[M][F][oral] Getaway with Alyssa

Neither of us were what you would call "beautiful" people. We were both weighed down by responsible, stressful jobs and little social interaction outside work. We had mostly clung together because we were too scared to consider the alternative. The sex was awful at first, I came too soon and she could not get moist. Yet we clung to each other. We slowly, grudgingly moulded the other into what we wanted. Today was our first anniversary together. Things were looking up, she was taking us away for the weekend to a secret destination. I waited for Alyssa at the train station. She showed up in a smart red dress, too professional to be titillating, yet subtly hinting at a curvy body toned by weekends spent hiking and a diet plan she and I had followed for the past 6 months. I wore a seersucker blazer, the one I bought when we went to the opera for the first time. She smiled at me as she approached. A peck on the cheek.

"Hi darling, where are we off to?"

She handed me a note "We can't speak until we get to our room"