[F21] – First Anal Experience

“I hear you!” I called across my apartment, “I’m just getting some things cleaned up, changing, then we’ll meet up with you downtown,” I explained to Cara who was chiding me for being a flake.

“Ok, but you better not bitch out on me again!” Cara called as she was ushered out the door by the large group of people leaving to head to the bars.

Within minutes my apartment had gone from a bustling party to deserted apart from my roommate Rachel and my friend Brian who had hung back to help us clean and walk with us downtown.  In reality, I didn’t understand the move.  We had plenty of beer to go around, and the walk downtown wasn’t a short one to make.  I had been content to spend the evening hosting everyone for the sole reason that it meant I could easily sneak off to my room and pass out whenever I felt like it.  Now the evening felt like a far bigger hassle than it had been worth.