Sucking dick [MFM]

My wife and I were going through one of those times when were starting to get a little bored with each other. We got to talking and I had a thought. She once told me she had had a bit of a fling with another girl, it hadn’t gone too far with a bit of kissing and touching, that was all, but she had wondered when she told me this, what if it had? I asked her if she was still willing to experiment a bit with it, as I would like to see her having sex with another woman. She went quiet and I thought maybe I had said the wrong thing.

She surprised me by telling me that she would, if I was willing to fuck a guy. I must admit, I was shocked. Turn about is fair play, she told me, what’s good for the gander is good for the goose too. If I wanted another woman in our bed, then to be fair, we would have to start looking for one of each. (I hadn’t yet told her of my childhood experiences.) There was no Internet, HIV was not even talked about then, okay, it was a while ago, so ads in the personal columns, a swingers mag we knew about and that was about it. We found a woman pretty quickly, and that was okay, but not great. It took a while, but we finally got a response to our ads for a guy.

Sorting my Problems Pt 2 [FF](bdsm)

So, my little cheerleader. What do I do about her? She was being pretty obvious, I thought, trying to corner me at every opportunity, complimenting me at every game, getting physically close to the point where she was crowding me. After a game, one of the other girls on the team said to me, “Look out, here comes your little puppy.” There she was, wending her way though players in various stages of undress, heading right for me. I sighed and replied, “Puppy eh!” Then the wicked thought became, I wonder if I could train her? Soon as she got there, she was gushing all over me, telling me how good I played and all the other crap. I looked down at her enraptured face and handed her my now empty drink bottle and said, “Fill it up.” No please, no thank you, just an order.

Sorting my problems [MF]

I have a problem. Oh, I know, lot of you are going to say well lie down and let me fix it for you. Or perhaps, well, we have a lot of psychologists to help these days. It’s not those kinds of problems, well, maybe not.

My problem is that I am 6’3″ tall. I have long legs that go from the ground all the way up to my ass, a 38″ breast, 26″ waist and 38″ hip measurements. Big tits, narrow waist and broad hips just like guys want them, something soft to lay on while they’re fucking. I played basketball in high school and college, but didn’t make the WNBL. I just wasn’t up to their level and they can play, believe me. I’m not a bad player, not that they were that much better, or faster, or more skillful ball handling than me, but, I think, while my anticipation while good, was never great. I could never read a game like some of my teammates could. Oh well, guess science is my future, not sport. Cosmology, to be precise.

Alice, Scott and Mom [FFM] [Inc]

**Continuing adventures of Katie and Kayla, their mom, Alice and her brother, Scott, and confession time with mom.**

During the week, Alice had let her mom know she was coming over and found her dad was going to golf, her company would be most welcome. She let Scott know this is what she was going to do and asked Scott if he could join them. Scott’s kids were still of an age they needed a parent to get them around so left that duty to his wife for the day.

Pulling into his parent’s driveway, he could see that Alice was already there – then he saw that dad’s car wasn’t. Fuck! he thought, What’s she up to?

Scott didn’t have a key, so rang the doorbell, quickly answered by Alice. She welcomed him in and as soon as the door was closed, she wrapped herself around him and kissed him, deeply, running her hand over his dick. “What the fuck?” Scott whispered. Alice smiled and said “You’ll see.”

Alice led Scott into he kitchen, where their mom was sitting at the table and two cups of coffee already half drunk. Alice made Scott a coffee and sat him down at the table. “Okay, I’m here, so what’s this all about?” Scott asked.

Katie, Mia, Andy [FF MFF] [Inc]

Damn, Andy thought, “I’ve run out of condoms!”

“That’s okay, my last period ended three days ago,” Katie stated. “Mine’s due Wednesday,” Mia said. “Then we should be okay,” Katie said, “And I bet I know where I can get a morning after pill if we need one. So you better fuck her first,” Katie indicated Mia, “Less sperm for me but that’s okay. I can get on the pill if I ask Mom.”

“You sure?” Mia asked, “This was supposed to be for you.”

“Yeah, I’ll be quite happy to suck his dick after he’s cum in you. Eat your pussy too, if you like. Cream pie it’s called, I think.”

“But, you’ve never eaten a dick before what if it doesn’t taste nice?”

“If he tastes like you-” “I’m right here you know. You could just ask.” “Ask what?” “Well, watching you two, I’ve got a lot of pre-cum on my dick, my hand, all you gotta do it take a lick. Then decide for yourselves.” The girls looked at each other and both thought, Duh! “You first,”Mia said. “Together,” Katie suggested, “Suck him together.” Mia nodded, “Come here big boy, lie down here.” Mia said, indicating an area between them.

Three Years a sex slave [MMF]

Dealing with Grief – Final

The next morning, I woke first. I hadn’t slept much at all. The questions raised the night before were too strong, too deep. I had to find a way to resolve it. In the mean time, be here for him. I had called mom to let her know where I was, what I was doing. She told me to stay with him, she would bring me clothes and anything else I needed.

Go- didn’t sleep for much longer and he was simply a mess. He could barely function. I essentially had to order him to shower, shave, dress prepare for breakfast. When he appeared he wasn’t dressed in clean clothes, he hadn’t shaved properly, his hair was a mess and from the speed at which he appeared, I suspect he hadn’t spent a lot of time under the shower. I’ll leave him for today, I thought, but this can’t continue.

He wanted nothing for breakfast except a glass of whiskey. “We eat healthy here Go-, so pick something healthy.”

3 Years a sex slave Pt 12 [MF]

As I said, the ages of members start at my age, then the youngest, up to 67, Master C-. I met him for the first time just after my seventeenth birthday. Yes, he’s an old guy. No, he doesn’t look his age, I mean he had a youthful appearance. No, that sounds patronizing. He’s kind of hard to describe. He is fit, trim, he couldn’t run a marathon, but he puts a lot of younger people to shame. He’s not tall, in fact, he is about an inch shorter than me. He has an air about him that is commanding, that’s the best way to describe it.

He walks into any room and everyone stops and looks. I don’t know what it is, but he is smooth in his movements, he moves like this dangerous animal. He is quiet, unassuming, but people listen when he talks. Before I met him I thought that he was going to be some old guy who would barely be able to get it up and would likely slobber all over me. Mistress J- did tell me he was worthwhile getting to know and had a lot to offer. After meeting him, I can believe it.

3 Years a Sex Slave [FFFFF] [MF] [bdsm]

Part 11

There is a familiar theme of bdsm running through the Club. Not so much the s&m, light paddling, swishing rather than outright whipping, but nothing too heavy. Welts that become bruises can be common, but they’ve never been debilitating, not as far as I know. After my introduction to bondage, mom would tie me up sometimes, but she never had the serious dungeon that some members have. I did think about using the basement, like some have done, but at the time, I thought Emma would want to know why she couldn’t use the basement for her gym any more.

The first time I met Sub K- was at a small gathering. She’s a lawyer, someone you might recognize from the papers. She is not a real high flying publicity hound, but has had a number of cases that have attracted attention. She owns her own firm and in court is a real attack dog. She has torn witnesses apart, broken opposing legal argument with a few incisive questions that opens the doors to her clients. She doesn’t win them all, obviously, one of her more famous recent cases the offender was jailed, but not for as long as he could have been.

Three Years a Sex Slave Pt10 [MF][MFMF] [FF][Bon]

After I was placed on birth control, I had my first loving, real, sexual experiences with mom and dad, I was to go back to the doctor who placed me on the pill. I was sitting in the waiting room with mom and remembering what had happened the first time I was here.

It was in this office that I first came to understand that I actually liked people looking at me while I’m nude. I didn’t know it then. but I am a terrible exhibitionist. Under other circumstances, I might have become a stripper or a porn star, but I was getting the right stimulus to become a sex slave. I walked from a bench to a chair, naked, and put my ankles into a pair of stirrups and let this complete stranger look at my spread legs and glistening pussy. I also let him finger me, insert devices into me, all because I was ordered to. Remembering this, I could feel my honey box getting all moist.

Three Years a Sex Slave Pt 9 [FF] [MM]

Emma was spending her nights between beds. Mom realized that she wasn’t on the pill, there had been no birth control for her, not like me. She got a packet of morning after pills and made sure Emma was aware what she was doing had a risk associated with it. Emma was on birth control as soon as mom could get it, well, she was sixteen and young girls will do what they do. We spent a lot of time in bed and out of it, talking, planning and lots of other things. I suggested we double date, her and Brandon and me and Greg, this guy I knew. Greg is really handsome, tall, athletic, loves his kayaking, white water kayaking. I knew he was preparing a trip to BC in the coming weeks with friends so wanted to get in before he went. Greg was in it, as soon as I told him what I wanted him to do. Greg is a lovely guy, but he is gay.