Personalized Sex Stories

Hello ladies and gentlemen of r/sexystories. I am a freelance writer and I have always enjoyed writing erotic stories for fun. As such I thought it would be fun to write personalized stories for people. I’m not too sure how much of a demand there is for such a service, but I guess I will never know until I try.

I think a fun exercise before I ask people for money would be to do a bunch of free stories for people. I will write a personalized story for the first twenty people who PM me. I would encourage the stories I write to be personal, so I don’t mind if anyone doesn’t want there’s to be public. However I would like all the people who I wrote free stories for to write an honest review in the comments. All criticism is welcome since that is the only way I can improve. Also, I would like to know if anyone would actually be willing to pay for something like this if the quality is good. I am considering making the transactions bitcoin only since that will provide a lot of anonymity for both parties.