Not so Cliché (pt. 2)

Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed the slow burn from part one, here’s where things get more spicy. Let me know if you want more!!


I met his eyes and slowly dropped to my knees, my hands on his thighs. The precum sitting on the tip of his penis dripped, just once, onto my chest, and I couldn’t help but stare. He used the hand not occupied by his member to reach for the back of my head and grabbed a think handful of my hair. He yanked my head back, drawing a small moan out of me, making me look at him, and he stroked himself slowly. I slowly opened my mouth, letting my tongue fall out over my chin and softened the rest of my face. The fire in his eyes was almost palpable as his gaze burned into my coy expression.

Not So Cliché

*Hey! This is my first ever writing in this genre. There’s so much more than this coming (pun intended), but I wanted honest opinions before I give out more. Also, if I could get some expert suggestions on how to tag my posts with this story, that’d be great!! Also, fyi, its a bit of a slow burn. Thanks ❤️*

Unlocking the door to my spacious apartment, I wondered if Chris meant what he said about me to his friend, but it’s not like I could say anything if he did or didn’t. I met Alexander in secret, seeing as he was a mutual friend of ours coincidentally, just to see if Chris was really up to snuff. Alex had said he thought of me as charming, yet attractively reserved and “the sexiest woman alive”, which made me smile. Alex informed me with great confidence that Chris is an honest, kind-hearted gentleman. I trust Alex — I should, I’ve known the guy for what feels like my whole life, but really just a year. As fruity and gossip queen-ish as he is, I know I can trust him to be upfront, and if he says Chris is a good guy, I’ll take his word for it. 

Categorized as Erotica