The Bigamist Part 3 [FF, FFF]


Karl was a chef with two successful restaurants, one in LA and one in Seattle. He would commute between the two businesses and stay a week at each site, before returning to the other. Karl bought a house in each city, but the only problem was that each of those houses had a wife and children living in them. Karl was caught on phone camera with his LA wife, Anna, and the Seattle wife, Julie, found it, reporting it to police.

Karl eventually received seventeen months in prison for bigamy, but when Julie and Anna met, they found each other’s company supportive and soon, very loving. While Karl was in prison, Julie sold the Seattle house and took her three children to LA, moving in with Anna.

They had been together for nearly a year. Their children getting along like all siblings but, with two moms and an absent father, they had developed stronger and closer relationships. Julie and Anna franchised the Seattle and LA restaurants and opened other franchises in San Francisco and San Diego. Business was good, and there were more restaurants being planned.

Mom and Scott [MF, inc]

This is a continuation of the stories of Katie and Kayla and their seriously sexy family.

Scott drove back to his office but his mind was not on his work. It was all routine today, nothing exciting going on right now. His conversation with his sister was going over and over in his mind. Kayla and Katie fucking, wow. They were both eminently fuckable, like their mother, they had been since they were kids. He would never have done anything about it, but he wasn’t going to lie to himself and not consider them as potential sexual partners. Besides, Alice would likely cut him off if he tried it with either of them and he didn’t want that.

Then his mind drifted further into his memory. Mom. She too was quite porkable. She’s in her mid-sixties now and still an attractive woman. Would he do her again? Sure would, he thought, she could suck his dick anytime she liked. She was- is such a great cocksucker.

The first time it happened, it was just as he told Alice, alone at home with mom.

“Scott!” he heard Mom calling him from the kitchen.

Alice and Scott: [MF, RolePlay, Inc]

Alice and Scott Pt 3.

This is a continuation of the stories around Katie and Kayla

Alice had not been too concerned that her daughters had gone too far in reconciling their differences, after all, who was she to moralize on a bit of incest. That it was lesbian incest, well that didn’t count, really. After all, she had been fucking Scott, her own brother, for the last twenty five years, he took all her virgin holes, he was the first to fuck her mouth, her pussy and her ass. She well remembered the sting of his cock breaking through her hymen, how he filled her for the first time. She loved it, and him. He was always her ‘go to guy’ for sex.

Alice planned her life carefully so she could continue fucking her brother even through her marriage. Scott was thirteen months older than Alice and they fucked for the first time on her sixteenth birthday. It wasn’t accidental at all, Alice wanted to be around Scott for as long as she had known, but it wasn’t until she was introduced to the idea of sex that she understood what it was that she really wanted.

Katie and Kayla Pt 2. [Ff, inc]

Katie woke, then stretched as far as she could. She felt a relaxation, a calmness inside her that she had never felt before. Then she remembered what happened the night before. The adrenalin grabbed her system and shock and fear took over. She fucked Kayla last night. Or Kayla fucked her with a vibrator and her tongue and she masturbated Kayla, with both her fingers and the vibrator, twice, to an orgasm.

She jumped up, out of bed, expecting to see Kayla in bed, alongside where Katie had been. No, that wasn’t right, she left Kayla’s room after experiencing twice the pleasure that a woman can give another. Katie hadn’t gone down on Kayla, but she would have, Katie thought. Perhaps next time.

Next time! She really was thinking about it, but right now, she didn’t think she wanted to even see Kayla. Her bladder was full and she didn’t want to embarrass herself so she fled into the shared bathroom. The door was unlocked and when Katie got halfway through the door, she saw Kayla, naked, just getting out of the shower. Katie was dumbstruck. For the umpteenth time Katie saw her sister naked but for the first time she saw how beautiful Kayla was in her raw form. Katie looked at Kayla as a sexual person, a lover, and she was overwhelmed with a heady rush of hormones. Her resolve to avoid Kayla dissolved in that rush.

Katie and Kayla [Ff, inc]

Katie heard a gentle tap on her door. A slight movement at the bottom drew her eyes down to piece of paper being slid under the door.

There was only one person who would do that, Mom, who probably thinks Katie is sleeping and wouldn’t want to disturb her. The only other person in the house was her sister, Kayla, who was a real bitch. Kayla was one year, seven months and three days older than Katie and for the last two years had been a real cow towards Katie.

She went quietly to the door and picked up the note. She opened it and read:

My dearest Katie,

I am so, so sorry for being such a bitch to you for the last two years.
Can you ever forgive me?


WHAT???? Katie read it again, just to see of her eyes were playing tricks on her. The handwriting wasn’t Mom’s, but the message was just wrong, it had to be. Katie immediately wondered why was Kayla setting her up?

The Twins and Mom [FFM, inc, les, cream pie]

Part 2.

Lying naked, together, in the afterglow of their having just fucked up a wild storm, Zarla surprised Ken with her comment.

“You gotta be kidding?” Ken asked.

“Not at all.”

“What makes you think mom will take it? Fuck me?”

“Look, Mom hasn’t been laid since dad was killed.”

“How do you know that? She might be getting some without you knowing.”

“No, I’d know. She’s not. On January 1st, she still cries. Ten years and she still cries. She misses him, dreadfully. She can’t have him, but she can have the next best thing. You look just like him you know.”

“Yeah, so she says.”

“And she cuddles you too.”

“Yeah, she does because she doesn’t see me all that often – well not for the last three years anyway. And she cuddles you too, you know.”

“Yes, that she does,” Zarla said, speculatively. “But there is another factor too.”


“She doesn’t cry herself to sleep at night, she also masturbates. Sometimes, when she thinks I am sleeping she gets quite loud, quite vocal.”

“With what?”

The Twins [M/F, inc, cons]

And so this is Xmas

“What are we going to get Mom for Christmas?” Kenny asked, “This is the first time she has been without Dad for years.”

“Don’t remind me,” Zarla replied to her twin brother, “The first Christmas without Dad for all of us.”

“But we still got each other.”

“I know, but this is not a good time for us,” Zarla went on, “I know, we can’t keep grieving forever, but it has only been 51 weeks on Christmas Day.”

Kenny reflected that yes, New Years Day would never mean the same for them. Dad’s car was hit on the freeway by a drunk which sent him spinning out of control into the rear bogey of a Mack truck. He didn’t stand a chance, and it was all over before he knew what hit him, the cops had told them. Small comfort and seriously tacky. The woman driving the car pleaded Not Guilty to Murder, under the “Watson” laws, but was found guilty. with a third conviction. She showed no remorse, no emotions whatsoever so got the maximum penalty, 15 to life, and that is just not enough, the kids thought. While they felt they were coping, they knew that Mom was only going through the motions.

Found Letter from December 1897 [MF]

My Dearest Molly,

My one regret about leaving is that I did not get a chance to say goodbye to you, face to face. You are, by far, the most interesting person I met this year, the most fascinating young adult I have met for a number of years. I am not in the habit of saying such things to young ladies, being of an age I am. You are, though, someone special and we just do not have enough special people like you in the world as it is.

I would have really liked to watch you grow into the obvious potential you have and maybe even have some small influence over that growth. Your greatest asset is your courage, the absolute fearlessness that so impressed me the first time I ever saw you. That kind of fearlessness will lead you into doing great things, if you channel it properly. Unfortunately, that fearlessness can also be your greatest weakness.

Drilling the Dentist [MF]

Drilling the Dentist

A few decades, now, ago, I got a call from my dental surgery that my regular dentist, Bill, had a skiing accident and had managed to damage his knees. This would mean he would be off work for a couple of months. Would I consider being treated by his replacement or would I prefer to wait. Oh, the replacement was a woman.

Today it’s a no-brainer, but at that time, it was unusual to see a woman dentist. More curious than anything else, I agreed to being treated by a woman. The work to be done was not really serious, could all be done in one session, but I didn’t want to miss that much time at work by being distracted by anesthetics and discomfort. I had arranged with Bill to see him over a three week period to do a little at a time.

The Bigamist Pt 2 [FF]

Seventeen months to serve. That’s what he got, seventeen months. Well, it could have been worse. Under Washington State law his marriage to Anna is voided, and I have already filed for divorce. Not sure how it goes in California, but my guess would be property settlement is going to not be favorable to Karl. Really, though, I didn’t care at this point. I was only interested in my affair with Anna. This woman, out of the blue, came into my life under the most incredible circumstances and turned it upside down. It wasn’t planned, it wasn’t pre-arranged, it just happened. And it was great. She had to go home after the trial, and was, I hope, waiting for me in LA.

A number of calls, a couple of emails, some text messages, and a few days later the kids and I were on the plane to LA. Mom and Dad saw us off and I was fearful, hopeful, scared, thrilled. What if she got home and realised that what happened was freakish, not to be repeated. Would she be meeting us at LAX? Or would she not turn up and say nothing? Fuck me! I am sounding like a fucking insecure teenager. Well, OK, that’s what I am right now. I’ve had a few days to cool down and now a three hour flight, five hours all up from home to LAX, and how long it will take for us to connect with Anna then get to her place – if she’s waiting for us at LAX.