Open letter #7 – Touch [Bi]

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.


I don’t know if you’ve picked up on this yet, but touch is immensely important to me. Touch in the sense of intimate physical contact with my partners, whatever form that takes. Somehow as a society we’ve sexualized touch to the point that the only reason for two non-related adults to touch each other is for the purposes of sexual gratification. And certainly if that’s where the night takes us then by all means let it happen; intentionally putting the brakes on arousal that arises from touching each other is just as silly as having an expectation of sex just because we’re all piled on the couch together in my opinion. I mean, there’s three of us here…we won’t all be on the same page every time we’re together. One or two of us can experience arousal and sexual release without changing a mellow, intimate evening into a hardcore fuckfest. It all comes down to reading each other and letting the mood ebb and flow however it may.

Open letter #6 – Some days aren’t meant for working[Bi]

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.


Hey Kyle, so I got to thinking the other day about a conversation you and I had awhile ago about the difference between a bisexual play date with all three of us vs you and I playing without Emily. Looking back, you and I could easily have gotten each other warmed up that time we sat around talking in the hotel room while we were waiting for her to get off work and I wouldn’t have had any problem with that at all. Specifically scheduling a time for us without her feels different though. Can’t say why, it just does. So that led me down the path of imaging what it would look like were that to happen, why I perceive that as less exciting, and put some logic to the whole topic.

Open Letter #5 – Emily needs to give lessons [MMF][Bi]

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.


Hey Kyle, I was thinking about this the other day, and I think I’d like Emily to teach me how to make you cum. We could do the whole whiteboard thing with the drawings and circles and arrows if she wants but I was thinking more of a hand-on session.

Wait, lets go back to that image for a minute. Now that I think about it, she’d be pretty hot as a teacher. Skirt and heels, hair up in a bun, lacey panties peeking out when she bends over, absently chewing on the arm of her glasses while she decides what she’s going to do with us…mmhmm. And a ruler in her hand, since I’m going full cliche here. I mean, I’ve always wanted an authoritarian woman to have her way with me, might as well let her have her way with both of us, right?

Open Letter #4 – Cuddle fucking under the stars [MMF][Bi]

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.


Hey Kyle, got your letter written a little ahead of schedule this week. I kinda cheated on it, so that’s probably part of it. Since this is the first letter about a theme I’d like to try out with you I decided to go for one that all three of us have expressed equal interest in. The basic idea came from notes I’d made from when we last played together and I was messaging with you and Emily individually about what the other would most enjoy if we made a date night just for them. We never got around to making it real back then but maybe when you get back we can give it a go.

Fall is the absolute best time of year around here. None of the stifling humidity and damp evenings you get in summertime, just warm sunny days, clear skies, and crisp, cool nights. And the moon and stars in the fall are just beautiful. It’s perfect for laying a couple blankets and pillows out in the grass and curling up with friends to talk, laugh, and soak up the good feels into the wee hours of the morning. That’s what we decided when we planned a special date night for Emily anyway. Sometimes we can be thoughtful like that.

Open letter #3 – Past partners twofer: Mary & Ben and Jamie & Gary – [MFM][MF][nc][Mdom]

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.

*****Be warned, this post gets into some quite rough male-dominant sexual play including CNC, meaning there is discussion of forced sexual intercourse in here towards the end. There was good faith consent from all involved but I know it’s not for everyone.*****

Hey Kyle, just one more of these setting-the-stage kind of letters. Last one, I promise. ;)

These two couples are group together because some of their kinks overlapped and they both stretched my opinion of how one partner should treat the other. There’s always a tendency to assess others feelings as though I’m the one that has to experience them…you know, that whole ‘do unto others’ rule. That only works if everyone wants to experience the world as I do though, which surprises exactly nobody that the real world doesn’t work that way. Mary and Jamie are important for me to share because they showed me that some people truely crave being treated in a way that I don’t understand, wouldn’t want for myself, and made me a little uncomfortable at first. It obvious to say but mostly what I learned from them is that they know themselves better than I do. Things work out a lot better if I just trust they know what they like without trying to understand why.

Open letter #2 – Past partners Riley and Kurt – [MFM] with [cuck][Fdom] and mildly [Bi] elements

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.


So Kyle, I may have told a bit of a lie earlier. I don’t think I’ll be writing as many of these about previous couples as I said I would. Maybe one more after this one, tops. I’d rather spend my time telling you all the dirty things I want to do with you and Emily. Or have you and Emily do to me. Or Emily and I do to you. Or maybe all of them. Hopefully all of them.

Speaking of Emily, did she tell you we’re going to see each other this weekend? So far we have breakfast and bookstores on the agenda, beyond that we’ll see where the wind blows us. If the weather is nice maybe we’ll end up using one of those walking paths the state maintains. Gotta beat the skeeters out there otherwise it’ll be miserable.

Open letter #1 – Past partners Betty and Tony – [MFM] with [Bi] elements discussed toward the end

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.


Good afternoon Kyle, hope y’all are getting along well over there in whereever you are. Like we talked about earlier I’ll start with some things I really enjoyed from other couples I’ve played with over the years and progress to ideas for us when you get back.

I’ve found that every couple is totally different with their own kinks and personality and quite of lot of what makes a particular scenario fun with one wife or couple wouldn’t work at all with you and Emily. However, I’ve also found some kinks that I never, ever would have guessed would be fun ended up being incredibly hot with the right partners. So while I wouldn’t suggest we should actually play some of these out with Emily it might get some ideas brewing in the back of your mind that you can tell her about while you’re laying in bed together. You might surprise each other and we’ll have something new to try. Or she’ll look at you like you’re a complete fucking moron and sexy time will most definitely be cancelled for the night. You never just know.

Backstory for open letters to a bored friend

Sorry to disappoint but there’s no explicit content in this post; there’ll be plenty of that later. This is only here to to provide the backstory for the series of stories and associated posts this account will eventually have for those that like to have a little context with their debauchery.

First off, I’m a fairly average male from the midwest. Stereotypes usually develop for a reason so if you apply those to whatever mental image just popped in your head you’ve probably got a pretty close approximation for me.

Kyle, the intended target for all these posts, has recently been deployed. And worse, deployed during a time when there’s restrictions in place that limit socializing, which means lots of time chilling in the barracks. Why is some dude writing about another dude in a sub for sexy stories you ask? The answer to that is his wife, Emily.

See, Kyle and I met when I responded to a reddit post he put up looking for someone to join him and his then-girlfriend-now-wife in their first threesome. We messaged for awhile, figured out we were both on the same area of the heteroflexible/bi-curious spectrum, had similar views and expectations about how a threesome would work, and I guess just generally found each other likeable.