M42 F37 A soft morning fuck

I woke up with an painfully hard erection. It’s always the first thing I notice when I emerge from slumber aroused – that hot, rigid sensation in my pajama pants begging to be freed. The second thing I noticed was how good it felt because it was pressed against something warm and soft. The fog of sleep slowly evaporated as I groaned lightly, pushing my hips forward to press my shaft into that pillowy flesh. As I opened my eyes, the soft yellow morning light was filtering through the blinds, casting a gentle glow on the figure breathing peacefully next to me. She was pushing up against me with her back on my chest, my arm was wrapped around her stomach under her large breasts, and her ass shoved against my thick member.

I laid there for a few minutes, tensing and relaxing my dick against her asscheek. As I flexed myself repeatedly, I drew my arm up over her soft cotton shirt and began to unbutton it. She shifted and sighed quietly, turning her head up to the ceiling. The glow of sunlight illuminated her pale face, her lightly red lips, and her sandy blonde hair. I didn’t know it was possible to fall more in love, but I felt it well up inside of me. She shifted again and I pulled my hips away, allowing her to roll onto her back and her peaceful face nodded towards me.

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M42 F41 F19 Visiting her boyfriends house over the weekend (Part 3/3) (slightly rough sex, FFM action, creampie, breeding talk)

That evening, Kelsey sat down with Bill, Alice and Mr. Miller for dinner. At some point, Alice had laughed when Kelsey addressed him as “Mr. Miller.” “Oh, just call him Jack,” she said as she kissed her husband on the cheek. He grinned and nodded his assent – but his flashing eyes told her something else. She couldn’t think of him as anything other than Mr. Miller. Calling him “Jack” felt wrong, felt too familiar – like she was his equal or something.

Bill dug into the peppers, lauding Alice and Kelsey for the great job they did making his favorite meal. Mr. Miller didn’t say much, other than giving his son a few light hearted jabs about spending all afternoon in the bedroom playing poker. “C’mon Dad, I’m getting better. I made 50 bucks today!”

“What are you going to spend it on?” Mr. Miller said, taking a sip of dark red wine. He had poured a glass for both Bill and Kelsey as well. She placed the glass to her lips and swallowed a small portion. The alcohol tasted sweet and sour at the same time and burned on its way down her throat. She had never had any wine before this, and found she really liked the taste. By the time the dinner was over, she had three glasses of it. Mr. Miller seemed to have a sixth sense of it, and kept pouring more into her tall wineglass. Alice didn’t seem to mind at all, so Kelsey slowly lost her hesitation at drinking.

M42 F18 Visiting her boyfriend’s house over the weekend (part 2/?) (groping, blowjob, dub-con, age gap)

Kelsey floated by herself in the pool, her head clouded with the events that seemed to last for hours and yet were probably only a few minutes. His fingers on her ankle, crawling up her leg, to her thigh… she closed her eyes and squeezed her legs shut, feeling her pussy throb with tension and desire. His hand was so close to her, just a few more seconds, and it would have been between her legs, stroking her, making her feel… wanted… desired.

She paddled her way back to the edge of the pool breathing heavily. Once she pulled herself out, she dried her smooth, pale legs free from the water and wrapped the towel around her waist. Alice opened the sliding glass door that led to the kitchen and called out to her. “Kelsey! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the pool. Jack said you found your way in.” The older woman stepped outside, followed by Mr. Miller. He stood behind her with a small, smirking grin on his face as Alice placed her hands on Kelsey’s shoulders with a wide, happy expression.

“Oh my god, you’re so cute. Bill is such a lucky kid,” Alice said, and pulled Kelsey into a hug.

M42 F18 Visiting her boyfriend’s house over the weekend (part 1/?) (No sex, lots of set up)

“Hey, are you almost ready?” Bill’s voice called from the front door, impatient and anxious. Kelsey shoved a few more articles of clothing into her suitcase, zipped it up, and then grabbed her backpack stuffed with textbooks and notebooks. Even if they were just going off campus for a few days, she wanted to get some studying done. High school was nothing compared to the pressures she felt from her professors in college.

Kelsey stopped to glance in the mirror, ignoring another call from her boyfriend at the door. She brushed a few strands of strawberry red hair from her forehead and frowned at herself. Anxiety shivered through her body as she contemplated the forthcoming weekend. She and Bill had been dating for about a month, and this past week asked if she wanted to spend the weekend at his parents house. She couldn’t lie, the offer excited her. Meeting her boyfriends parents, that was a big deal. Or at least, she thought it was – that was what her own parents always said. When a boy had you meet his parents, that meant he was serious. He was in it for the long haul.

M29 F19 The evening after the speech team dinner (part 4 and final)

The team piled into the bus for the short drive from the restaurant to the motel we were staying at. I sat with Mick and we went over our events for the day, as well as what we had going for the next day. Amy and Deanne sat up near the front and spoke in low tones to one another. When we disembarked, Jack gathered us in his own room for a debrief. It was a typical post-first day tournament session where he told us what he had been seeing, gave any of the team notes if he was able to sit in one of their events, and a final rousing pep talk to get us pumped for the next day.

“We’re going to do be doing some last minute coaching as well,” he announced finally right before the meeting broke up. “Elliott, you’re up first. Mick and Arnon will do some prompts with you here for half an hour, then Deanne you’re up next with your persuasion. Amy and Joseph will watch you for that.” He kept speaking, but I had already tuned out as I looked across the room to Amy, who flashed me a brilliant smile. I couldn’t concentrate as I racked my brain, trying to come up with some sort of plan after we met up tonight. While the previous nights events were intoxicating, especially with Deanne sleeping (or maybe not) just a few feet away, the implied promise Amy and I made to each other in the little hallway required just a little more privacy. At least, that was my estimation.

M29 F19 Dinner after the speech tournament (no sex, light petting and kissing)

The alarm clock blared and my eyes snapped open. I could feel the desire for sleep still tugging at me, but the events of the previous night were electric jolts in my brain. I had returned to my room, Mick none the wiser, and crawled into my own bed. The mattress was hard and lumpy, and it took me a while to relax enough to slip away into peaceful slumber. Well, that’s what I thought it was going to be – but my brain, fully cognizant of the fact that I did not get myself off while pleasuring Amy, filled my dreams with wild sexual fantasies of all types.

Mick was already in the shower, so I flipped on the TV just as a time waster until it was my turn. My phone rumbled on the side table, and I flipped it open. It was from Amy.

“good luck today! *kiss*”

I grinned and my fingers rapidly tapped out my response. “You too! You and Deanne are gonna kill it.” They were excellent speakers, and had been racking up first and second place medals all through the season, and I suspected this weekend would be no different. As for me, the desire to see last nights events to their conclusion and the demands of the upcoming day were warring in my brain for supremacy. With not a little effort, I tried to force my lurid desires down and focus on the tournament.

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29m 19f In the speech team hotel room, a short story (pussy licking and fingering) (part 2 from earlier)

At around 1AM, the bus pulled to a stop outside the motel. It was only a few miles away from the campus, so it wouldn’t take us too long in the morning to get dressed and make it there by 8AM, the time of the first events. Of course, I was scheduled for one of those early morning events – an impromptu speech that would last anywhere between 5 and 7 minutes. The bus shuddered to a halt and Amy blinked up at me, smiling, and we untangled ourselves from the blanket as the rest of the bus roused to our coach, Jack, yelling for everyone to get off and get to bed. Sleep was important to Jack – he always said that those who got no sleep would get no medals.

“I’ll see you later then,” Amy said as she rolled her shoulders. Her friend, Deanne, waved her hand and Amy smiled at me before turning away and following her bestie down the aisle. I waited for a few moments before I gathered my things and disembarked.

29M 19F On the speech team bus, a short story

This is a true story.

When I was attending community college, I decided to join the speech and debate team. Public speaking terrified me, so I figured the best way to get over that fear was by jumping head first into the deep end and speak competitively. In front of other people, both strangers and friends. That’s how I found myself on a bus almost every weekend, travelling to a nearby college to take part in their forensics speech tournaments.

We had over fifteen people on our team, but the one this story about is Amy. She was a pleasant faced young woman, just turned 19 years old, only about 5’4″. She usually wore jeans and large sweatshirts, but the rare occasions that she wore skirts or blouses, it was easy to see that she had an absolutely smoking body. Her blue eyes were bright and happy and she always wore her blonde hair up in a loose bun. She and I had shared a light flirtation over the past few months – I think my being older was something she found attractive. At 29, I was the oldest member of the team.

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