A Drink of Sin [taboo][daddy/daughter][fiction]

**This is a fictional story. All characters are over 18**

I stab the shovel into the ground, watching the cannel of that little fucker cave in. As the dirt falls in the damage becomes clear. Roots and all, gnawed to shreds. I pause and feel a bead of sweat trail down my forehead, right into my eye. I squint hard to try and push the sting out. That sting escalates quickly into a fit. I stab repeatedly with the shovel at the ground, spewing the longest chain of foul names, all toward a single gopher. The little bastard has been killing everything in the back yard. I’m convinced there is a labyrinth of tunnels throughout the entire backyard. From the rose bush named after Amber to the small garden. My fit wears me down quickly. Clearly the heat is playing a role. I swear the sun has sided with the gopher in this battle. The centurion to his complex hallway system designed to basically fuck up my backyard.

Categorized as Erotica

The Elephant in The Room [taboo][daddy/daughter][forbidden][fiction]

***This is a purely fictional story. All characters are 18 and older***

“Look at her.” I whisper to myself looking out the back window from the kitchen. Staring at Amber sunbathing. My eyes trace every curve of her young delicate body. I find myself completely mesmerized, drawn into her beauty. Drawn to the sex appeal of my own little girl. I shouldn’t have the thoughts I do about her. It’s a dark secret that I keep locked away except for moments like these. She has no idea what she does to me. She is poison to everything that is right in me and fuel to the fire of everything that is wrong. I draw a single swig from the bottle of whiskey. The harsh yet smooth burn flows down me, washing over the dark lust inside me. “Stop” I whisper, trying to convince myself to stop, yet my eyes feast at the sight of her as she lays in the rays of the sun. Her body glistening. Her body calling me.

8 Hours Later [taboo][daddy/daughter]

**This is a purely fictional story. If you are not a fan of taboo incest role play stories, then this story isn’t for you**

I open my eyes to see the flood of sunlight filling the room. Everything is different. My first thought. It can never be the same again. I fucked up last night. Amber nuzzles into my neck and drapes her leg over me again. I turn to look at her. My god what did I do last night? What was I thinking. I love her but to go that far. To give in to something so forbidden. I slide out of bed and go into the bathroom, looking myself in the face. The face of a father that has gone too far. Turning on the water, I splash my face with the cold, in hopes to wash away the guilt I feel. Is it guilt though? Closing my eyes I flash back to watching her thrust herself down on me. I feel the lust swell immediately. Feel a heat push through my chest, making my heart pound. Opening my eyes quickly, seeing the red lines down my chest. Marked by my daughter in her fit of passion. Fuck it was wrong. So goddam wrong.

2:17 – A Forbidden Tale [taboo][daddy/daughter]

**This is strictly fantasy and based on an actual role play I have done. This is in no way condoning actual incest**

I hear a rustling and feel the bed move, pulling me from my slumber. I lift my head, the room mostly dark, only a faint glow from my alarm clock. It’s Amber. I look at the clock, 2:17 am. I turn my head toward her “Amber sweetie, is everything ok?”

“I had a bad dream daddy. Can I sleep in here with you?” Her whisper soft with a nervous quiver.

“Sure sweetie.” My reply quickly met with her crawling under the covers and snuggling up to me. Amber has been attached to my hip ever since her mother basically abandoned us 6 months ago. I suspect she is suffering from a touch of separation anxiety. That compounded with the stress of her senior year, it’s no wonder her nightmares are more frequent.

I wrap my arm around her and pull her to me, letting her know she is safe with her daddy. “Daddy is here princess”

“Thank you daddy” she whispers, placing her delicate hand on my chest, her head tucked into my shoulder.