The First Time I Met My Future Wife [ffm, fiction, str8, bi, some reluc, oral, voy, mast]

This is what went through my mind the first time I met my wife. It's entirely fictional, just my fantasy, except me walking in in my bath towel with my then girlfriend and her friend, my actual future wife. I've been some version of a fapstronaut for about a year and a half, but will sometimes, well fap, thinking about my wife. This is one of those fantasies I have, and thought why not write it down this time. For whatever reason, the whole thing is generic third person pronouns, he/she/her, etc. I dunno why. Also I made up a couple words. Not sure you needed to know that either. Anyway, hope you like it and without further, uh, ado(sc?)…

Edit: So tabulations don't work in Reddit.

Edit: Actually they do, it means turn the text into some kind of typewriter text. I really don't understand Reddit's CSS coding crap at all… wah.

Edit: I'm not convinced that's readable Reddit. wtf. Excuse me while I now inject extra spacing everywhere.

Edit: Let me get this straight Reddit. One actual space = no space. Two spaces = one actual space. Three spaces = two spaces. … I give up. I'm not editing this any more. For better or worse: