letting my boyfriend lose me in a bet to our dealer [26F]

We started dating when we were sixteen. We’re both from a small town in Australia where you’re basically with the same group of people through high school that you grew up with. Most people from our home town tend to stay and work around there after school finishes, so Nick and I are some of the few people to have actually moved away. We both got accepted into the same uni and now live on campus, but we’re only a three hour drive away so sometimes pop home for the weekends. We’ve stayed in touch with all of our friends from school, and this story centres around one of them, a guy named Travis.

Travis was always more of Nick’s friend than mine, I mostly just tolerated him. He was dealing weed even back when we were at school and I always assumed that was the main reason that everyone put up with him. He’s always been aggressive, arrogant, rude and insulting, literally the opposite of Nick and the rest of our friends in just about every aspect. That being said he could be fun to hang around and get high with, but I could only ever handle him in small doses. He’s also an absolute chauvinist and fuck boy. Most of our friends have dated around and been single on and off, where as Nick and I have stuck together the whole way through high school. As a result of this Travis has managed to sleep with just about every girl in our friendship group at some point. Almost all, because he’s never managed to get into my pants despite his constant efforts.

Last night I ended up in a night club used and degraded by my FWB and his friends, got myself a slut sister in the process and still can’t wrap my head around what happened… [25F]

I was out clubbing with a friend and knew it’s my FWBs birthday so just wanted to meet up and wish him all the best. We met, had few drinks and some dance and my gf left as she met her other friends, I could’ve go with them but I dunno, guess I liked the free drinks and attention from my FWB and all his buddies.

At some point they said we will be switching places and were quite hesitant about me going with them, didn’t know why but finally one of them chucked and said “because it’s a night club dummy, with like strippers and hoes and shit”. I was like ok, well never been to one in my life, at least lemme see XD

As we walked in I gasped with excitement – the place was big and had several lounges with tables in the middle with girls dancing. All the waitresses and even bartenders were super hot and wearing barely anything but super high platform heels and sexy underwear. We sat down in one of the lounges and soon got some drinks.