When His Apology is Similar to His Punishment

I huffed and wrapped the towel around my glistening, wet body, my mind conflicted between indulging in thoughts of you and getting ready for the dinner. I was in no mood to be around other people when we were mad at each other but I was also pretty mad at you, and didn’t want to sulk anymore. My phone pinged at that very moment, and I’d gotten a text on a social media app from a guy who I knew had been hitting on me. I thought about reciprocating just to get a reaction from you—you had my password and could read everything—but then I thought the better of it and just texted back, politely changing the topic. I finished getting ready, and put on a sexy little dress and heels to match and left the house for the girls night out. I was pretty much out of it the entire evening, just wrapped in your thoughts and I didn’t even realise when it was 10:30pm. You’d set my curfew to 10 and I was already very late, and even though you were mad at me so not staying at home, I felt guilty. I quickly hurried home. On reaching the door, I quietly slipped in, kept my heels aside and made way for my room to take a shower and get ready for bed. As soon as I entered my room and shut the door behind me, I was knocked into the door as one rough hand grabbed both my wrists and pinned them above my head while the other hand placed itself on my waist. I looked up in fear and surprise as my eyes met yours, your pupils dilated in anger. Surprise, because I hadn’t expected for you to be here, what with both of us being so angry at one another. I opened my mouth to ask when you raised an eyebrow, as if asking me if I really wanted to land myself in any more trouble. I quickly shut my mouth and you seemed to relax a bit. Your hand started trailing up my waist before you finally spoke.
“45 minutes. Do you know what that means?”
I shivered as your wandering hand came upon my left breast and stopped. You suddenly squeezed it hard, enough to cause pain and roared, “Answer me!”
Your voice boomed across the room and I quickly shut my eyes to keep from crying, forcing back tears and whispered, “45 s-spanks.”
You heaved a sigh and your fingers came upon my neckline, right on top of my cleavage and stopped. “Such a revealing dress, I bet everyone could see your cleavage. What did I tell you about wearing such dresses?”
I quickly answered before you could cause me any pain again, “That I’m only to wear them when you’re with me.”
“And was I with you tonight, little one?” you asked, with a menacing growl. Anger spiked in my head when I processed your words.
“It’s not my fault, if only you’d spoken to me earlier. But no! Your ego never lets you, does it? I mean-“
My head whipped to the side as I realised you’d just slapped me, mid-sentence. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt me, but definitely hard enough to shut me up. Right on cue, you tore the neckline of my dress down and realised I had no bra on. I could see the anger and lust building in your eyes as you furiously grabbed one nipple and pinched it, hard.
Lust boiled in my stomach as my mind fought to control my body, my own wrath coming down hard.
“Stop it! Get off me! Leave me alone and go away, you clearly don’t care about me as much as your ego!” I exclaimed as I struggled against your hold, trying to push you away.
My heart skipped a beat when you effortlessly threw me on your shoulder and carried me to the bed.
Before I could realise what was happening, I was trapped under you with my wrists above my head in one of your hands, my dress ripped off of my body along with my underwear, and you straddling my waist. I kept struggling against your grip until you leaned forward and bit down hard on one nipple. My back arched as I screamed, in lust or anger, I knew not. With your other hand, you secured my wrists with a soft rope and then tied it to the head of the bedpost, before using both hands to fully attack my breasts. Fingers playing with my left nipple as you sucked and bit on the right one. My nipples had always been the most sensitive and you fully took advantage of it. I moaned and writhed beneath your merciless attacks until finally, you came up and whispered in my ear, “Little girls who disobey their masters, don’t get any pleasure. 45 spanks for being late, added with 15 for dressing like a harlot and then 15 more for talking back and trying to avoid your punishment.” At that you got up, and I looked up to see you start to undress, and take out your belt.
I watched with bated breath, fear kicking in when you spoke again, “You’ve earned a good 75 spanks. And I’ll be delivering half of those with my belt because you deserve it.”
On hearing the word ‘belt’, my flight instinct kicked in and I struggled hard against the ties. You were clearly preoccupied when you tied them, because they cane loose pretty easily and I tugged my hands free. I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, trying to put some distance between us. Before I could even reach the living room, your hands grabbed my waist from behind, lifting me up with ease and grabbing my hands, as you bound them together, this time with cold metal cuffs. You carried me back inside and threw me on the bed.
“You’ve really tested my patience this time, baby girl. There’s no hope of mercy left for you now.” With that, you flipped me over onto my stomach, tucking my cuffed hands into the head of the bed post, and pulling my kicking feet apart, cuffing each to the opposite ends of the other side of the bed.
My tears came in full blow now, but they didn’t faze you. You simply said, “Save them for after I’m done with your pretty little ass.”
I buried my face into the pillow and sobbed as you rained down one hard smack of your belt, onto one soft cheek. It screamed an angry red in agony upon impact with the leather, a hot pain flashing throughout my body. “Count them, or I’ll keep increasing.”
I groaned in pain and shouted, “Screw you!”
You laughed before raining down 3 more, in quick succession, not giving my skin any time to rest. I screamed, feeling the pain to a whole new level. “Fine! I’ll count, just please, be gentler! Please!”
You said nothing but your hand came down and gently caressed my stinging ass, as if in agreement. You said, “Begin.”
“AH! Three! Oh god”
And so on it went, until my ass was so numb, I could no longer feel any of the hits. When we reached 45, you stopped.
“I could use a break,” you said.
I felt your hot breath on my ass before your tongue, as you licked the little red cheek. I arched my ass up higher and you took the bait, your fingers slipping down and caressing my aching clit, wrapping themselves in my slick juices. You coated your fingers before inserting them inside and pumping them in and out. Pressure started building up inside me and I knew I was already close, with all the whipping and smacks.
You sensed my eagerness to come, and slipped your fingers out, replacing them with your thick, hard cock. I groaned out in protest but you rammed inside anyway, thrusting hard as your hands slipped up, grabbing my breasts and tweaking my nipples hard.
I felt myself falling, and I screamed. My insides milked your thick cock as the walls contracted in my orgasm, and soon after, I felt you release your seed into my little cunt. You pulled out and the remnants of your come dripped down on my red, bruised ass. You leaned forward and kissed my cheek, before getting up, and walking off. I heard you walking back and shuffle on the bed, before I felt an ice-pack gently placed on my sore aching bottom. You pressed it for a while, and then applied some lotion on them. I kept my face buried in the pillow, satisfied and spent but still unwilling to look at you or speak to you.
When you were done tending to my sore ass, you undid my cuffs and caressed the imprints of the metal on my wrists and ankles as well.
Finally, you lifted up my face and kissed me, pulling me gently into your lap. I hesitantly kissed back, your strong arms wrapped around me like a vine. I buried myself into your neck and broke down.
“Hey hey, look here,” you lifted my face and gazed into my teary eyes, “I’m sorry I went so hard on you, I was angry. I get that you were angry too but we both needed that release. Don’t you think?”
I sniffled and slowly nodded my head, “Yes, yes we did.”
“There’s my good girl. Now come, let daddy tuck you into bed. He still has to finish some work that he left hanging in order to come here and punish you.”
I smiled against your neck, and whispered, “I love you, daddy.”
You tucked me under the blanket as you placed a kiss on top of my forehead. The last thing I heard was, “I love you too my little pet.” And then I was out like a light, drifting into a deep slumber where I dreamt of my master, my daddy, punishing me again.

Categorized as Erotica