Kitchen spanking ( bdsm )

You jokingly swatted me and promptly disappeared into the laundry room. It was a light slap, barely there, it sent no pain signals to my brain. but it sent signals to my pussy, and it immediately clenched with want. I did what my instincts said to do, prepare myself for more. The countertop felt cool through the thin cotton of my night shirt. My hands, outstretched in front of me, palms down against the stone, legs straight, ass pushed up in offering. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe through the anticipatory butterflies taking flight in my stomach. I hear your footfalls as you return to the kitchen , the snick of the laundry room door, and then silence as you freeze momentarily. You walk up be hind me, and pause. I push my ass back and up in a silent plea, and am rewarded with your hands sliding up my ass cheeks, lifting my shirt as you go . I feel your gaze on my unmarred skin, It had been so very long since you’ve spanked me, and my pussy clenches at the intimate memory. I’m brought back to reality by the feel of your long fingers gliding along my seam, my juices coating you. I moan at the contact and push into your hands harder. Your hand leaves my dampness and slides up my body, settling in the center of my back, pressing down firmly. then, warm stingy tingles bloom as your other hand makes contact with my bottom. “one“, I recite in a breathless small voice, wondering who will crack first, me from pain? Or you with need.

midnight need.

the streaming moonlight transforms the courtyard into shades of smoky charcoal and silver filigree. I follow you there, having woken to find the bed empty. You’ve not been sleeping well, I know worry over life’s shifting chess pieces are troubling your thoughts. my bare feet are silent as I tread the old cobbles, and approach your still form. you gasp when you see me standing there, and the look of heavy things disappears . Rapidly the shutters to your soul close and your expression goes neutral, and then you brighten up and give me a weak but sweet smile . but I saw it nonetheless. I step into your personal space, pressing, melding our bodies from pelvis to chest. I tilt my head up at you, and cock it to the side, a questioning look, asking without words what you need, and finding my answer instinctively. I stand on my tip toes, one hand on your shoulder for balance. And whisper in your ear, “ hello Sir “, before taking two silent steps back and sinking to my knees in a puddle of dark hair and blush pink nightgown, transparent in the moon’s rays. I know what you see , having practiced slave positions for hours front of the mirror, correcting posture and placement of my limbs. There, on the ground damp with dew, I kneel. Thighs slightly spread, hands, palms up, open in supplication. Back straight, chin level, lashes downcast, I wait. I wait for what seems like an eternity, the night’s music playing around us. I’m starting to question what my heart felt, what it told me to do, yet try to stay still. But I’m freezing, and with my mind refusing to blank, the worry running through me combined with the cool breeze causes me to shiver, gooseflesh erupting on my bare arms. I bite my lip to keep myself in check, yet there I remain. What seems like hours pass, finally a lithe body drops before me, and a firm grip on my jaw forces my face up slightly. My eyes slowly raise to meet irises that I know are moss and whiskey, yet are an indiscernible gray in the half light. You study my face, looking into my eyes for a long moment. slowly you wrap one beautiful long fingered hand, lightly dusted with dark hair, around my throat, gently squeezing. then in a voice thick with emotion tell me “ you. Are such a good girl “, before roughly claiming my mouth. hope, despair, love, pain, and lust translate from your lips to mine. Teeth biting, and breathe melding and my thighs dampen with want. I’m gently laid on my back, on mossy stones, and my nightgown is wrenched upward roughly to reveal my pale breasts and bare mound. Your kneeling between my open legs, and I arch my pelvis towards you while looking into hooded eyes, a plea evident in my gaze. You unbuckle, your length springing free from your pants, and lean over me. Your strong hands shackle my wrists above my head before one of your hands moves down to rub your cock against my aching seam. You notch yourself against me and then thrust hard, filling me full. I tense, then relax and moan, my eyes rolling back as you thrust again and again, your rapid rhythm rough and unforgiving. I’m going to be sore tomorrow from the way you are using me . But This. Oh god I need this, and so do you.


The wine I consumed all evening is burned off by the arousal coursing through my veins. your body pressing, your scent, your breathe melding with mine is making my heart beat a rapid staccato. You whisper in my ear, sweet, then beautiful, then filthy things that make me gasp and then moan. I try to maintain eye contact, but the sensations you coax take over as you relentlessly push me to my peak without mercy. long fingers caress the tender skin of my throat, and you squeeze. My eyelids pop open to meet mossy irises that are filled with need and cool, uncompromising control. As the oxygen to my brain depletes I get lost in their depths. The edges of my vision get fuzzy, then you let go. the air around us vibrates with the force of your will. the look you give me demands I give you everything, and I feel myself being swept under. But I want to push you as far as you’ve pushed me, and I resist even as my heart begs me to yield to you . No, I say in a small voice, and shake my head, desperately trying to maintain my autonomy. But my soul has woken from the place its been sleeping and relinquishes itself even as I whine and fight my desire to submit . in a quiet voice crackling with authority, you tell me to come, and my eyes flutter closed. helpless against your command, I obey.

Categorized as Erotica

A new skill with which to please [pegging, M/F, BDSM, Sir, Submission, service top, ]

It was a foreign sensation to lube up something attached to my pelvis, while looking you in the eye. I was nervous, and my heart was beating too fast. I so wanted to please you, and it made my hands tremor faintly . I broke your gaze and focused on the task at hand. Kneeling before you, i notched the silicone at the entrance of your ass and slowly worked my way in. When I managed that feat, I lubed my hands and began stroking your beautiful cock, while watching your face. This is a lot of work, thrusting, stroking, and gauging your expressions all at once. You look almost pained, that look usually reserved for right before you come, and I freeze , worried. Am I doing this wrong ? Are you hurting ? I voice my concern and you reassure me. I continue thrusting my new girth, filling you over and over again while my hands focus on your length. Stroking up from your balls, brushing my thumb over the tip in that way that makes you shudder, and back down again. I can feel myself soaking and dripping between my thighs, I want to make you feel amazing, I want to fulfill as many needs as I am capable of . i want to make you proud . I have a front row seat to your pleasure that is so unlike my others. The power you have temporarily gifted me is intoxicating. I want to make you insane, I want to make you come. I’m tired but I work hard at my goal, dedicated to your needs. I am still the sub in that aspect, pushing to give everything to you, the same, yet different. I thrust again, picking up my rhythm when you say “ I HAVE to fuck you now”. I freeze, and my soaked, empty pussy, clenches… hard.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Camping – primal

Bright morning sun filters through multicolored leaves as they glide to earth from their high perches. Fall in the Ozarks is otherworldly, the vibrant shades of emerald and hunter meld into russet, marigold , and Auburn. The melting heat and cloying humidity give way to crisp clear skies that smell faintly of earth and campfire. Pausing to wipe sweat from my brow, I observe the clearing I’ve just come to. The buffalo river sits 100 yards to the south, beyond a stand of pine and juniper. An aged campfire from the previous occupants makes my decision. Camp will be here. Unbuckling and easing off my pack, I begin plotting the afternoon, set up camp, kindling, fish for dinner, maybe a quick dip in the river before the day cools too much. He is somewhere behind me, my excitement to be outside always gives way to a lead, while he takes his time; methodical, observing, meditating. Listening for footfalls approaching, although I’m quite certain he’s at least a 1/4 mile behind, I begin removing gear. As my hands brush the coil of blue nylon rope for emergencies, a smile spreads across my face. My thoughts immediately shift from setting up the tent to other pursuits. Deciding my course, I hastily strip down to my underwear, replace my socks and boots, and neatly fold my clothing and very obviously leave them in a tidy pile on a boulder near my pack. I then choose my hiding spot. Close enough I can hear him approach and not too far off trail for safety. I settle on a little dome in the sandstone bluff, with baby pines in front of it. Hunkering down, I settle in, then realize , I forgot to hide the rope. Just as I’m about to make a break for it, I hear hiking boots crunch leaves. Dammit! his quick intake of breath is audible as he spots my clothing, and I can almost see his smirk as he slowly makes a circle, sharp eyes searching for now prey. I try to see through my hiding spot, but in looking for cover, realized I’ve blinded myself to the jungle cat now hunting me. This fact is too much, and I let out a small snicker, a mistake ’ll pay for later. I hear him rummaging through gear, humming a song I don’t know, and the sound of rope being manipulated. Wishing I could see, I sit there, anticipation making me restless. Then silence , complete silence. After a few moments i decide he’s trying to get me to give up , and is probably journaling, just to mess with me. I can wait him out . I lean back against the rock, close my eyes, and sleepily wait. I’m jolted to reality by instinct, open my eyes to see a pair very familiar long legs in front of me. I go to scramble to my feet and in a blink he’s on his knees beside me, hazel eyes downcast, hands already wrapping my own in a preprepared coil of blue. Double Damn. He hauls me to my feet by the slack wrapped loosely around his forearm, turns and begins walking toward a camp, which I see has been set up during my nap. Not saying a word, not meeting my eyes, he walks me toward a large hickory that now has a yet more rope near the base , and a length strung over a high branch sitting suspiciously near a horizontal branch the height of a table. Oh I know where this is going, and impulsively rear back with all my strenghth. He didn’t have a tight grip on the rope, as usually I am very well behaved and obedient, and I see the shock on his handsome face morph into a smile he can’t hide, for a split second , as i turn to run. I make it two steps, while simultaneously gathering lose rope frantically in my hands before I feel a yank on my binds that jerks me back a step. Sighing. I turn around to see the far end of rope under a booted foot. He plucks it from the ground, and wraps it very firmly and methodically around his forearm, again, and again, until he’s directly in front me, so close my bare breasts are brushing his t shirt, and I feel his erection against my belly. My nipples pebble, and I feel a rush of dampness between my thighs as his other hand grasps my chin between thumb and forefinger a hard yet gentle grip, bringing my gaze to his. I watch laughing hazel eyes fill with heat , betraying a stern expression, before he simply states , “it’s a good thing you like punishment” .

Categorized as Erotica

When predators volunteer as prey

I searched for the perfect shade of green rope for weeks. Emerald wouldn’t do, it had to be the color of peat moss and ferns . Once this fantasy of mine was voiced, I knew it would be one of those pivotal moments in life that you remember in minute detail, and for once … I was in charge. I mentioned tying Sir up in jest, one evening when I was being a bratty imp, and instead of becoming riled up, like i intended, he was intrigued. And now, months later, I stand before him holding the rope I worked so hard to find, while a blues song croons about crossroads. The fibers don’t compare to the eyes I’m now looking into, but instead compliments them. You can’t find rope that is the color of late afternoon sunlight dappling a dense forest. one interspersed juniper, oak, and backlit with warmth from a human soul. Those mossy sun bursts are gazing calmly back at me, humor, trust, and desire shining through them. A wave of pride, awe, and arousal wash over me as I take in the leashed power that has been temporarily gifted to me. With a deep breath I begin my work. I have several short coils of green , and decide to start with his legs. running my hands from his inner thighs, down his muscular calves, a butterfly touch , Barely there., before securing his ankle to the coinciding chair leg. I kneel between his legs and admire my work thus far. He’s naked, his thick erection already long and hard, making my mouth water to taste him . I hold out my flat palm close to his mouth and softly command “ lick “. He flattens his warm wet tongue and holds my eye contact as he coats my palm his saliva. I then cup his balls with my other hand, and grasp him at the root, before sliding up, to run my thumb over the mushroomed head of him and sliding back down. I pump him for a long time, occasionally adding my own saliva to the head of him and keep going , enough where his thighs are tense, and then stop. I work on a chest harness next. I stand behind him , and reach over his shoulders to score my nails gently along his chest and flat belly, sliding my hands down to wear my hair hangs over his body and brushes gently over his dick. I pay special attention to his nipples, moving round him to bite the thick muscles on his chest and torso, and back and then quickly bind his chest to the chair . I instruct him to hold his hands behind his back, where I bite lick and scratch back and shoulders, then those hands are quickly coiled In green and attached to the harness. I stand back, a slow perusal of the situation is in order. The kitty is now a lynx, and this perfect creature is at my utter mercy. I’m giddy with excitement at my newfound power, and I attempt to school my features into nonchalance. I pad around his chair to stand before him, cock my head to the side, take it all in , and softly say “ beautiful “. My body takes on the role of Predator easily, and i slink slowly to my new prey, intent on taking in every cue he’s giving me. I observe . His dick is gloriously hard, and he’s not breathing evenly , good , me either. He is not accustomed to being overtaken, especially not by me. I am always the one looking up at him with need and subservience in my eyes. When he raises his head to meet my gaze there is nothing subservient in it . He boldly makes eye contact, demanding me without words to action. Even bound to a chair, he is still Sir, and I struggle to resist the command in his stare. One that would normally have me sinking to my knees ready to do anything he desired. I step up fully into his space, between his legs, lean forward, and grip his chin in one of my hands. I lightly kiss his mouth, and then drift my lips along his jaw to his ear lightly biting it and then back to take his mouth. I deepen the kiss and he obliges, both of us starving for the other. When I start to feel my control spiraling I stop and pull back. He is as out of breath as I am, but is wearing this smirk on his face like he knows exactly what that kiss did to me. Sir, it seems, is a brat too. I pull my pretty satin neglige over my head, and slide it along his arms, chest and cock, gripping his length once through the fabric before tossing it to the side. Next come the sheer lace panties . Won’t need those, as they are drenched already. I drop to my knees and find my equilibrium, this is my space, and I know what to do here. With a smirk of my own I tell him in my most innocent voice “ if you come before you are in my ass I won’t untie your hands later “ and proceed to swallow his length. I bob, suck, and alternately take him down to the root, while fondling his balls , stopping every little bit to gauge his reaction . When I taste precum and notice his body going hard as a rock, his back trying to arch in his binds, his balls tight and ready for release, I stop. I get up, Walk over to my toy bag, and take out my plug. I sit on the bed Less than 2 feet away from where I placed his chair .he literally has a front row view as I spread my thighs, gather moisture from my sopping pussy and fill up my ass with toy. I then play with myself with my hands, one pumping and curling inside my pussy with two fingers, the other hand rubbing my clit in a circular motion. I play for several minutes, while watching his face. He looks hungry, and I feel like his prey again. I stop, get up , stand in front of him, and tell him to open his mouth. I insert two fingers to let him taste me and he delicately licks my fingers before closing his mouth and sucking hard. I feel that suction as a jolt to my pussy. I withdraw my hand quickly and Step back to gather myself. I drop down to play with him again . My hands sometimes playing with his nipples , sometimes scratching, while I alternately stroke and pump him. Ive worked myself up, while trying to work him up. I straddle him, my arms wrapping around his head to grab the chair back, and my toes struggling to grip the the floor on either side of him. I use the floor and chair back to rock and slide my wet pussy along the length of him. I moan and slide, and muss his curls with my hands as I grip and pull on his hair hair and beard. He’s so tense , and I need him so bad I’m not so sure either one of us will last if I keep this up. So I stop, get up, take a drink from my glass and bring his over. Helping him take a drink, then I borrow an ice cube and make patterns on his skin with it . Around his nipples, his arms, his collar bones and finally his dick I pop a couple of smaller ice cubes in my mouth and suck his cock some more. I give us both another drink and then straddle him once more. I grab his cock with one hand, balance myself on his shoulder with the other, look into his hazel sunburst eyes and notch him at my entrance. I want to slam down on him immediately but I resist. I freeze and watch his face. Pleasure, need, impatience, and curiosity, all flutter across his face in rapid succession. I raise up and barely sink in again, just the head, over and over again. He is mostly silent, excluding a few moans torn out of him. I stare into his eyes and ask him “ Who owns you tonight ?” He freezes and I stop moving “ you do “ is his reluctant reply. I sink down a little farther than before . . I ask “ are you ready to be used ?” He hesitates again then looks in my eyes responds immediately with a firm “ yes “. I reach and bite the muscle in his neck and then slowly sink onto his length till I bottom out . We both moan. I grab his face in both of my hands and tell him “ don’t come in my pussy, I want my ass to drip with your come later “ and begin riding him in earnest. I ride him , gliding up and sinking down, stretching my pussy to fit him, and begin to stroke my clit as I do. My orgasm sneaks up on me and I come hard, slowing to a halt with him inside me. The body below me is covered in a sheen of sweat and now there is only one emotion in his eyes. Need. I clamber off his lap, remove my plug and coat every inch of his length with lube. Losing myself in watching his face as I play. Until he tenses up again. I remount him, I sink down , angling his cock and pressing it slowly into my ass. The friction feels so good, and I slide down, taking all of him, he’s big and I feel so full and complete. I enthusiastically use his body to give myself pleasure, riding him hard and fast. I close my eyes, lean my head back as my body arched and I take in every sensation from where our bodies are connected. I moan and chatter nonsensically. I tell him how good he makes me feel, how full i am, how amazing his cock is, how I want him to fill my ass up with his come. I feel myself getting close, and begin playing with my clit with one hand while I fuck him, I’m riding quickly to the crest and it’s about to break. I look into his eyes, green pools of heat, and he does something I never expected but should have. In the steely, authoritative voice he only uses when he’s Sir, he growls “ Come for me “ , and I fly apart at the command as he pulses within me, filling my ass with his essence.