Boss and Secretary Fantasy Part II

Your mind is reeling as you try to pierce the haze of your distraction and impose order on your fragmented thoughts:

“How did he know”
“Does anyone else know?”
“What’s he going to THINK of me, oh God….”
“What if someone sees us?”
“What’s he gonna think of my body? Why the HELL didn’t I get up and work out today like I planned to, and skip that goddamn chocolate croissant??? Fuck you, Starbuck’s”
“Jeeeeezus, that feels SO GOOD! I haven’t been touched like this since…. ” Your inner monologue trails off, unwilling to dredge up painful memories of your last serious boyfriend, the one that got away.

Chuckling softly as if telepathically aware of this inner turmoil, the same strong masculine voice that sounded so menacing on the phone behind a closed door this morning, all of a sudden sounds….different, but the same too… as if it had all of its hard edges filed down and rounded off, and now resonates in a velvety baritone evenness, as soothing as distant thunder:

“You….. do know it’s mutual, right? God, I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you… “

Boss and Secretary Fantasy, Part I

Upon request from a very special follower of mine, here’s my first stab at writing erotica from a male perspective: a little office sex fantasy to brighten up the workweek!

So tonight is the night before the proverbial big deal is to close. Tomorrow morning the head guy on the sell side, and I,and all of our various lieutenants and flunkies will be sitting on opposite sides of the large oak boardroom table, having a metaphorical dick measuring contest, as some have taken to calling it, to see who gets the better end of this deal. Millions are st stake and tensions are high, but this…

THIS is what I live for: modern day single combat against a worthy adversary

Well, that and other things…

I’m hunched over my desk, brow furrowed as I pore over piles of documents and financial esoterica, probing for any potential weakness in tomorrow’s strategy.

All of the clock-watchers have gone home, and The office is dimly lit, save for my desk lamp and, hundreds of feet below us, the red and white river of late-night traffic visible on the highway outside my floor to ceiling window