His New Roommate… Part 2 [M/F, Demdom, SPH]

[Part One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11np9ha/his_new_roommate_part_1_mf_femdom_sph/)


The rest of that day, Abby was all Eric could think about.

Eric had shown her around the apartment–which didn’t take long considering student housing was never much more than a shoe box–and spent the entire time wondering when she’d touch him again, if she’d touch him again. Once or twice she brushed his shoulder, or put her large hand on the small of his back in an almost teasing way, but beyond that and a few wayward glances, she kept to herself.

After the tour, Abby started moving herself in, hauling in all of the large boxes by herself. Eric tried to help, but just trying to lift one was enough to leave him breathless and beyond embarrassed. If Abby thought less of him for it, she didn’t show it, instead she seemed to watch him intently, biting at her bottom lip, white teeth bright against her plush, pink lip.

It took her less than half an hour to get all of her things in–including a king size mattress that she carried in without breaking a sweat–and then she was off. Sports practice, she said–lacrosse.

His New Roommate… Part 1 [M/F, Femdom, SPH]


Lately, it seemed like nothing was as easy as it should be.

But Eric still tried, as best as he could.

When his roommate picked up and moved out over the span of a weekend after unceremoniously getting kicked out of university for cheating, Eric figured that was just part of living in student housing off campus and decided to make the best of it.

He’d spent a long Friday night picking up after his errant, messy roommate, and putting the place to rights. It wasn’t easy, and Eric had never been especially athletically inclined, so more often than not he’d found himself having to sit on the floor and catch his breath.

He’d figured it was worth it, though–for Sadie. They’d been dating five years and things hadn’t been right for the past few months. Eric tried as hard as he could, but Sadie said he never took initiative, she never wanted to kiss him in public or even hold his hand, and their intimate life had been… Well, kind of lackluster. When it existed at all.

In Her Nature – Part 2 [M/F, Cheating, Race Play]

[**PART ONE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11mw88r/in_her_nature_part_1_mf_cheating_race_play/)

It had been a week since the party and Anna had done everything to avoid the situation.

For the first days, she’d been paranoid about every text on her phone, and Lian’s phone. Anyone could have seen her go into that bathroom with Logan, and he could have told anyone about what had happened. But the days went by, and no one said anything, and even though she was safe… She still couldn’t sleep at night.

*I can’t wait for our date tonight,* she texted Lian from her Asian Studies class. Typically, she kept her phone away, especially in Professor Li’s class, but she’d been trying to be more attentive to Lian, and sweeter. Last night, she’d baked him cookies and gave him a shoulder rub after a long tennis practice. It didn’t undo what she’d done, but she needed to prove to herself that she was still the same attentive, caring girl she was before…

In Her Nature – Part 1 [M/F, Cheating, Race Play]


By almost all metrics, Anna Chen had the perfect life: the kind of long, silky black hair and curvy figure that turned heads around campus, grades that would send her straight to the ivy league, and a gorgeous boyfriend who doted on her madly.

Of course, no one was perfect. Not even Anna.

“You cannot finish your freshman year of high school without going to at least one party, Anna,” Annie said from where she sat on the floor, her Biology textbook open but pushed aside in favor of the soft teal nail polish she had in hand, carefully painting her toes. “It’s really cute that you’re so dedicated to Lian and classes and all, but you needed to get out before you become a total social pariah. It’s the last party of the semester. You have to go!”

“You know I can’t,” Anna protested, barely flicking her dark eyes across her shoulder to peer at her best friend from her seat at the desk. Anna paged further into her Applied Economics book, marking another passage with her highlighter. “I’ve got a final on monday, and Lian wants to take me out to that new restaurant tonight.”