An evening come in the park

The damp pavement glistens in the suns waning light, and a north wind toys with fallen leaves. The entire world is a melding of ochre, rust, and sienna. The air smells of cold, nutmeg, and damp earth. An after dinner stroll has us passing through a wooded park, picture perfect in its autumn splendor. None of the magic around me is of interest though, all of my attention is fine tuned to the body pressed against mine.

Persistent hands are wandering beneath my coat and sweater, teasing. Lips can’t make up their mind, moving from my mouth and down my neck, then back up again, leaving a trail of of tingles. You pause , both of our breathing heavy, and rest your forehead against mine. Suddenly, you break away. You grab my hand, lock me in a steely gaze filled with heat, and then without a word take off towards a dense stand of trees.

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Lucid dream

In those last few moments of sleep, when the veil between dream and reality is thin, that is when I feel you. Your long fingers wrapped around my throat, squeezing. Your weight against my body as you thrust into me, using me, owning me. Your scent and mine melding, your skin, my perfume, sex, enveloping us. The look on your face as you get close, tense and almost pained. the fluttering and pulsing in my pussy as you fuck my bottom even harder, your balls tightening . watching you approach your release, when I’m desperate and begging for you to fill me up . The sound of your voice when you tell me to come for you. The straight shot to the heavens when my body bows in obedience. Your groan as you finally allow yourself your pleasure, sending my soul skyward once more. Then, i come fully into myself after long minutes. An empty bed, and a body filled with longing anew

The party

the celebration is in full swing by the time I arrive, laughing and happy chatter surround me as I take a steadying breathe and step out of my car. I’m so nervous, I’m a terrible actress, and this day will be long. music is floating from the sound system’s large speakers, and the drinks are plentiful. A cluster of tables are nestled under a large oak tree, tiny lights draped from its branches. A voice calls my name, and I hone in on a waving figure at one of the tables. That would be the birthday girl. I wave to her and walk over. After a few minutes of chatting I excuse myself to go to the makeshift bar in one of the outbuildings. I can’t believe how many people are here, family, friends, people I’ve never met, some I have. An older man stands behind the wet bar and asks me what I want …. after requesting a double of whiskey, I gaze around at the lights, the littering of antique signs, and the smiling faces. As I accept my drink, I here a voice that sends a shiver down to my pussy, sending it into an instant throb. My instincts want me to whirl around and throw my arms around your neck, but through sheer will I turn slowly, forcing a bored expression onto my face and busy myself by taking a sip. I meet your gaze over the rim of my tumbler and realize you saw me before I saw you. your moss and gold eyes don’t waver as you hold me captive from 10 feet away, those tingles increasing 10 fold. I smile, offer a casual greeting to you, and make my way back to the picnic tables. I try and force my attention to the conversation flowing around me, but every ounce of my being is focused on you. Standing outside the metal building, hands in your pockets, laughing at something an older man is saying. I pretend to scan the gathering, and find myself watching you. You must feel my eyes on you, because inevitably every time I find you in the crowd you look up, piercing me with a stare that melts panties. Unsettled, I throw myself back into the conversation, desperately trying to distract myself from your presence. At dinner, you decide to torture me by sitting beside me, albeit with your body turned away to face the person to your right, and your scent alone almost sends me into subspace. I inch away, trying to avoid physical touch, when you smoothly turn back to face your plate and brush the entire left side of your body against mine. Forearm pressing directly into my breast. I swallow a moan, and quickly excuse myself from the table, avoiding you. Excruciatingly slowly, the evening fades to night and the drinking increases, and i note you’ve been nursing a glass too. It looks like you are avoiding me as well now, although the looks you give me when no one is looking make me clench. I am careful though, only to taking small sips and pacing myself. I can’t afford to lose control and expose us. “I’m going to lose my mind” , I think to myself, and decide impulsively to down the shot whiskey I’ve been carrying around as a prop. I want you. this is impossible, and I am going to combust or go mad. I march up into the abandoned bar, closing the door behind me. the bottles have long since been deployed amongst the crowd, and find a near empty bottle of bourbon, pour my own shot , down it, then shrug at the remaining contents of the bottle and drink that too. I stand there. Staring at the counter in a daze. Uncertain how to proceed. Dammit. . I could have left if I hadn’t just drank that. Now I have to wait. I lean my head back, and let out a frustrated groan. I turn forwards the door and bump into your chest, I didn’t hear you come in. I jump backwards, but your hands are already around my upper arms, and pulling me back into, forcing me against your chest. “ kitty” you whisper, and one hand shifts into my hair, caressing. I let out a tiny sob, and nuzzle closer, just for a minute. I relax further against you, and speak into your chest, my voice muffled in your shirt, “ this is so hard “. You pull on my hair, tilting my neck back so my face is angled up at yours . Then your hands cup my face and lean down, “ Ive missed you baby “ you say, and I smell the whiskey on your breathe and note your wild eyes right before your lips meet mine. My brain screams abort but my body recognizes the one who owns her and immediately becomes pliable and needy. I moan, letting you taste my mouth and you groan in response , one hand wrapping around my back, the other drifting down to clutch at my breast. The sound you make sends a torrent of liquid to the juncture of my thighs and I instinctively press my pelvis against yours. You press back into me, using both hands to hold my hips to yours and i can feel your hard length through our clothes. I whimper, a small pleading sound, and realize my arms are around your neck. You are devouring my mouth at this point, and your hands reach down to slide up my skirt, moving my panties to the side to feel me. I know you have drank more than I thought, and it will be up to me to stop this, but the touch of your strong fingers against the tender folds of my pussy make me quiver. You spin me around, push me over to sprawl across the bar, and kneel behind me, your face in my folds as you lick my ass and pussy like it’s your last meal. Frantic with want but terrified I try and push against your face , you hold me tight. When I start spasming you stand up, yank down your pants and stuff me full with your big length. We both moan under our breath and you thrust in earnest , me arching into you in time . a moment later I’m fluttering and gasping as I come on your cock. My legs are shaking when you pull me back into you. your hand grips mine on the counter , fingers intertwined with mine , and with a low growl you empty your balls inside me. Your nose is in my hair whispering how good I feel, as we both breathe and soak in the physical touch. . Voices approach and you quickly yank my skirt down, zip up your pants and swipe the empty bourbon off the counter . You turn around with an easy grin on your face, and meet the newcomers. “ We were just looking for more whiskey” . Holding up the empty bottle you shake it and say “ looks like we drank it all “ . The men laugh and as a group we head back onto the lawn . You follow the men towards a game of beer pong, but look over your shoulder first and mouth “ good girl “ .

Car sex

the windows are foggy as the suspension rocks beneath us. Unable to make it home, we pulled over the Camaro on the side of the two lane. I’m straddling your lap, my skirt pushed up, rocking against your hard length. Our mouths are eager as we try to get closer, each swallowing the others moans, as we share breathe. Our hands are desperate, searching, you brush your long fingers against my clit, I take your bottom lip between my teeth and gently bite. my juices soak my panties, making them nearly an indiscernible layer between your skin and mine. I rock frantically against you, surprising myself with an approaching orgasm before you are even inside of me. I try to stop it but I can’t and I beg “ pleaaase” as I begin fluttering. Your resounding “ come for me” tips me over the edge , and I spasm for long moments before collapsing against your chest, content and sleepy. you grab my hair and whisper in my ear “ oh no kitten, I’m not done with you yet”. you guide my hips up with one hand and notch your swollen cock at my sopping entrance. I hover there for a moment, meeting your eyes in the dim interior, and you slowly force my body down on your length, until I’ve taken every inch. When I’m impaled fully you groan, an animalistic sound that sends shivers down my spine, and glide my hips up again, your strong hands gripping my supple hips. I awaken from my come drunk daze, and continue the rhythm without assistance. gliding up slowly before sinking down once more. Over and over we rock, savoring each slide. Pleasure comes from nowhere once more and I rock in a disjointed rhythm as I rub my clit with my fingers and ride you. I feel tell tale flutters again and freeze trying to stop it. “ You thrust up into me, a look of almost pain on your face morphing into one of ecstasy as you fill my pussy up with come. You don’t stop thrusting, slam me down on your dick, and growl, “ come for me again baby” and I fly apart, pleasure flooding my body, racing glowing tingles through my limbs. I collapse on your chest once more, replete, exhausted, The big block still rumbling.

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Parallel universe

I wake in a state of ecstasy, my pelvis spasming, my thighs slippery with a flood of moisture. I lie there, in a tangle of sheets, a sheen of sweat covering my naked body, confused. You were there, I could feel your hands on me, smell your skin, the humid puff of your breath against my ear as you wrapped your body around mine. The thrust of your length inside me, the feel of sharp teeth against the muscles of my neck, marking me, claiming me. It was all real. Frustrated hot tears blur my eyesight as I lay there trying to breathe, trying to keep my throat from closing up. After a few moments I manage to calm myself and walk to the bathroom. I’m washing the salt from my face and look up, meeting my own red, puffy eyes in the mirror, berating myself for being so devastated over a dream, when something catches my notice. I reach for my neck on a gasp, where perfect serrated crescents mar the skin. Dumbfounded, I look down at my wrists, to rope marks with no origin.

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“ good girl “ is a weapon

“ good girl “ makes me squirm. The words on a tiny screen alone, have the power to send a flood of moisture to the juncture of my thighs and make me gasp. When it’s in person, it makes my knees weak, and my entire body shudder. Where I have to concentrate on whatever I’m doing to not falter. But my favorite, my favorite is when its spoken sotto in my ear when I’m full of you. That makes my pussy clench around you even harder, and my eyes to roll back in pleasure. “ good girl “ is a weapon, and you wield it so well.

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Pin me, bound and pliant, to the bed . a hand between my shoulder blades, pressing me firmly into the mattress. The other, at my hip in a vice-like grip. your cock, pounding me relentlessly. Clearing my mind of everything but you, our shared breath, the rising crescendo of pleasure. leaving no doubt as to who owns me, body and soul.

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Garage scene

As I walk closer to the side door I hear metal clank on metal, and swear word echo across the garage. I cross the threshold and take in the familiar sight. A wood stove burns merrily in the corner, a Godsmack song is blasting from a radio on top of the work bench, and tools line the walls in highly organized regiments. in the center of the room is a sleek beautiful Camaro the color of ravens wings . black with a blue tint when the light hits just right,, on slicks, and perfectly pristine.

The disembodied voice swears again as I hear a socket wrench cranking. I know he’s been in here all afternoon and has lost track of time again. Long legs encased in jeans stick out from under the car, and I admire them for a moment. I’m quiet as I slip off my shoes and shimmy out of my dress. Leaving my thigh high stockings and underthings on, I tiptoe across the space, sit on my stool, and wait, trying not to giggle. A litany if swear words continue and then the lean muscled body on the creeper rolls out, the wheels well oiled and smooth across the concrete. He stands up , walks to a tall chest , opens a drawer and immediately finds what he needs. I see him glance up at the clock on the wall and swear again.

Dream lover

My sleep is interrupted by the mattress shifting, and someone is mussing my blankets. I don’t want to wake from my dreaming, and stubbornly cling to sleep, the place where I can see and touch you. My hair is brushed to the side, and I feel the tickle of soft lips and a mustache at the base of my neck. My groggy mind stands at attention. It’s you ! I eagerly turn my body towards yours and allow my legs to fall open. I need you to touch me, I’ve missed you, and if you don’t touch me I’ll die. I tell you so, and you smile a quiet smile without speaking. Then one of your long fingered hands is between my thighs, slapping, kneading, stroking. You are giving relieve and adding to the torture simultaneously. I greedily lift my hips towards you, pleading you to make me yours to fill me. You make me wait forever it seems, lowering your mouth to mine. sleep long forgotten as I relearn the taste of you after the absence. I oscillate between savoring and cataloguing every detail of your body on mine, despite the need for you to be inside of me . Finally you notch yourself at my entrance and work your way in. The first careful thrust makes us both moan, and after a few moments I’m soaring. My soaked center is squeezing yours as I come hard, milking your cock and triggering your own orgasm. I feel you pulse inside of me, filling me full, and a wave of contentedness washes over me. Everything is going to be ok now. I lay there and rest, happy to be in your arms again. I snuggle close and drift back to sleep. When I wake an hour later to sunlight I’m confused. I look across the bed and see the other side is pristine, my little burrow on this side shows evidence of only my sleep this night. I’m so disappointed, hot angry tears fall down my cheeks as I realize last night was just a dream. I walk to the shower and stand under the steaming spray, lather up the washcloth and begging scrubbing. When I begin to run the cloth between my thighs , I notice they are sticky and covered with come.

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Smoky garages and happy girls

We’ve both had so much to drink, laughing and joking the evening away, happy to be in one another’s presence. I follow you into the garage, bouncing and giggling as I watch you smoke. The fragrant smell of the flowers fills the air around you as I inch closer, and lean my head back to look at you, you in sleep shorts and your Superman shirt, me in one of my old band tees and pale pink panties. I don’t remember what I said or you said, but I remember how the air felt in that moment, vibrating, and how you looked at me. The glassy sheen from all of our imbibing clears, and I see need so strong it made my insides clench. It echoes inside me. Your lips find mine, one hand tangled in my hair, the other grabbing my bare hip to pull me against you. I’m dizzy, from alcohol and want, and break away to catch my breath. Your lips don’t stop moving, and drop to my neck, and our bodies arch and press into one another. I breathe I take a step back, pulling you by the hand and drop to my knees. I look up at you, ever asking permission, but not with words. You gaze down at me, silent, the exertion of your will over mine curiously absent, yet the need glowing behind irises that are a melding of moss and cognac is unmistakeable. i pull your clothing out of the way and hungrily take you in my mouth. I’m desperate for you, starving, as I lick and suck your cock, tasting, savoring, devouring. I will stay here on my knees forever and bring you pleasure, and gain my own from that knowledge. My thighs, already wet, grow even more damp until I’m certain my panties could be wrung out, but I don’t stop. I want to be a reciprocal for your come, To be your fuck doll. I take you deep and gag, then lean back to breath. I look up at you while I stroke the slippery head with my thumb . you grab my shoulders and pull me to my feet. “ turn around and bend over baby “ and suddenly I’m spun around and sprawled on the hood of your car with my panties off. I feel you close In behind me and suddenly I’m full of you. My bottom, is still sore from earlier, but I’m so happy, despite being half delirious. I push back against your thrusts at first, giving as good as I’m getting, until I’m overcome. All I can do is hold on as you use me, as my body rejoices in being surrounded and filled with you. Before I know it my empty pussy is spasming, I’m moaning incoherently, and you fill my ass with come. I lay there, with boneless legs, a sheen of perspiration covering my body, and try to catch my breath, which is always lost when we are together, you always steal it. After several deep gulps of pot hazed air, I begin to giggle, I sit up, wobbly, and look at you. You grin, that dorky one, that makes you look more boy than man, and say, “ well that was a first “

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