Daddys Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 8]

# Daddys little princess chapter 8

stretching as I wake up, for a split second I forget what we had done this morning but the pain as I stretched soon reminds me, gasping and winching as I feel the soreness radiating from the whelps. Slowly I roll to my side and look at the clock 12:36pm. Smiling as I slip out of bed, despite the aching I feel pretty good. Winching as I pull my dressing gown on, feeling the material brush against my back, as and thighs, reminding me what we did, but also reminding me why I got punished so harshly. Shaking my head at my own stupid actions as I open the bedroom door, closing my eyes and breathing deeply a gorgeous smell floats up the hall, sniffing again trying to work out what it is that I can smell, slowly I make my way down the hall, smiling as I realise one s the smells is bacon, “your cooking daddy” I giggle to myself, having vision of the mess in my kitchen from your attempt at cooking.

Daddys Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 7]

# Daddys little princess chapter 7 (this will be the last chapter for a little while)

Slowly paddling down the hall I wrap my pink fluffy dressing gown tightly round myself, shivering I mumble to myself “i hate getting out of a warm bed” sighing as I stop in my stop and wriggle my toes in the carpet, smiling to myself. As I get closer to the kitchen I can hear banging and crashing “what in the world is that man doing” peeking round the door, a confused look spreading across my face as I watch you emptying every cupboard, draw and shelf in our kitchen, the work surfaces are covered with pots/pans/plates you have even pulled all my spices out of their rack. Shaking my head as I watch you, creeping slowly to the table I quietly pull out a chair and stare transfixed by what you are doing, so lost in what ever the task is that you are trying to achieve you dont even notice me speak to you, clearing my throat I speak a bit louder “Dadddyyyy??” without even looking up you snap “WHAT!!!” at me. Confused and hurt by your tone I nervously bite my lip “not..tthing daddy”. As I watch you I see your shoulders slump and can almost hear the sigh “im sorry princess, daddy didn’t mean to snap, good morning” still stinging from how you spoke to me I answer you slightly colder than normal “morning daddy” “I’m sorry princess, daddy didn’t mean to snap, good morning” still stinging from how you spoke to me I answer you slightly colder than normal “morning daddy”

Daddys Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 6]

Daddy’s Little Princess chapter 6

The second half of the day seemed to fly by, my mind wandering a lot, replaying what happened out the back earlier, smirking as I serve the customers knowing that I have no panties on, blushing as I swear they all know what happened I mean I can smell the sex on me, every time I move I can feel your cum leaking out of me making me have to stifle a giggle. Then as soon as that thought leaves my head the other one enters, what had been going on then, why was Charlie there, what are you going to say when you get home, how angry are you still going to be, what is my punishment going to be. How could I have been so stupid to run from him, to try and hide if nothing he has always told me to be honest and upfront with him. All of a sudden I felt an agonising pain in my hand which snapped me back to reality, looking down I had got so lost in my own thoughts I wasn’t paying attention and had over filled the customers flat white and burnt my hand with the hot milk in the process. Biting my lip so as not to swear in front of the customer “Sarah” I shout through gritted teeth “can you please finish this gentlemans order I need to deal with my hand” Sarah took one look at my face and glanced down at my hand “go Sasha I got it” it hurriedly took over and ushered me out of the way, apologizing for the delay to the customer I scurried out the back to find the first aid kit.

Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 5]

# Daddy’s Little Princess chapter 5

So far this morning I have been to busy to worry about anything apart from the orders coming in, turns out that the coffee shop round the corner shut down over the weekend and all their customers have been coming in to our little coffee shop instead this morning. We now had a lull before the lunch time rush start

“Sarah im going to go have my lunch break now, before we get slammed again”

“ok Sasha, is it ok if I have mine after you get back”

I look up as I finish the last order I have sitting in front of me, looking over to Sarah. She is short about 5.4 5.5 I would say she’s pretty but not overly, more like the girl next door, with her long brown straight hair pulled back in a high ponytail, and her hazel well I think they are hazel coloured eyes. She isn’t daddys type to flat chested and not enough curves for his taste but still a pretty young lady.

“yeah of course Sarah, I will be about 45minutes, then as long as we arent busy you can go for your break then mate”

Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 4]


# Chapter 4

Not sure what the time is as I struggle to wake, gently rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I try to adjust to the darkness in the room. Glancing at the bedside clock as a yawn escapes my lips, realising it’s only 1.37am no wonder its still pitch black. Trying in my sleepy mind to work out what woke me when I realise i’m alone in our bed. That’s when I see the light creeping under the bedroom door. Confused as to why you aren’t in bed I decide to come search for you, sighing as I untangle myself from the bedding and swing my legs out of bed, gasping as I feel my warm feet touch the cold wooden floor. Flicking on the bedside lamp so I can find my robe the light causing me to blink a few times as my eyes adjust. Pausing in the open door I can hear your voice, you sound muffled like your underwater or whispering or something.

Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 3]

# Chapter three

Standing in the shower our bodies intertwined as we slowly come down from our explosive orgasms. The mixture of the hot water with the cold air hitting my skin causing my body to contort as small explosions of pleasure erupt through out my body, the heady scent of our sex lingering in the steam making my legs start to buckle and my head spin so much so that I need to reach out placing my hands on the cold wet titles to stop from collapsing.

Still impaled on your slowly softening erection my blushing red back side rippling as my body squirms with the last waves of my climax, giving my arse it a playful squeeze before your arms encompass my quivering frame as I try to bring my breathing back under control. The feel of your warm breath on my neck as you shudder with the remaining pleasure of the orgasm that we just shared. Without even thinking about it I tilt my head away from your lips, exposing my neck and throat completely to you.

Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 2]

# Chapter two

Gently I shake my head bringing the present back into focus. Sighing as I look around the apartment, without you there it feels empty and cold. Realising my cheeks are even colder than the rest of me, I bring my hand up to my face. My cheeks are wet….. the memory has brought tears to my eyes!!! Slowly wiping my tear stained face, I remind myself that tomorrow is nearly here and that i get to curl up with you. Ignoring the world for the day just us together, smiling as the thoughts of the welcome home I have planned invade my mind.

Looking at my watch I suddenly realise that charlie will be round in an hour. “Fuck, where the hell has today gone” i mutter under my breath. Smiling as I think about how she has been amazing this week keeping me company, I would have been a total disaster this past week without her. No doubt she thinks i’m mad, having spent most of last night a blubbering wreck. Sitting there in my slobby old pj’s, watching a romantic comedy and eating a tub of my favourite ice cream (with just a spoon). Such a typical heart broken girl. However it’s been good to catch up, i didn’t realise how much i missed my best friend until now.

Daddy’s Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 1]

# Chapter one

It’s late Friday afternoon, the sun is low but still baking hot. My clothes are clinging to me as i walk the last few steps to my front door, sighing as i walk through the open door. Having left the AC on all day the apartment is nice and cool, its just a relief after a long day at work….hell its been a long week. You have been away all week for work, my body is longing for your touch. Night time is the worst, going to bed alone has become a nightmare. Craving to just curl up in your arms, to feel your firm body holding me safe. Sleep has been my only release as you have met me in my dreams.I chuckle to myself at the fact that the strict rules you left me, are pinned to the fridge so i have no excuses.

As i carefully slip my pumps off and hang my coat up, my mind wanders to the morning you left. It’s early Monday morning and i’m still in bed, not having to be in work till midday, i’m making the most of it and having a lay in . Yawning as i roll over, your side of our bed i realise is empty, frowning as i wonder where you are. You don’t normal let me wake up without my coffee waiting, when your up first.

Daddy’s little ones treat (princess was a good girl)

I curl up behind you my hands gently massaging your scalp as I kiss your neck softly “I’m sorry your having a stressful day daddy” Gently my fingers work their way down your neck to your shoulders, my supply fingers kneading the knots in your shoulders.

You sigh closing your eyes, enjoying my touch. I hear you exhale deeply “Thank you baby girl” you whisper. You reach round and pull me to your side, your hands cupping my face. You smile sweetly before kissing me softly and holding me tight in your arms

I smile and snuggle into u as i curl up on your lap, kissing u back softly, purring gently as we kiss. getting lost in our lips on each others, enjoying the taste of u, the feel of u

Your wrap me even tighter in your arms, pulling me deeper into our kiss and pressing your body against mine

I moan softly enjoying the feel of your strong body pressing against mine, feeling myself slowly melting into u. never wanting to move never wanting to be any where else. i gently nibble your bottom lip. my nails running through your hair scraping your scalp gently

Good Morning (daddy loves it when i wake him like this)

It’s still early, the sun is still rising. I can feel the sunbeams slowly dancing over my warm exposed skin. I smile, just a little, the corners of my mouth just curling up. I still haven’t opened my eyes. I don’t want to wake because I know, once I do, the day has to start and that means we are busy and we don’t see each other.

I shift slightly and your arm which I hadn’t felt draped round me tightens, holding me firm against you. I stifle a giggle not wanting to wake you.I can feel your heart beat in my back.Your warm breath on my neck, sending goosebumps dancing across my skin.Without even thinking abut it my fingers gently slide over your forearm, my nails tickling your skin so softly it’s almost like feather light kisses.

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