Part 8 Unexpected Developments (FF FMF Inc)

The next week dragged for Emma, Dad was due home Thursday and he was home when she arrived from school. The next morning, Emma told Tim that she wanted to spend time with her Dad, so please don’t be upset if she didn’t see him over the weekend. She’d let him know what happened on Monday.

Friday evening was just a normal family dinner. Dad filled them in on his doings for the last three weeks and Mom caught him up will the latest events, doing Zoom and phone calls were often just not enough. Mom was rostered to work the next morning, she couldn’t get out of it with the staff shortages around the pandemic. It was an early night for them and Emma masturbated to the sounds of their lovemaking. Mom went off to work and Emma and Dad were alone, at the breakfast table.

“So,” Dad asked, “How’s it going with Tim?”

Emma told him as much as she thought he should know, but then stopped, silent. Dad was not entirely obtuse, and said, “Okay, what is it you’re not telling me?”

Emma just looked at him, then said, “It’s Mom.”

Unexpected Developments Pt 7 [MFF][Inc]

Thinking about Emily getting a DP made Emma a lot more jealous and really aroused. She wanted it too, so maybe this weekend. Stripping off her nightie, laying on the bed, she began to explore her body, tweaking her nipples, running her other hand over her mons, caressing her swollen clit and vaginal lips. Using her fingers, she cupped her hand and inserted two of them inside herself, while pressing on her clit. Stroking herself a bit more, Emma felt her body react to the stimulus of her touching herself. The she stopped. She got off her bed, walked out of her bedroom and made her way to her Mom’s bedroom. Standing outside the door, she could see the thin strip of light under the door, hearing the soft hum of a vibrator and moans of Mom pleasuring herself. Putting her hand on the door knob, Emma opened the door and walked in.

Mom was laying back on the bed, her legs spread, pumping a vibrator in and out of herself, holding a breast in her other hand. Startled, Mom jumped up and squealed as she saw Emma, naked, standing in the doorway.

“Emma! What are you doing?”

Unexpected Developments Pt 6 [MfM][Inc]

Things were quiet in the house, Mom and Dad slept, exhausted by their weekend marathon. Emily and Tim slept together, but that was about it. Tuesday, Emily was feeling she wanted more, and that evening, at the dinner table, Emily told Mom she really wanted to have a DP. Soon.

Mom wasn’t surprised, and agreed, “How about tomorrow night?” She asked, “Either of you got any urgent assignments due?” Tim shook his head, knowing he still had until Friday for his Science paper, easy, and Emily just shook her head. “What about Emma?” Mom asked.

“She’s good, for a couple of days,” Tim said, as he and Emily had taken her that afternoon.

“And Emma’s Mom?” Dad asked.

Emily laughed, “No, not yet. Emma told me she thinking about it, but it’ll be a while.”

“You getting your hopes up?” Mom asked.

“With four women, and just the two of us? Gonna need a lot of Viagra.”

“Or a larger dildo,” Mom came back, “A new strap-on maybe?”

Unexpected Developments Pt 5 [MM][Inc][Ff][MMFFf]

Tim woke at the gentle touch of lips around his dick. He felt a tongue lapping softly over his knob as a mouth slid down, along his cock. This was nice, he thought, as his pubic hairs were squashed by a nose and his cock deep in a throat. ‘I was already hard?’ he thought. The strong muscle of a tongue again slid up along his shaft, over the frenulum, exciting further his prong. Over and over, the motion repeated itself, pushing him that little bit higher every time, after every stroke. He didn’t want it to stop, he didn’t want to shoot his load into that waiting mouth.

A hand gently caressed his balls, a finger rubbed his asshole. These sensations added to the pleasure he was feeling, all concentrating on his dick. The soft skin of the mouth, the warmth and moistness of it was so exciting and felt so right as it wiped up and down his cock. Excitement grew in Tim as the tension in his balls increased and it became more and more difficult to hold it in. Tim moaned and groaned and it was clear nothing was going to stop that mouth from bringing him to a full ejaculation. Sensations grew and he could no longer hold it, his hands move of their own volition and took hold of the head on his cock as he started to shoot. Tim pushed his dick hard into that moist cavern and shot a stream of his juice as his balls jumped, his cock spasmed and his body shook in pleasure. A second shot rose through his cock, again his balls jumped and a third load left the eye of his dick.

Unexpected Developments Pt 4 [Mf][Inc][MF][Ff][MMFFf]

“Mom,” Tim called down to his Mom, “Can I have some money to take Emma to the movies on Saturday?”

“No,” Mom replied.

“Dad!” Tim cried out, “Can I have some money to take Emma to the movies?”

“No!” Dad replied, “But you can invite her here for dinner Saturday night.”

“Mom!” Tim called out, “Dad just told me to invite Emma over for dinner Saturday night.”

“Yes,” Mom replied, “That’s okay. The five of us.”

Tim was surprised, that hadn’t happened before. Emily came out of her room and asked what all the yelling was about. Tim told her about dinner on Saturday evening, one of her eyebrows raised a little. She knew it was unusual so went down and spoke to Mom. A few minutes later, she came back, went to Tim’s room and told him that Mom said, that Dad said, they haven’t had a family get together for quite a while and Dad wanted a nice meal and Emma’s invitation was just a courtesy to you both. Tim knew that when Mom got an attack of energy and started cooking, it was going to be a full five course menu, starting about seven in the evening and continuing until about nine when coffee would be served. A decent meal, but no movies. He shrugged and got on with his homework.

Unexpected Developments Pt 3 [Mf][Inc][Ff]

Tim didn’t get a moment alone with Emily the next day, Mom and Dad were around, or she wasn’t and Tim was thinking she was avoiding him. Late that evening, he finally got her alone and even before he took a breath, Emily said “No!” then turned away. Tim didn’t know the look on her face, she was angry, uncertain, embarrassed, confused, he had no idea. School tomorrow.

It was hard for him to concentrate, thinking of Emily sucking his dick. Emma shared a couple of classes with Tim and Emily didn’t join them for lunch. She took the bus in, not riding in his car with Emma this morning. He was getting worried. Emma tried texting her but she didn’t reply. The end of the day came, and there was nothing from Emily.

“I’m getting a bit worried,” Emma told Tim on the way home.

“Yeah, me too,” Tim said, “But there’s not a lot we can do about it until she relaxes. She’ll come around, I’m sure.”

“She’s a great kisser,” Emma said, “Soft and sensual, with nice tits. I really liked touching them. And her pussy, so soft and wet.”

Unexpecyted Developments Pt 2[MF][voy][inc]

“Once the blindfold goes on, you’re not to say anything and you have to obey every order, then when we get you on the bed, I don’t say anything at all.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Tim replied, “Just like last night with reversed roles.”

Ten minutes later, Tim was blindfolded, bound on the bed with his arms tied straight upward and his ankles tied in a slight spread of his legs. Emma’s parents were gone again, they had plenty of time for this game.

Emma moved, Tim heard her go through the door, or rather, heard the door being opened. A few minutes later, he heard the crapper being flushed, the sound of running water and Emma came back into her bedroom. He couldn’t see anything, but he heard Emma, then felt her getting on the bed. From the way the bed was moving, she was going to be sitting on his face, he thought and sure enough, he felt a hairy pussy brush his nose. He didn’t need to be asked, he immediately began lapping at the pussy, using his tongue to search for her clit. He found it, started sucking it, using his tongue to lap it at the same time.

Unexpected Developments Pt1. [MF][bd][anal]

“So you wanna try it?” Emma asked Tim.

“I dunno, it seems a little… freaky.”

“Well of course it’s a little freaky, I’m tied up and blindfolded. I’m going to be so vulnerable. You are going to be able to do anything you like, put your dick in my mouth, my pussy, even up my ass if you want. I have to trust you, completely. I do, so please, if I let you do this, can you trust me enough to do the same?”

Jeez, thought Tim what do I say to that? “You really sure?” Tim asked, thinking the return match might not be fun for him.

“Yeah,” Emma said, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and my pussy gets wet at the thought. Even now, if you were to reach into my panties, you’ll find I’m wet.”

“Jeez, Emma, we’re at school.”

“Well, okay, but-” Just then, Tim’s sister, Emily came up, willowy, blond, just like Emma.

“What’s up guys?” She asked.

“I’m inviting Tim to my place Friday night,” Emma told her.

“Tim! We’re going bowling, remember? Dad told us the other day!”

The Consummation [Mf][First]

The Consummation.

*The Proposition and Negotiation [Mast] Pt 2*

Within days of moving into the house, Mia had an interview and was expected to start a training and assessment period for a new job. Oma had started opening the house up. Peter was away for longer than expected, wouldn’t be returning for another week. Peter came home, stayed for two weeks, then left again, without making any demands on them. Oma and Mia helped themselves one night, Peter leaving on his next trip with a smile on his face. Mia’s position firmed up and she began work in a full time job on considerably better wage than she had ever had.

Peter returned from his trip and joined them for dinner on the Friday evening in the kitchen.

“Tomorrow night, we are going to have a private dinner party.” Peter started.

“Oh!” Katja replied, “How many guests?”

“Two.” And Ana knew.

“Yes, and it is about time.” she said. “Mamma has a job, you, Oma, are running the house, and it is time for me to fulfill my part.”

The Proposition and Negotiation [Mast]

*Part 1: The Proposition*

“Ana,” Oma called, “Ana, come here, you are wanted!”

“Coming!” came the reply from a small room.

Ana came into the main room saw Oma, Mamma and their ‘landlord’, Mr Cummins at the table. Rent was high here but in a good neighborhood, good school district. They were what was left of their family, after fleeing the Balkans during the wars there. They came with nothing to this country and struggled, women alone, with a baby, barely speaking English, while they were safe, they couldn’t get a real start.

“Ana, it is time you were part of this conversation. You are not a child anymore, and you need to be part of the decisions made here.” Oma said, “You’re fourteen, time you learned about the world.”