I really hate being ill. It’s not that it just makes me feel like shit, it’s that it makes me feel so fucking useless. I never considered that it could happen to me. I never cared about sanitizing the hands, wearing a mask, keeping my distance, all that crap. I bought into the fucking Chinese ‘Flu it was called, it’s going to disappear, it’s totally under control, it’ll go away, oh, it’ll all be over by Easter, it’s nothing to worry about. It was all fucking bullshit! I got it from a friend who was contagious. Some friend! What’s this? An early Christmas present?
It started with a little sniffle, I didn’t worry about it. Then about a week later, I got hit with a headache, my body was telling me there was something wrong and I ignored it. After feeling the first symptoms I felt myself going downhill. I was tired all the time, then I realized I couldn’t smell a fart. I started thinking that not only couldn’t I smell a fart, I couldn’t smell the bacon I was cooking for breakfast. At that point, I also realized I wasn’t hungry either, just didn’t seem interested in or feel like eating anything.