The problem of a slut wife! [Dom] [BDSM][Anal][Water Sport]

What’s it really like when you find out your SO, your wife, is fucking another guy? When you realize that the last few years have been a lie? When you learn you’ve been a cuck? If they had done this together, you think, it would have been fine, but the fact she did it, cheated on him, betrayed him, wrecked his faith in their relationship, well, that was just unforgivable.

He can’t say that he has been entirely pure here. There have been a number of women he has met, and known, over the last few years he would have loved to fuck, but he didn’t. He had her at home, someone to come home to, to be with, to love, to have sex with, regularly, great sex. Then he found out she wasn’t waiting for him, she had a guy on the side. It was so simple, the way he found out, he undressed her and she had gotten careless.

A Problem with my Shoulder Demons [MF]

For just over the last year, I have been cleaning this guy’s apartment. He’s not always there, he travels a lot, some sort of adviser. He spends, maybe, half the year traveling and when he is here, he is at work on the days I clean. If there are dishes in the sink, I put them in the washer, I make his bed, wash the shower, clean the bathroom, vacuum the carpets and wash tiles. I wipe over flat surfaces, all of those things, but even when he is there, it doesn’t take me long to do his apartment. The really weird thing is, I’ve never met him.

I’m Nadia, and Monday to Friday, I clean people’s houses for an agency. It’s usually older people, but there are a few others who just don’t have time to clean for themselves. Cleaning a house can be relatively easy, with practice and most people are not seriously messy, especially the older ones. I am a conversationalist for some of them, more than a cleaner, and that’s okay. The hours are good, I start at 9:00am and do two houses a day, finishing usually before 4:00pm. Great hours, because my second job is a late night thing, starts at ten and finishing at two in the morning Thursday and four on Friday and Saturday. Between the two jobs, I get to sleep and workout and can eat, reasonable well. It also keeps my mom happy that I’m working as a cleaner, she has no idea of the other and would likely be horrified if she knew. I don’t lie to her, I just don’t tell her.

Proofreading for me [MM] [F] [Oral, Toys]

*I like to get someone to proof my stories, and I have a few guys and a woman I can call to do that for me. Helps to get some real, live feedback*

I put my cell down and sighed. It was arranged. Ron would be here this evening. Ron is one of my proofreaders. Better let Mary know.

“You there, hon?” I called. No answer. I got up, out of my chair, and went into the kitchen. Not there. I heard the back door open, ahh. “Just putting the kettle on if you want a tea?” I asked.

“Yes please,” came the reply, “Just gotta wash my hands, be right there.”

I filled the electric jug and turned it on. Preparing a couple of mugs, I got tea bags out and put them into the mugs that had been sitting there since coming out of the dishwasher. Mary came into the kitchen and I gave her a hug, “I got Ron coming over later,” I said.

“Oooh finished a story then?” I nodded, “Can I watch?”

“Of course, he doesn’t mind at all,” I replied, “Especially if you are using Tom or Jerry.”

Throat Problems? [MF]

In college, I had a best friend, a roomie, a sister almost, Adele. No we were never lovers, but we were as close as we could be and not take our clothes off. There was only one thing we did not share, that was boyfriends. Just before graduation, she met this guy, Gary, nice guy, a bit shy and he really did connect with her. I must admit I felt a bit left out, a bit of jealousy she preferred his company but this too is a bit of growing up.

After graduation, we promised to keep in touch as she went to her home on the West Coast and I went to work for the State Department. My father was an oil worker and by the time I had finished high school, I spoke five languages and at times, English seemed my second language. The State Department seemed a natural fit. I was posted immediately to the Middle East and spent some time reconnecting with childhood friends, and their now husbands if they were important. This opened some doors at times, so I was considered valuable. This personal connection diplomacy is often just as important as official policy, an idea that seemed to have been lost in recent times. I was transferred home and the Covid thing hit.

From Tragedy to finding a new love [FF]

Sitting alone is awful. Alone in the waiting room of a hospital emergency department is even worse. Knowing nothing, worried, afraid of the worst, hoping for the best. My ex-husband inside having who knows what happening to him.

I know you’re going to ask why am I here? He’s an ex-, why would I want to be here? Apart from alimony, child support, or other why would I bother? I actually like him, he’s a nice guy even if we couldn’t get along as a married couple. And I do get child support, not that I need it, but he insists on paying it.

We have two kids, both under thirteen, boy and girl, they love him too. I haven’t told them anything yet, don’t know much myself.

Looking around there is only one other person here, young woman, who seems just as lost as me. No rings so no husband. She looks up at me and gives a small half smile, almost embarrassed to be seen here maybe.

I nod, acknowledging her. Never being shy I said “Hi, you alone too?” I thought this a good way to ease the tedium, and maybe the anxiety, of being alone in a hospital.

My First Ever Swap [MF-MF]

A long time ago, when our kids were very young, my wife and I began talking about exploring our sexuality. Eventually this meant that we would engage in same sex relationships, but I want to go back a little further than that and talk about what it was like watching Mary, my wife, mother of my two children, fucking another guy for the first time.

Neither of us had much of an opportunity to have a pre-marital sex life, and even though I had begun my sex life as a pre-adolescent, with a man and a woman, both of us were, essentially virgins. My lack of experience and uncertainty came from the understanding that I liked sucking dick. I had no idea how to deal with that when I discovered that faggots were evil creatures and my father would likely have shot me if he ever found out I was one. Mary knew this, of course, but the first time she asked me if I would fuck a guy, well, it was still a shock. That is covered in a story elsewhere, so I’m not going to talk about that.

Post Lock Down Problems [MF] [Cuck] [Light bondage]

Pete was glad lock downs were finally over, well, he hoped they were over. It was a serious problem, spending so much time in his apartment, alone, mentally, physically dragging. With no girlfriend when the lock down hit, all he could do was to pull his own dick. Watch porn, pull dick, work, more porn, more dick pulling, more work, an endless cycle leading to boredom and thoughts of suicide. Not really, he was just fucking bored when at last he was called by his boss and told all staff could return to work Monday. Freedom day!

Wow, back to the office! Monday was a breeze, everyone was happy, excited at being out of the confines of their homes, their apartments. Nobody complained about the commute, nobody whined about the traffic, it was just great to see everyone again.

My Mom a Porn Star? Not a Problem! [MFF] [inc]

I was still in Elementary School when dad walked out on us. It was actually a relief, but I just didn’t know it at the time. He was a dead beat, a real asshole, violent, likely an addict, often drunk blaming mom and my sister and I for the failings in his life. I thought, really, I did, that this was just a normal way to live. By the time I finished junior high, mom had another boyfriend who lived with us and life improved.

Ian was a decent guy, he loved mom I’m sure; he never treated us kids with anything less than kindness. He didn’t always get it right, but in the main, we never went without and he would want to spend time with us. He and mom were not going to get married, apparently mom refused to. In my sophomore year of high school, he was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his brain, so he absolutely insisted on marrying. I didn’t know then how much he really did care for us, at least, not until after he passed away, barely a few weeks into my senior year.

A Gym Helped Solve my Problems [FF]

Oh jeez mom, leave me alone! I got enough problems!

“Come on, get off the couch! Look at this place!” Mom was doing her best to imitate a harpy. “It’s a fucking mess!”

That pulled me up, mom saying “Fucking”? I’m not sure I’ve ever heard her use the word before. I got up, onto my feet, stood there. She wrapped herself around me and said, more gently, “I know, you’re hurting right now, but this sitting around, making a mess is not helping you. Come on, you’re better than this.”

Okay, some background. My dad walked out on us years ago, mom was able to keep the house, but has had a boyfriend for the last four years and sleeps at his place. My brother, Steve and I lived here on our own, we were both over eighteen, until he moved in with his girlfriend after graduating college and starting a new job. I was here, on my own, until my, now ex-, boyfriend moved in about two years ago. Work for him hasn’t died dramatically over the last year, like it has for so many people, he’s a plumber, he remained busy. I was completing my degree, and two weeks ago, he said, “Fuck you,” and walked out, with all his shit thrown into his work van. No explanation, no argument, no nothing, just here one moment, gone the next. So I’m left feeling bewildered, lost, alone, and depressed as all fuck.

Solving Problems I was Walking In To Pt 4 (FF)

Pt 4

I have to say I am getting more than a little nervous. Two days ago I fucked my wife, Amy, in front of a camera, with Lily and Sally as cameramen, or women, whatever, Sally having the backup role of fluffer. Today, I am filming, with Lily’s husband as a second cameraman, Amy and Lily fucking, a full on lesbian action scene. What the fuck am I doing?

Two nights ago, the evening after we did our scene, Amy confessed she was, for the first time ever, letting her inner slut go. I’ll say, she’s wearing me out, or rather, I better go and get some Viagra if this keeps up. Remembering the events of the day, she was again seriously wet and I better get in to make her cum. Fortunately, my tongue worked better than my dick then and a quick, thorough, tongue lashing was what she needed to get some sleep. During the night, I woke with her sucking on my dick, a pleasant experience at the worst of times, but right then, fucking brilliant. Better than ever, in fact. She learned a new technique the day before and was using it on me. Unbelievable, as I came deeply into her throat. In the morning, she told me that was for her, so sexy, so pleasing she could do that to me and looked forward to many more years of doing it.