Three Years a sex slave Pt 8. [FF] [MFFF] [Inc]

Emma’s eyes grew as she watched the first erection growing. That it was our dad’s, well, that didn’t make a bit of difference. I’d already made her cum once and her tongue was buried deep in me when we were caught by our parents, but they understood. Well, they should, I’ve been fucking them both since my 16th birthday. Now Emma was legal, and she knew about our arrangement, I would hope she would join in.

Emma is trim, svelte, supple, fit, beautiful and eminently porkable. That she still has her hymen was unexpected, a bonus. She also thought she was a lesbian, but too afraid to do anything about it until now. I’m bi, mom is bi, so it is probable that Emma is too, but she needs the opportunity to prove it for herself, to herself. A bit earlier than I thought, but that’s okay, I was going to try and talk her into a threesome, but guess I don’t need to now.

Mom was already naked and on the bed, behind me and caressing my breasts, I had Emma by the shoulders and kissing her. I felt mom’s hand reach out and touch Emma’s breast and Emma didn’t react other than with a slight gasp. Maybe she thought it was me, but maybe not.

Three Years a sex slave Pt 7. [FF][Inc]

I wasn’t in my bed. Light was coming in to the room at a strange angle. I wasn’t alone. M- was sitting in a chair, reading. I moved, she looked up and smiled. “You awake now? Or are you going to go back to sleep?”

“Bathroom,” I croaked. She stood and helped me out of bed, then into the adjoining bathroom. I relieved myself, then flushed it down. I didn’t care she hadn’t left me.

“Would you like a shower or to go back to bed?” M- asked.

“Bed,” I whispered, “Water!”

M- poured a glass for me as I lay back. I tipped the glass so much some of it went over the rim and down my cheeks. I didn’t care as I quaffed it. “More, please!” I gave her the glass. Another was poured and given me. I took my time, was more careful, the chill of the spill had perked me up a little. “Are you okay,” M- asked me. Apart from a dehydration headache, a sore pussy, an aching jaw, a burning ass hole, really sore inner thigh muscles, and what felt like a cut on the bottom webbing of my tongue, I was right chipper. “Fuck!” I breathed, “I feel like I had a really good night.”

Three Years a sex slave [MMF] [GB]

Part 5

I answered the door and saw a guy there, “Hi” I said, with mom right behind me, “Mistress Diana.” A sub. Okay, tall mid 40s starting to fat, “Good you’re here, come in.”

As he came through the door, mom turned to me and said, “Priestess, go to my room, take sub Stan and prepare while I talk to sub B-”

“Yes, Mistress.” I left, motioned to dad to come with me. He followed me to the master bedroom.

“Jeez, Cate,” dad said when I closed the door behind us, “I’m really surprised you getting involved in this nonsense. Subs and Doms, sex slavery essentially.”

“Dad, you don’t want me to?” I started undressing, taking off my jumper. “Don’t you want to fuck me? I actually like it with you!”

“Yes, I like fucking you, but it’s up to you, so honestly, why?” He saw me and opened his shirt.

“Mom’s right, I am a sub. I was quite prepared to join in my own degradation with Charlie organizing a gang bang, his buddies, and me fucking them all. This way, I get a lot of fucking and likely some serious enjoyment especially if I get to suck your dick occasionally.” My dress fell off my shoulders, and my bra quickly followed.

Three Years a Sex Slave Pt4 [MF] [Inc] [FF] [Cream Pie]

I got home from school one day in the next week, a little early. Mom told me that after Emma was in bed, come to her room, the next part of my training was to continue. “Yes, Mistress,” I replied. I swear, my nipples got hard and my pussy swelled, excited as to what was going to happen that night. It couldn’t come quickly enough for me.

Dinner dragged, evening came to almost a complete stop. Eventually, Emma said, “Goodnight.” I was in the lounge with dad, and as I stood to leave, he said, “Priestess, please stay. Mistress ordered me to tell you this.”

“Yes, Sub, as our Mistress orders.”

A few minutes later, mom came into the lounge and sat down. “You have thought about the path you are on, you understand where it’s going?” “Yes, Mistress,” I replied. “Then do you have any questions?” “Yes, Mistress a couple.” “Ask.”

“I understand that for my exclusive time, I am to be paid an income.” Mom nodded, “Does that make me a prostitute?”

Three years a sex slave Pt 3. [FF] [MMF] [Inc] [Oral]

And the next few minutes are a complete blur.

I’ve not had a lot of sexual experience. One boy and now I’ve licked two pussies and been licked by a woman, mom. By any standards, I am a novice at this sex business. I can tell you all, though, I wanted a lot more. Am I a slut? Probably, but I decided right there, on the bed, naked with two women, that I was determined to be the best slut I could be. A dick, or a pussy, either one, at that moment, I didn’t care any more.

Mistress V- had a vibrator in my mother’s pussy, eating her ass hole, while my mother was making me cum with her tongue. I had cum, hard, mom followed me. I got my breath back, my vision cleared, I felt myself again. I’ve not had many orgasms but this one so far was the absolute best.

“I think you better tell her what she is getting in to, Diana.” Mistress V- was saying to mom. “She needs to understand and be prepared both physically and mentally.”

Three Years a sex slave Pt 2

[Ff] [FFf] [Inc]

The very next day, as soon as I came home from high school, mom had me in the car and we’re off to the doctors. This wasn’t our regular family doctor, this was a specialist, a “good friend of the family”, she told me. My mom got an appointment with a specialist the day after she rang to make the appointment? He must be a really good friend. I soon learned he was one of the members of their group of DOMs, an OBGYN specialist.

She came into the surgery with me. “This is Catherine, my daughter, and this Cate, is Master G-, you may address him as Master or Sir. Do exactly as he orders.”

I knew straightaway that he was involved with mom in some way. “Yes, Mistress”

“How are you Cate?” came this bass rumble.

“Very well thank you, Master.”

“Remove your all clothing and sit there,” he pointed to a chair, “Put your legs in the rests.”

Three years a sex slave [FF] [inc]

The title may seem a little dramatic, but it’s not as bad as that. Yes, I am enslaved sexually to a group of men and women. But I love it! I am cared for in the best possible ways. I have been given, given mind you, my own apartment. It’s in my name, there is no mortgage, I own it, lock stock and barrel. My masters and mistresses have pooled their resources and purchased my apartment on my behalf. How many 21 year olds can say they own their own apartment?

I have full health insurance, full dental, I am subject to the indignities of medical attention on a regular basis, but these are for my protection as well as for my masters and mistresses. I have no job other than to meet their demands for sexual gratification. I can pursue whatever interest I want, but I cannot leave the city without their permission. To get that, I must perform for them all, but I am not extravagant in my travel needs and they are not stingy in permitting me to travel. It is, for me, the best possible arrangement. I am taking online courses from a prominent university here and the group has already agreed to my enrolling at a rather prestigious English college to complete a PhD, online if my graduate results are good enough to be accepted.

Dirty Old Man Pt4 [MF] [MFFF] [Inc]

Part 4.

Harry opened the door to Monica, which her being here was something of a surprise. “Hi Monica, come in, come in.”

“Hi Harry. Sorry to bother you,” she said as she came through the door, “Just wanted to talk about this outdoor setting.”

“Okay,” he replied, “Come into the kitchen, coffee is on and I’ll get some paper and we can draw up some ideas maybe.” He sat her down at the table and went into his office to get some paper and a couple of pencils. Since finishing the bed, Harry was designing other things to make, maybe another bed, maybe other household items. He did have the idea of a hallway bench seat that had a shoe rack under it and an offset stand at one end for wet jackets and other rain gear. The trouble was that he had to be able to get rid of the things he made, otherwise they would just clutter up his home.

Coming back into the kitchen, he poured a couple of cups of coffee, putting one in front of Monica. She sipped it and said, “You always have nice coffee, Harry, thank you.”

Dirty Old Man Pt3 [MF] [MFFF] [inc]

Part 3
The thicknesser hummed as the wood passed though it. Wearing ear protection and a safety face shield was essential in the shop, as Harry knew. All machinery is inherently dangerous, so just be careful when it has sharp knives, pins or really rough surfaces, keep out of the way and it’ll work properly. A moments carelessness cost a lot of guys their fingers and some their lives. Harry never wanted to be another statistic so he always prepared properly and paid close attention to where his fingers were when working.

Movement caught his eye and he looked up. It was Rob, his son. Harry waved for Rob to keep out, but Rob knew enough to not pass into the shop while there was machinery going. The last piece went through so Harry switched the thicknesser off, killed the dust collector and waited a moment or two while they wound down. When it was quieter, Harry took his earmuffs and face guard off and said “Hi Rob, what brings you here on a Sunday?”

Rob stepped into the shop followed closely by Monica, his daughter-in-law. “Hi Dad’ and “Hi Harry.” “Hey Monica, nice to see you.” he nearly added the word ‘here’ but refrained.

Dirty Old Man [FF Voy FFM Inc]

Dirty Old Man

There’s not a lot of doubt about it now. Harry was finally official, he was a dirty old man. Can you imagine this? Harry never thought about it until now, but circumstances change and he realized it was him, he really was the dirty old man stereotype.

Harry always thought himself a little unconventional, so taking up the Internet when many of his peers were still struggling with their VCR’s, wasn’t unusual for Harry. As the tech improved, so did Harry’s understanding of how things worked. He saw the introduction of broadband, from dial-up, then the expansion of the Web until it became the giant it is now. All through this, Harry followed the fortunes of those staples of the Internet, porn and Star Trek.

Porn, he decided was a lot more sophisticated now than it was through the first ten years of its discovery by Harry, twenty-five years ago. The younger people, Harry saw, didn’t know that the modern Internet didn’t exist ten years ago. ADSL had been introduced sometime in the early 2000s but it was expensive initially, but it did mean that porn went from collections of images to short, small videos, then to movies. At some point, Harry learned of the existence of cam girls.