Lost in a Pandemic 4 [MM]

I really hate being ill. It’s not that it just makes me feel like shit, it’s that it makes me feel so fucking useless. I never considered that it could happen to me. I never cared about sanitizing the hands, wearing a mask, keeping my distance, all that crap. I bought into the fucking Chinese ‘Flu it was called, it’s going to disappear, it’s totally under control, it’ll go away, oh, it’ll all be over by Easter, it’s nothing to worry about. It was all fucking bullshit! I got it from a friend who was contagious. Some friend! What’s this? An early Christmas present?

It started with a little sniffle, I didn’t worry about it. Then about a week later, I got hit with a headache, my body was telling me there was something wrong and I ignored it. After feeling the first symptoms I felt myself going downhill. I was tired all the time, then I realized I couldn’t smell a fart. I started thinking that not only couldn’t I smell a fart, I couldn’t smell the bacon I was cooking for breakfast. At that point, I also realized I wasn’t hungry either, just didn’t seem interested in or feel like eating anything.

Lost in a Pandemic 3 [FF]

Lost in a Pandemic 3

I can’t believe the number of people I see every day, dying. They say, “No, I don’t believe in corona virus.” “This isn’t happening to me, this is not real!” I’ve never seen it like this. What are people thinking? I go home at the end of my shift and cry myself to sleep- after a couple or four whiskey and beer chasers. That’s the only way I can sleep. Booze, tears and oblivion.

I’m seeing people anywhere between thirty and ninety years old, they come to me when the medical staff are sure that their patient is beyond their help. I’m in a super clean area, setup to take the dying. I can’t do anything to help them, not even sure if I am making them comfortable. I’m in mask, face shield, gloves, disposable gowns, rubber shoes. I decontaminate to enter the ward, I decontaminate to exit the ward. Some clothing is put into bags, taken out and burnt. Some clothing is sterilized and yet, there is still no guarantee that I won’t be infected.

Lost in a Pandemic [MF]

Flying business class is a luxury I couldn’t afford but my boss told me that LA to Sydney Australia was the longest flight in the world, and they wanted me in good condition when I got there. Yep, I can go along with that. All good, right?

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We will be landing in Sydney airport in approximately one hour. Please remain seated after landing, the aircraft will be boarded by Australian Border Patrol personnel who will supply you with masks. We have just been informed that upon arrival, you will be taken to a facility, tested for corona-virus and remain in quarantine for two weeks.” Well, the message was a bit longer than that, more polite, but that’s what he told us. Quarantine? What the fuck?

That’s what happened. We got masks and told not to take them off, put on a bus and taken to a hotel. It’s wasn’t five star, but it was okay. We would not be permitted to leave the hotel, under any circumstances up to and including the end of the world. Some of us would have to share, not enough rooms for one each. Oka-a-a-y, but not happy with sharing with a stranger. I was assigned a room, and told I would be sharing. His name was Alexandre Arti-something-Eastern-European. Not happy, but under the circumstances, being alone for two weeks was not an attractive option either. Oh well, put up with it.

Lost in a Pandemic! [FF]

Lost in a pandemic

I was so fucking horny! My vibrator was just not doing it for me any more. I wanted a dick with a live body attached to it! Any dick would have done! I wanted to be filled with cum, even up my ass, I didn’t care!

Okay, it’s a bit extreme, sure, but the reality is that I am both horny and at risk. If infected with the damned virus, it could quickly get really serious for me. I’ve a great job that affords me a livable income, I can easily work from home and my boss has been great. I live in a nice part of San Francisco, had a roomie but she moved home months ago. I can’t go out unless I am wearing a mask, gloves (when I needed a hazmat suit), which had been a serious heat issue over the summer. I don’t shop, just get deliveries, I don’t walk, just use a bouncy ball to roll on, do a bit of Ti Chi and yoga, but that’s really not enough. I am starting to put weight on, but then a few pounds is not much, I was too skinny anyway.

Coming Out Part 4 [MFF Inc]

Part 4.
Last night, Alan and Wanda shared a coffee after work. Neither had young children to go home to, Wanda’s son was in college, Allan’s daughters were living their own lives. Wanda’s former husband was gone, Alan had no idea where, they were both were living alone. For Alan, it was a pleasant hour and a half, far longer than he would normally spend in a coffee lounge, having a light meal with a colleague. Ostensibly, they were working, going over their latest project and its presentation next week, but Alan found himself liking Wanda’s company. This all passed through his mind as he waited for the lift to go up to the forth floor apartment of his younger daughter, Andrea, and her lover, Mel, who were planning to be married soon.

He thought again about what had happened the last time he was here. His own daughter had watched his fucking of her girlfriend. She had then joined in, telling him of her suppressed desires. Andrea told him about her jealousy, both of her mother and her lover, for doing something she could not. He stood as the doors to the lift opened looking into the empty space. For the first time, he lost certainty. He knew what was going to happen if he was to get into the lift and go up to the forth floor. He was going to fuck his daughter.

Coming Out Pt 3. [MF, MFF, Inc]

Part 3.

All day, Alan had been slightly left out, behind everyone, his attention on something else. The previous night had a greater impact on him than he had thought it might. Yes, he truly loved Mel, not in the ‘she’s the ONE’ way but in a vastly different way than he had ever loved any woman before. With Minnie he just knew she was for him, she was always going to be his, until he understood how they had grown apart. He hadn’t had many lovers before Minnie, and no real lover since, until now. Alan decided last night he would never push himself onto Mel in any way, but if she invited him again at some time in the future, whether to make another baby or not, he would be there, making love with her.

Coming Out Pt2 [MF]

Alan’s cell rang, a quiet tinkling accompanied by a strong vibration as his phone rattled on his desk. Picking it up and looking at it, he saw it was his daughter, Andrea.

“Hi babe,” he said as he answered it.

“Hi Dad, just a quick call, can you drop in for dinner tonight? Mel’s cooking.”

“Mel’s cooking? You bet!” he laughed, “Just not too many calories this time, I hate waddling out of your door.”

“Okay then, about 6:30 then?” Andrea replied, but she didn’t laugh.

“Yep, not a prob,” he replied, “I’ll be there. See you then.”

“Okay, bye Dad.” Andrea cut the connection.

Jeez, thought Alan, that was quick. Alan thought there must be a problem, Andrea always laughed at his corny jokes. He thought about his daughter and her lover. Mel, short for Melissa. they had been dating for two years then last year, moved in together. Mel was simply gorgeous, tall, svelte, nice tits, blond hair and slim waisted, a blond Barbie, Alan thought. A really nice person too. Where Andrea was short, small and dark, Mel was the opposite and for whatever reason, they really clicked as a couple. Andrea was in sales and marketing for an international food company while Mel had just finished a law degree.

Coming Out Pt 1 [FF]

“Mom, Dad!” Andrea called as she came in through the front door, slamming it on the way.

Jeez, thought Alan, she’s like a fucking herd of elephants, always barging through things if they are not smart enough to get out of her way.

Andrea had always been active, sports were like a second life for her. The more physical the sport, the more she wanted in. She was really upset that she didn’t think she was tall enough to make it to the WNBL, but she was tenaciously holding her spot on the school team. She was also a track and field star, anything over the 5,000 meter mark and she just shone, cross country, marathon and while not tall, she could still throw a mean javelin. Her room was adorned with medals and trophies from throughout her school years. Where she got this from, Alan didn’t know. There was a distant cousin who once competed in the Olympics, a hurdler, but that was the closest anyone in their family came to sports. That explained her aggressive approach to everything, she was just so competitive.

The Bigamist (Last Part) [FFM]


The limo picked us up dead on time. It made its way out to the prison farm Karl was going to be released from. The driver was a little surprised at the destination but knew where it was.

Driving out there, we held hands, not sure of what kind of reception this trip was going to receive. Finally we reached the destination and we waited. We knew that prisoners were to be released at 9:05. There was a four minute walk to the bus stop and the bus would come at 9:13am, if it was on time. Prisoners were given bus fare and some cash, as well as whatever money and other goods they had in their possession at the time of their incarceration. Other than that, we knew nothing.

When we arrived, there was no-one at the bus stop and it was a few minutes to 9:00 am. Waiting, I could feel the nervous tension building. That was the longest seven minutes I had ever had and I know Anna was not feeling any different. We had sat in silence when a small door to the right of the gate opened and out stepped a man in a cheap suit. A few seconds later another man stepped out and then a fair haired, tall god looking guy followed him. Anna and I looked at each other and we nodded.

The Bigamist Part 4: Kat’s Story [FFF Sub]

Kat’s Story

My parents came from the Bible Belt, deeply committed to their beliefs. They were stern, not unloving, but stern, break a rule and you knew it, well your ass did. It became easy to be compliant in the home. They also believed in the benefits of healthy competition, which meant we had to excel in sports and studies. I have a younger sister in LA who’s a psychologist, and a brother who is a scientist of some description, works for the National Transport Safety Board.

“Younger or older?” Mistress Anna asked.

“Both younger, Kristen is eighteen months younger and Jeb is the same younger than Kris.”

“Are they the same? Subs?” asked Mistress Julie.

“Jeb’s not, he took on the dom male role, as expected, but Kris, well, yes and no. When she feels like it I expect.”

“In LA.”

“Plenty of work for her there and she makes the occasional lesbian porn movie as well.”

“What! Porn?”

“Yes, I thought I saw her in a film, once, but that was later. I found this woman’s stage name and Googled it, saw a couple of her movies, and it is her, for sure. She doesn’t know I know and I’ve never said anything.”