Amber and Eve Pt 3 [MF][FFFM][FF][Inc]

I was fucking my daughter. Her first lover, Eve, and my wife, Leah, were both there, on the bed, watching me inserting my cock into her doggie style.

I pushed in and pulled out of her, my cock sliding with the moisture soaking her labia and vulva. Eve moved around and reached under Amber and began to masturbate her clit. I felt her fingers flicking over Amber and sometimes feeling my balls as I pushed into Amber. “Go on, cum in her,” Leah said, “Drive your dick into her as far as it will go! Fill her up with your hot cum.” I had never heard Leah talk like this before, it was unbelievable. Eve moved a bit and was kissing Leah, while Amber was sucking her tits. Eve was masturbating Leah, well, the look on her face was that someone was playing with her love canal. But I was not going to cum yet, I wanted to be inside each of these lovely women before I came.

“Not yet baby, Eve next, then you and then I am going to cum in Amber.”

Amber and Eve 2 [FF][MFF][Inc]

Life went on, as normal, well as normal as it gets in our home. Leah was oblivious, but this was not something that would continue. Sooner or later she was going to figure out something was very different. Our sex life changed, it just skyrocketed. Almost every time I fucked Leah, my mind was on Amber and I was fucking Leah a lot. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Leah is eminently fuckable. Not too tall, she fills out a 34C cup without any problems at all and she is absolutely gorgeous. She is such a good lover, willing to do almost anything, to try anything, so generous in her lovemaking.

Amber and Eve [FF]MFF][inc]

**Originally written for The Kristen Archive**

Since they were little girls in their first year at pre-school they have been fast friends. They shared lost teeth, ice cream, angry dads, dead pets and all the highs and lows of a friendship that transcends normal boundaries. They are closer than sisters, more intimately involved in each other’s lives than I had ever thought possible. It is impossible to think of one without the other. For the last 14 years I had been watching them play, fight, argue, makeup and grow into beautiful young women.

Amber is her mother’s daughter, open, friendly, dark eyed, dark hair framing her fair skinned oval face. She is beautiful, there is no other word for it. Eve is a red head, but try and call her a “‘ranga” and kiss your eyes goodbye. She has dusky skin, lightly coated with freckles and the greenest eyes I have ever seen. Neither of them are tall, but this is the only physical area they are alike. Amber is slow to anger, whereas Eve is more mercurial, both are quick to forgive and invoke a warmth that draws a lot of people to them. Amber is a thinker, but quick on her feet, showing an impeccable judgment of people and situations. Eve is more reactive, more emotive, but just as smart as Amber. Peas in a pod they are complementing each other. Eve is the social half and Amber the scientist. Watching them at their school work was always fun, Eve always took the lead on humanities and social sciences, and Amber math and science. Together, they taught each other better than any teacher ever could have. Now, at 18, they were taking charge of their own lives in ways parents expect, but usually dread.

Would you Believe? [MMFF]

In September last, (’21) I wrote a story about a surfing trip I took that ended up in Santa Barbara, Cal, where I met this beautiful young woman, Toni. I had a week of some really great sex with her, she loved it too, she said. She talked me into being a watch dog for her while she had a gang bang with five other guys, in return I would get a rather special reward. Toni had her gang bang and was safe all through it, and I got my reward, Nat, her mother. If Toni was gorgeous, Nat was simply stunning. I found that Nat could suck dick like very few women I have ever known and she too loved to fuck. It was building up to our horizontal excesses that Nat informed me that Toni was under aged, so a long term relationship wasn’t possible. I cannot honestly recall if I had any such intentions but to that find out she was graduating from Middle School to High School, not High School to College as she kind of indicated, was, well, not a pleasant experience.

Another Way Pt 2. [FF][Ff][Inc]

That four nights went too fast.

The long fingernails on my left hand disappeared on the first day – cut and filed down, this time at the nail shop in the mall. Kane, my 12-year old son had a sleepover birthday party that afternoon/night, so I took my 13, going on 22, year old daughter, Lacey, to the mall where we had our nails done properly. It was during this time when I told Lacey about Lin coming to stay with us until she had to leave.

Lacey accepted that with all the aplomb of a 13 year old, hitting me with a lot of questions I either couldn’t answer because I didn’t know, or wouldn’t answer because it might lead to other questions that would be too revealing. He comment was, “Gee mom, for allowing someone else to live with us even for a few days, you really don’t know much about her at all.”

“Well, I have worked with her for the last two and a half years and she is a lovely person. She is good at what she does, and I have never seen her have a bad hair day. She didn’t want to impose when I put this to her, but it made a lot of sense last night, and still does today. So we are going to pick her up at about five this afternoon.”

Another Way Pt 1 [FF]

Another way

For the last 20 years, my husband and I have worked damned hard to retire, or rather create a financial situation we could opt out of full time work, early as we could. It has finally happened.

Last week, we sold the business for enough money to invest in a trust fund of blue chip stocks, government bonds and annuities to provide us with a substantial income for the rest of our lives. We have two grown children, who are making their own way in the world, and when we have gone, they will receive the full benefits of what we have achieved. Right now, we decided they will get a supplement to their incomes, but that is another story.

My husband was originally employed as a safety engineer, then when the company and he disagreed over some fundamental issues, he opened his own practice and built it up to the point where it employed 11 other consultants and a small office staff of twelve. He ran the services side and I ran the office. Worked really well, but there were a lot of problems and difficulties we had to overcome, but that is no different to any other business I suppose.

His Student Hooker Pt 8 [FFM][Rom]

The Cantina was a Mexican restaurant Paul and Simone liked, and probably ate there once a month. The food was always fresh and delicious. Simone liked it because it was a no tipping eatery, Paul liked it because the food was always great. Eleni had never been there, and now it was her turn to be delighted with a different food regime and better company. Eleni was surprised that some of the prices seemed higher than usual, but Paul explained that staff were on a much more consistent and higher wage, and the service was actually better.

The conversation seemed a little stilted at first, but after a bit of discussion about how the summer break was going, they started in the relaxed mode that leads to real companionship. Laughs became much easier, Eleni’s skill at developing a pun became obvious and that, in turn, led to both Simone and Paul trying to outdo each other, much to everyone’s delight. Eleni started with,”Oh, the lobster burrito looks nice, but I am not sure I want to shell out that much for it.”

Paul picked up on it and said, “Might be a bit fishy, you think?”

The Problem of a Slut Wife 2 [DOM][Inc][FF][MM]

How the fuck can I get my revenge? he thought. She was easy, she was an obedient little slut, totally submissive, but it wasn’t enough for him. He wanted revenge on his brother, he was fucking her so how could he do that. To get it, he had to maintain the illusion that he didn’t know so he ordered his slut to keep fucking him, like she had done. She wasn’t to reveal anything to the brother at all. That night, after she reported that his brother had been, he would fuck her in the face, then have her sit in the bath and use his piss to wash the semen he had deposited on her face off. He knew she would masturbate furiously afterward, but he wasn’t going to interrupt that, yet. He wanted his revenge, but how?

A few weeks went by while he formulated a plan. He ordered her to tell him everything. It always began when he would inform her he would be working late. This happened at least once per week, the demands of his job were crazy sometimes but the big bucks went with the crazy and he didn’t want to give up the big bucks. She would call the brother, let him know, then when the brother got there, she would be fucked. Apparently, his brother had a dick that was bigger than his. This made him prickle, he wasn’t happy with that.

Three Little Virgins [ff][Fff][FMf][inc]

For the first few days, Alex played musical beds, hopping between Peta’s and Gail’s beds. She was really enjoying learning from Gail and practicing on Peta. Gail had a range of sex toys and had ordered, online, a couple more, for Peta, figuring she may as well have her own, rather than use her mother’s. When they arrived, there was a lot of laughter as Gail described how to use each of them. Gail ordered Alex to strip. Alex hesitated, so Gail told her that she was going to model the toys for Peta, so Peta knew how to use them on her, and herself. Alex was naked in seconds.

Gail handed a vibrator to Peta and gave Peta instruction on how to use it. Peta did so, willingly. Alex enjoyed what was being done to her, but was feeling a little vulnerable, she was the only one naked. Gail did point out that usually, when using toys, both parties were naked. Peta, a little more slowly than Alex undressed, “Mom, is this a little weird?”

“Mmm, maybe, unusual, for sure, but it doesn’t feel weird to me.”

Oh What A Night! [FFM]

I thought I posted this ages ago, but couldn’t find it on my submitted list. If I have sorry for the repost, but there is another story in praise of older women coming.

Late September back in 67, I was on the prowl. I had managed to get a really good fake ID which let me into a number of clubs. I really was only just eighteen, had to be 21 before you can drink, fuck, you know, the fun things then, but “mature looking,” as I was once told. What was left of summer was going, autumn was well and truly coming, warm days, cooler nights. My summer job, and my part time work through the previous two years bought me a 10 year old VW Bus that hadn’t been ruined by a bunch of hippies pretending to be artists.

I had fitted the rear cabin with a really thick sponge and some sheets adding both a rear window curtain and a curtain right behind the front seat. No other windows then. This was done entirely for fucking. I told my parents that it was really for me to get away camping, doing some surfing, or getting up to the Rockies but reality was, I wasn’t interested in those things unless there was someone to fuck while I was doing them.