A text message conversation I had with a very special friend :)

Him: Do you have any fantasies you'd like to someday act out?

Her: I've told you some of them :P

Him: [Picture of a raised eyebrow and a lip, being bitten, AKA 'That Look'] Only some?

Her: You look really fucking sexy in that picture

Him: Hmm. So let's say, hypothetically, we're together and I give you that look. Its on. Clothes go flying and I satisfy your every desire in a whirlwind of sexual voracity. You come back to reality, hair disheveled, your eyes doing that squinty thing you do when you're in post orgasmic bliss when you realized I haven't came yet. You look at me and see a challenge in my eyes, you rise to it, you're gonna make me cum so hard that I won't even form words until ten minutes after. How do you do it?

Her: Well, to start, I push you onto your back

You might resist, but I would have none of that

I do whatever nessisarly to make sure you end up on your back.

Then, I take a minute, and I look at you I look at every single inch of you, so you can feel and watch me check you out. Admire you.