[F, Fictional Monster] Beauty and the Beast

“The jury has returned with their verdict. The defendant, April Taylor, has been found guilty of 20 counts of bestiality, 256 counts of videotaping bestiality, and 276 counts of harassing Sasquatches.”

I couldn’t help but smile as the judge read the verdict. Had it really been that many times?

“Ms. Taylor, I sentence you to pay a fine of $110,000 and to serve ten years for each count of harassing Sasquatches, to be served concurrently, and five years for each count of bestiality and videotaping bestiality, also to be served concurrently but not during your time served for harassing Sasquatches,” the judge said.

A police officer came to lead me out of the courtroom. Before I left, I turned back to see my parents and siblings before the officer hauled me off to jail. Their heads were all down – presumably too ashamed of me to look. I couldn’t blame them, but I have no guilt for what I’ve done.

The officer placed me in handcuffs and together we walked in silence to a county van, where I was then told I would serve my 15-year sentence at the Washington State Women’s Correctional Center in Acme, Washington. Acme is only about half an hour away from my ranch in Glacier.