Puppy Training [Pet Play, Mild Force, Fiction]

He sat on the couch with a scotch in his hand, joint lying ready on the table, tense and eager to relax after a long, hard workday. He was exhausted but stress prevented him from any hope of relief. He needed to rest. Soon, the evening would be over and he bristled at the thought of another grueling 12-hour-day without sleep.

He lay his head back to rest on the couch and closed his eyes. He turned his attention to his breath as his therapist had advised him to do. He didn’t know if it helped but it was better than ruminating.

After a few moments of taking deep, slow breaths and focusing on the sensations in his body, he noticed his dick lightly rubbing against the inside of his trousers with each inhale. He had relaxed just enough now for his dick to start to harden. He kept breathing. The fabric kept rubbing. His dick got harder.

Then he remembered.

He sat up and opened his eyes and peered through the darkness over to the chair at the other end of the room. Curled up in the chair was a puppy, fast asleep. She looked like an angel.

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