fiction : New neighbor

You move in to a new apartment, you’re shy and dont like to talk to new people and I am your neighbor. We pass smiles at each other sometimes in the elevator but never talk. You find me hot and I have the beard just the way you like. except for early mornings, you always find me sharply dressed. One evening as You see me having a quarrel with a lady friend, you’ve seen her before in the building but you dont know her. A few days later we cross paths in the elevator as we usually do in the evenings, i am holding a bottle of scotch. I catch you staring at her and cute as your are tuck some hair behind your ear as you say ” sorry”. I dont say anything. You try to start a conversation, “So are you having a party?” you say awkwardly, i reply “Party with one bottle?”. You stare away as you blush, i realize i was being rude and I ask you “I am drinking alone, I’d be happy to share this bottle with you” You smile and nod ” Sure, one drink or two.” I nod back. We walk into my apartment and you notice that i keep it awfully clean and organised. “Nice place” you say shyly. “Thanks” i reply. ” so what do you have like OCD or something?” you try to laugh a bit. ” No, I just have a thing to keep everything in my control and organised. Sit. make yourself comfortable” I reply as i point to the couch and without smiling as I pour you a drink. You keep looking at me as you pick up the glass. “Why were you drinking alone” you try to start a conversation. “I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago, usually I used to drink with her so …” I look at you first time, I like your grey blue eyes and obviously you have some sense of clothing as you’ve nicely styled your top. Final Thought: You’re hot.