[Sci-Fi] Futuristic Arrest & Interrogation Story[MF][Mild Bondage][Anal]

Your first clear thought is that you are looking at your feet with your hair hanging around your face. As you ponder that for a moment that threatens to stretch for hours you realise that you have no clear memory of, well anything since going to bed. When? Last night? Days ago?

A growing panic begins to swell within you as you realise that your hands are restrained at the wrists. The room sways as you try to think clearly. Somewhere part you of screams “You’ve been drugged, Moron!” but another part you wants to relent and drift back into the bleak safety of unconsciousness.

You can see that you are in a small room, the walls are a dull metallic colour. The floor is obscured by a swirling fog like layer that never seems to rise further then a few inches above the hard floor, despite the movement of your feet as you try unsuccessfully to stand up.

A low electronic hum stirs you to awareness and you see an object detach itself from the wall and float towards you. A beam of green lazer light emerges from the object and strikes the fog like substance which swirls at your feet. A sudden, chilling drop in temperature clears your head and you struggle to get to your feet as the beam begins to precisely trace the outlines of your body.