The wolf’s morsel

The flip side of “wolf at my door” -which can be found on my profile

He watches her from the shadows of the trees, as she flattens a blanket on the ground. She has nothing on, her rear sticking up and showing off it’s curves.

Her skin glows from the sun, not darkened from it, but rather pale like the moon. She has laid herself out to lounge, the heat of the day making her skin glossy. He licks his lips, she looks like such a morsel.

She has used this spot to sun herself before, and what a lucky boy he is to have happened upon her during his walks in the woods. He watches her from afar, hungry for her each time he finds her lounging in this secluded meadow.

His cock rises, thinking back to the times before, seeing her breasts rise and fall with her breathing, perking up when the wind blows across them. How he would love to taste her skin. He shifts his weight to see better between her thighs.

Crack, a twig beneath him cracks.

Categorized as Erotica