Pulled over

I was driving home after work, it was about 11:00pm. I was on a dark road with absolutely no other cars in site. It was a long road with street lamps, but it still appeared dark. There were scattered trees lining the roads and houses alongside them. The window in my car was cracked open and I felt the warm summer air coming in through the window as I flew down this road. I was going about 65 in a 30. I didn’t think about it since I felt so good, I just wanted to get home and there were no cars on the road anyway. I was singing along with the song on the radio and suddenly I see red and blue lights flashing behind my car. “Oh fuck” I said out loud. I knew I was speeding and I was speeding almost 35 over the limit.

I pull to the side of the road, thinking of an excuse I could make… hoping the cop won’t be too hard on me.
The cop pulls his car behind mine and walks up to my window. I already rolled the window down and had my license and registration in hand, prepared for the question.
“Good evening” said the cop. He was about a 40 year old man, handsome, a little chubby, but had a stern face and big eyes.
“Hello.” I replied.